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Luna's great Las Pegasus (mis)adventure - {Story development phase}


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1000 years away from the world could really leave quite a gap in anyones life - if anyone could attest to that fact, it was none other than Princess Luna, who had until a couple of years back been a part of the celestial energies that encompass the moon itself. Such an experience and it's aftermath had left a sizeable hole in the princesses 'knowledge' of events and cultural mindsets upon her return as things in Equestria had changed in ways even she could never have anticipated...the will of Equestria to develop ever onward and evolve showing itself in full force.


Still, in her bid to become more fluent in the ways of those she had not been a part of for the last few hundred years, Luna had managed to do a formidable level of research of what she had missed, and things that everypony should at least have some knowledge about.


So it was via this thirst to catch up that had led her to Las Pegasus...and it was there that, currently, Luna sat upright in a rather splendid room of a hotel she remembered not the name of - having only been truly 'awake' for the last 5 minutes with no guards in sight and no sign of an entourage either. This would be odd enough for a princess, true, but the really rather remarkable element of this situation was that Luna couldn't remember the last 12 hours.


Apparently, the concept of drinking in moderation had gotten lost somewhere along the way...


" Oh goodness... " Luna uttered to herself in what was currently the quietest room she'd been in for quite a long while. USUALLY, there were others around to make themselves busy under her presence - and whilst she often appreciated the work of such individuals, it could be quite a hard task just to get some room for a little quiet thought.

" This...is rather unexpected - where IS everypony? Surely I didn't come here alone... "


As much as the princess of the night appreciated some quiet thought, this really wasn't one of those moments...right now, she was rather more in the need for somepony to help make sense of this odd scenario with her. Her head was slightly foggy, and her muzzle was certainly not tasting entirely pleasant...whatever was consumed the night before had become quite unpalatable over the night.


And then there was the sight that greeted her in the mirror that helped top it all off - she was a little worse for wear...hooves had some degree of mud on them, as though she had been ambling through some place or other in the rain. The astral-like sparkle, too, had dimmed in her mane - she did realise she was feeling somewhat more tired than she could have expected at a late-morning, which seemed to be the time according to a neat but rather plain clock on a wall nearby.


It then struck her that something far worse had transpired as she patted atop her head with a hoof, noting that something was amiss in it's usual resting place - a frown adorns her features a moment as she utilises a rudimentary locator spell to see if it was in the vicinity...but the headache flared up, reminding her that she was not quite at her usually fully-radiant royal self currently. 


" Bah - It appears as though my crown is missing... " She mutters with an aggrevated huff. " This will not do at all! "

The annoyed and frustrated Princess stomps firmly on the ground and starts to immediately manually search the room at haste in search for the missing item, as though if she spent long enough doing so it would miraculously return to it's owner without any associated fuss behind it's disappearance.


Unbenownst to her, this would merely be the start of what would be an interesting, albeit unplanned, day for Princess Luna!

{ And also the continuation of the night before, but what took place? We shall uncover THAT as we go! }


 This is the thread to poke FIRST if you would like to enter - please be aware that there is a limited scope for joining...which shall be detailed somewhat in that thread, and the thread title altered to reflect when it is reached/re-opened for joining.  :)

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In Princess Luna's room, beneath a pile of discarded bedsheets was a loud snoring blonde mare who suddenly woke up and started fighting her way out of the sheets and into the open.


"Bolshoi!  My head pounds like Stalliongradian drumbeat!" Tankena neighed as the green pelted Earth mare emerged.  "Dat was some party last night!  Where in the hay am I?  Dis is NOT my room!"


Tankena struggled to get to all four feet.  She then looked up and spotted the panicking Princess Luna.  Tankena does a double take before trying to refocus her eyes.


"Now I know I had too much apple vodka last night!  I am seeing Princess Luna!  Well, that beats usual pink pokadots on walls I've seen before.  Zdravstvuyte, Princess Luna!  Maybe when I drink more, I will see the other Princesses as well, da?"

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Heart Healer awoke, not in the bed but the floor of her hotel room rolled up in the covers with her head feeling two sizes too small. She uneasily crawled out of the covers and found her glasses, trying to remember what happened as something felt amiss.


"What happened last night? I can't remember anything!" 


Trying to think about the missing time made her mind swirl and nausea creep from her stomach up her throat. Maybe a shower would help wake the pink Crystal pony up. She happened to glance at herself in the mirror, her coat's usual sparkling luster dulled and her mane and tail which were normally unkempt seemed even more tangled. Strangely there were patches of grass stain all over her and mud like she just went on a hike through the woods. 


