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Anyone Play World of Warcraft?

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I recently got back into the game with the "free Cataclysm" promo, and was wondering if anyone else played?

My current Main is a Horde Death Knight and a secondary main being a Tauren Druid (I say secondary because I rarely use this toon since I'm doing one of the longest and most annoying quest chains in the game - 20 daily quests for a mount I'll use for like 5 levels or so till I get my flying mount)

Main on another server is also a tauren druid, but if there are a bunch of bronies on any specific server I'm more than glad to create another char there ;)

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I stopped playing about a year ago. Since then I've played it on and off a few times, not for very long though. My main was a Tauren Paladin. I also had a Druid, Death Knight and Rogue within the 80s, but I didn't play them as much. I may start playing again when the expansion comes out cuz I'd love to kill bring Garrosh Hellscream to justice.

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Well if you want history...

I started just after Burning Crusade came out, my then-fiance was huge into WoW, so I joined and got hooked, sadly I soon outpaced her and she decided she didnt want to play anymore (when she was higher level, it was fine, but when I got to be a higher level... yeah, she didnt take well to me helping her out) I played for maybe a year or so, got caught int he then-huge gap between 23rd and 35th level or so, and stopped for 6-12 months, came back for a bit, stopped again, played a few 7-days-free promos I got, and then got back into it when Cataclysm was released, unfortunately I couldn't afford to keep playing (or upgrade to cata) so until the free upgrade promo, I left, now I'm back for at least 2 months.

If anyone wants to come back let me know and I'll hook you up with a Scroll of Resurrection (and all the bonuses it gives :D)

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I used to play, and I don't really have any plans to go back (even with pandas). It's so stinking boring, and the community? Ha.

I actually like the new quest-chains, they're much more story-based.

Also... Current Main:


Current Alt:


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Used too! But only because Rosie was there. When she left the game really dried up. *Not that it was pretty boring already, I had pretty much given up farming gear or raiding when cata first came out. Dumping all my really hard earned gear from the lich king expansion to a vendor, just to replace it with a new better green item was just so disheartening. All those hours work for nothing! It felt like such a waste of time to try gearing up again.

However I did have fun earning double loremaster, completing "insane in the membrane" With shendralar faction! And giving rosie a Vial of the Sands, dragon mount potion.

For anyone that knows what those are heh.

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and proofs:


twenty freaking days! One of the rarest mounts in the game (because it takes so buckin' long to get) that i will now use for all of 5 levels untill i get my flying mount...

...yeah a little lame; 5 levels..., but still I DID IT!!! (lol)

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I saw just now that they're allowing mounts to be account-specific, so you can potentially enjoy that on other toons that you roll. That includes the Vial!

Too bad WoW is soooo boring now. Ugh.

I kind of hope they'd do account-bound feat of strength titles -- I'd love to run around with Herald of the Titans (gearcheck Algalon), Argent Crusader (gearcheck deathless ToC), Death's Demise (Yogg 25 realm first), Undying (deathless Naxx), and Champion of Ulduar (deathless Ulduar) as a lowbie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my main, a rather handsome looking Night elf by the name.... Noctriix?! How Unoriginal! He was my arena champion, who was decked out in the Dragon Soul dungeon gear before my last 30 days clocked out.


I also have an obsession with Shamans, so I made a Tauren named Malacrax. Note, A Tauren playing a class it SHOULD be playing.... Bucking Paladins


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I saw just now that they're allowing mounts to be account-specific, so you can potentially enjoy that on other toons that you roll. That includes the Vial!

Now that would be nice since I just rolled an 80... (SoR perk, never actually used) I could get some really awesome mounts from that char! (especially when I roll a char on a server alone to play with somone and I dont have a large gold-grinding high-level bad-flank to leech from... my original main's only "flying mount" is flight form lol)

This is my main, a rather handsome looking Night elf by the name.... Noctriix?! How Unoriginal! He was my arena champion, who was decked out in the Dragon Soul dungeon gear before my last 30 days clocked out.


I also have an obsession with Shamans, so I made a Tauren named Malacrax. Note, A Tauren playing a class it SHOULD be playing.... Bucking Paladins


...an elf... I BUCKING HATE ELVES!!!!! (sorry, very bad experiences heh... my original main was always, ALWAYS PK'd by elfs, never met one that didnt PK me...) (and to the grammar... er... you know... out there, yes that IS correct, multiple instances of a single is "elfs" as opposed to single isntances of a multiples being "elves" ;):P)

Paladins were ruined long, long before WoW, trust me, DND was where the slot for the stick up the flank was first added... -_-

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I'm going to PM you a message and a soundclip as to what My response would be over my headset any time I'd get killed by a Paladin... It will most like (as in 100%) be NSFW, so fair warning on that, or I'll Just bronify it. :)

Well, I'm sure you wouldn't like Noctriix very much....His Aimed shots would hit 70k crits and his chimera shots would hit at 30+ k, and heal for roughly 10k. Not to mention, he's fully trained in first aid, has roughly 4k resilience in Full pvp gear, and has a pet for every situation :D, and no, stick with "elves", it's more pleasing to the eye.

Plus, I play D&D as well... I didn't mind them very much in online pvp... as I played a drow immune to Holy Damage ;D

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  • 1 month later...

I play WoW SOMETIMES, that is, if I can be bothered or have a motive, and if there is nothing better to do. I find it rather boring questing on my own and have recently got back into it from a long time off if you will.

Started playing back in the 60 capped vanilla with little success (to cut is short, I failed at the game, okay?) and gave up after getting half way through TBC.

Got back into it again in Wrath and got myself a level 1-80 hunter then decided that there was nothing more for me in the game (seeing as I don't have time to raid at the 'usual' times) so I gave up again. Got into it like a month or two ago though and started my first horde char, although have been neglecting the game for about two weeks.

Play a level (47 now?) Undead Disc Priest on Defias Brotherhood EU. Would happily play with someone who wants to just level and enjoy the game!

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  • 3 months later...

I've been playing WoW off and on since the end of Vanilla and after almost 8 years of gaming, I still do not know what to think about it. I was a hardcore raider through BC and up into Ulduar of WotLK, and since then have played casually, taking a few months break every now and then. I recently just started again with Mists and am leveling a Pandaren Brewmaster.

There is a lot to like about WoW, however I cannot help but feel that Blizzard is just very lazy in terms of catering towards what players want. Raid encounters are becoming less and less creative, and I am seeing the same mechanics in this current expansion that I have already experienced in previous expansions. Class balancing is an overall mess, with sweeping and massive buffs and nerfs every patch that do little to accomplish anything. At the end of the day, however, as a casual player I enjoy WoW for what it is, and I try not to "look under the hood" so to speak.

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I should mention that the endless tie-ins and references just did it for me, that is when I decided to call it quits and say that generally Blizzard got lazy... I could imagine like maybe one or two tie-ins or references that would have been ok, but they didn't even do anything to change the names they just had like "Lieutenant Lane" or "Harrison Jones" or something like that and yeah.. I prefer SW:ToR or GW2

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