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Zealot last won the day on July 19 2015

Zealot had the most liked content!

1 Follower

RP Characters

  • Character 4
    Stiletto (CC)
  • Character 3
    Lightout (WOE)
  • Character 2
    Glimmer (WOE)
  • Main Character
    Clandestine (CC)

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Writing, video games, D&D, MLP...
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Zealot's Achievements

20% Cooler

20% Cooler (6/9)



  1. I'm off. Bye Canterlot. I will be around for the next few days in case I need to wrap something up, otherwise I will be leaving this site. I just can't justify checking it anymore. Please let me know if I don't have you on Skype and I still talk to you. Though, I'm pretty sure I have everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eventide


      Seemed more of a heads up than making a big deal of it to me, but I guess that's a matter of opinion. :blush:

    3. Zeig


      Definitely a matter of opinion. 


      Thanks for the heads up Zealot. It would have been really sad and confusing if you'd just stopped using the site without a word. I enjoyed RPing with you a lot. Hope to see you around online, maybe in the future!

    4. Zealot


      I'm not looking to stir up anything guys. I'm just not going to be using Canterlot anymore so I wanted to make sure everyone I wanted to keep talking to had me on skype. Which it looks like they do. Besides, I wouldn't want to just poof without a word, that's rude in my book. Heh.


      Anyway, yeah. Thanks for the roleplay Zeig. Maybe I will see you around, maybe not.

  2. Caribou Plague ehh? Things are looking up. :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bellosh



      I would be more than happy with mass caribou genocide. 

      So you'd be happy to see this adorable, pure-hearted caribou gone forever? :(

    3. SunsetSombra



    4. Zealot


      Yes. Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!

      Seriously, yes.

  3. I'm out. Bye guys.

  4. Could we RP on Discord and in FFA? 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Zealot


      Perhaps, could be fun. 

    3. Novaburst


      Could you set up the thread? 

    4. Zealot


      I am about to go to bed I'm afraid. I will set up the thread soon though.

  5. Crunch is now over. Yay! Posts will commence soon.

  6. Two/Three weeks of crunch... Oh yeah. I'm ready!

  7. Unfortunately, nobody knows how to cook anymore. In my experience, they're scared of ovens and hobs and whatnot, they microwave things or get takeaway because it's easy. I'm a novice myself, and if I'm learning a new recipe, I don't eyeball it. In fact, I just flat out ignore recipes that don't give me exact measurements. Because, I'll start with those measurements and ingredients, then learn how I want it. Then when I've cooked it a few times I'll start to wing it. Even after doing it for a few years, I'm still terrified of the thing. I'll cook what I know before trying to cook something else, and if that thing isn't clear on what I should do, I'll abandon it and try and make something else out of it. I would advise putting suggested measurements in your recipes, and just noting down that is just what you think it should be. That should be enough to give some folks confidence enough to try it. Just something to think about. Cooking is hard, and people are scared of cooking nowadays. I feel making stuff easy and approachable is the way to go.
  8. Haven't updated my status in a while. Suffice to say, tired and irritable as usual.

  9. Hmm... Canterlot is back up. I will assume this is entirely for my benefit since it's my birthday :P

  10. That moment when you sit down to make a monster hunter / mercenary character, and then you realise you basically just made Geralt of Rivia. Ugh... here come the tweaks.

  11. Been playing the Xcom Board Game. It's pretty fun, I recommend.

  12. There's a list? Must have missed it. Ehh, still, that's boring. Oh well, guess I'll just play it elsewhere.
  13. What about an immortal spirit? I wanted to play one of my characters with their extended canon. They're not too powerful, though if threatened they could resort to magic which would be the equivalent of a medium/high level battle mage unicorn. Most of the time they use their magic to spread happiness, confidence and to aid in their own personal struggles. They don't know on a conscious level they're part powerful immortal spirit, and to everyone else they appear like an average pony. Sort of a symbiotic relationship, the spirit tags along and assists them while enjoying seeing them lead that pony's life. They're not even aware of the spirit's existence unless directly threatened, or if a curious pony spots something off and gets very curious about it, or if they are discovered via some sort of magic.
  14. Oh dear... well, like I said. Valentines day is the worst day on the calender anyway, might as well make it worse. Hmm... wonder if there some setting or another to disable the banner... :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zealot


      It's not a big deal, hehe. I'm just teasing really. Sorry for the confusion. Just thought it would make someone chuckle.

    3. Lyipheoryia
    4. Zealot
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