"Where was I last night?"


The warm shower made quick work of her dirty form and woke her up to a level of at least functioning. Still her brain was a blur of thoughts and none pointed to what happened the past night. 

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Razor groaned as his sense of self slowly began to return to him, and his consciousness slowly began to wake up. He immediately shielded his eyes, expecting light to hit his face...but instead all he saw was darkness.


"Huh?" He groaned, blinking several times to be sure his eyes were open. He rubbed at them to see if anything was covering them.


Nothing. He looked around, and slowly his eyes grew use to the darkness and he got a more focused look of his surroundings.


This wasn't his room, cause last he checked his room didn't have coats hanging from the ceiling. And it was a lot bigger too.


"What in the-agghhh." He groaned as he got up, and immediately felt his head begin to pound. How much had he drank last night.


It must have been a lot, cause he was fully sure that he had somehow ended up sleeping in his closet in his hotel room. Though for the life of him, he couldn't remember why.


"Ugh, first things first. Coffee." He said, and got up to his feet and reached for the door knob. He turned and pushed, and found the door wouldn't open.


"huh....hey. Hey!" He said, wincing a bit as he shook the door, trying to get it to budge. The door opened a few inches, before stopping. Was something blocking the outside.


"Come on. Open. Up!" He growled, and started slamming his body into the door to force it open. His head screaming in protest with each slam. Finally with a last slam, he burst the door open, and hit the ground with a grunt.


"Ugh....finally." He said, rubbing at his eyes as he came out into light.

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It was the Morning After the Night Before, and, somewhere, a sepulchral groan emanated from a hotel room's bathroom. Somepony, a stallion from the sound of it, had fallen asleep in the tub.  There was a series of shifting noises, the *clink* of a too-hastily raised head colliding with a spigot, followed by the sound of running water and-




-the desperate gurgling of a pony trying valiantly to not drown in less than an inch of water.


The water did, at least, shake off the more debilitating effects of the hangover, turning it from a universe of pain to a more localized disaster area, thus enabling him to pull himself out of the now-filling tub and onto the floor, where he lay groaning for another half-hour, the echoed reverberations of which served only to re-energize his splitting headache.



After a while, though, this form of activity paled, and so with herculean effort, the stallion got shakily to his feet, blinking in the harsh light as he faced his reflection.  Staring back at him through the mirror was, not to put it too finely, a wretched wreck that may have at one point been a Prince of Equestria.  Hanging off of him, in various strips, was about two-thirds of a black tie outfit, streaked with mud and soap.  At some point last night, probably right before losing consciousness, Blueblood had tried to take a bath... in his clothes.... but without any water.  He didn't know which was more embarrassing.


And his mane, Faust!  It looked as if a weasel had been nesting in it!  And indeed, as he stared blearily at himself, the furry little head of an albino ferret emerged.  She looked offensively bright-eyed and bushy tailed, cocking her head to one side, before twisting down to examine his new home's landlord.


"Sni?"  She squeaked in inquiry, getting only a weak groan in response.

"Not so loud, please..."  It would have been too much effort to evict the ferret, so the Prince just let her ride him for now, as he gingerly made his way to the door, praying that he would not have to wrestle with a lock.  The powers that were shone kindly upon him in this case, and he stumbled out, nearly bumping his head against the opposite wall.


"Green..."  He muttered, staring at the wallpaper in front of him.  No, that wasn't right.  Why wasn't it right?  What color should it have been?  Golden, yes, his hotel room, the one he'd checked into yesterday, was a suite to itself, in a golden color scheme.  Why was he staring at a green wall, then, after having woken up in his hotel room?


He couldn't help but feel that the answer was staring in the face, somehow, but every time he tried to grasp it...


"Oh, blast, shut up and let me think!"  No use.  The hangover would not let him think.  He should go back to bed.   And So the Prince did, walking right up to it before checking to see if anypony else was in there....


The Prince will be in the room of whoever wants him to be.

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Twas the morning after the night before, and from somewhere in the room the sound of thrashing morning had awoken a slumbering Java. He let out a long groan as he stirred from his deep sleep. He had cracked his eyes just slightly, only to be blinded by the sudden light that happily flooded his weakend pupils.


“AH! Bright...” The stallion hissed as he tossed his head about, like he was trying to shake away what ever was torturing him. But eventually he gave up, and accepted it as fact, that what ever blinded him would still be there no matter how hard he shook. And so... he opened his eyes.


Light flooded his vision once more, but eventually died down to a much duller color. His eyes trickled around the room, seeing a bed, a prince, and a floor. But... something wasn't quite right with that last one. Heck... as crazy as the pony was, he knows for a fact that he should never be seeing the entirty of the bed and floor at the same time... much less than his hair.


Still in his stupor, the pony tried to sit up... only to realize that he couldn't. In fact... he was lying down face first. Realizing his clumsy mistake he tried to roll over... only to immediately spot that he was actually in some sort of... caccoon.


He stared at the webby walls... until the shining moment came that something had finally clicked. He was trapped. Panic started to arise as he quickly began to look around at his seemingly horrible predicament. Claustrophobia began to settle in. The fear of becoming some eight legged thing's snack quickly followed. A situation all to similar to what he had experienced as a colt had almost brought the scientist into a frantic scream.


That was... till he felt something... oddly cool against his side.


His heart skipped a few beats, and began to enter a thunderous drumming fit for caribou war drums. His head slowly turned to the side as one thing kept echoing in his head. “Don't be a spider. Don't be a spider. Don't be a spider.”


What he saw... wasn't a spider. But it wasn't a pony. Well... sure it was a pony in apperance... but the sight of her already made Java's heart skip another beat... and then relax.


“Oh... changeling...Flux?!” he sighed out loud. He had immediately recognized the changeling as his lab assistant. Though... one with an attachment to him it seems... given the way she had snuggled up to his body. It almost pained him to deny her of this, but in the end, he'd have to find out where his marefriend ended up to.


With a bit of work, and a pocket knife in his coat, the stallion managed to tear himself free from his caccoon prison. But... there was one more odd thing to add to this morning's roster.



What fell out wasn't a stallion, but a mare who struck the ground face first with a shriek. A mare who was writhing in pain holding her face as she released a plethera of profanities. A mare of strikingly close resemblance to Java... only in colors and cutie mark. No, she was much more lithe than the stallion. Curvy with a few bits of hard lines resembling a nicely atheletic body.


Her hair was much longer, draped to the side, and frizzled with tufts of hair rising up like feathers from the bulk. Her coat was much neater, carried the same luster, but was significantly longer around her hooves. It was almost like furry socks rising up just under her knees. And to finish it all off. She was wearing a shredded scarlet dress... with Java's usual waistcoat on top.


“Ow ow....” The mare groaned as she placed a hoof on the bed and pulled herself up so she could look to Blueblood. When she spoke... it wasn't the usual lilting baritone he always had. No... she sounded like a Diva. “Blueblood..."  have you seen Pressy anywhere? Oh... and.... uh... don't mind the changeling... she's friendly....ish. She's nice.” The mare soon felt something scratchy in her throat, and immediately hiccuped. As if by some comedic magic, the entirety of Blueblood tie floated out of the mare's jaws, and landed softly on the bed.


The mare stared down at the saliva soaked rag, "Please... pleeeaase tell me that just did not injest a wardrobe..."

Java had been polymorphed into a Mare version of himself!

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Hmm... So warm... This felt nice. Flux murmured a bit at the words she heard directed at her, not really awake enough to form any sort of coherent response to what she thought she heard. Honestly, the only thing she heard clearly was her name. She snuggled up closer to the warm thing beside her, her eyes still closed as she rested.

Then the warmth was gone, and she gave a whimper before opening her eyes, only to shut them again with another whimper. Why was it so bright in here? And why did her head hurt so much? She groaned a bit, trying to get comfortable again, though she found she couldn't really move. Her eyes opened again slowly to see the entire room as if she were glued to the ceiling.

Oh wait... She was... She hummed quizzically as she looked around, not noticing she wasn't disguised until she caught sight of her foreleg. What had happened last night? She... She couldn't remember...

This was just like the day she woke up outside Ponyville, just not nearly as bad... In fact, she only seemed to be missing the previous day in her memories. The changeling, still stuck to the ceiling, looked at the two ponies in the room, recognizing one as Java, though he appeared to be a mare now... That was interesting...

Giving a little hum, Flux turned her head towards the goop making sure she wouldn't fall from the ceiling, then undid it, letting her drop a little bit before her wings started buzzing, making her float about an inch from the floor. She landed a second later, walking closer to the two.

"Javy, what happened? You look... different... Did you do something with your mane?" Flux said, bringing a hoof to her chin in mock thought as she looked over the stallion-turned-mare. after a couple moments, she shrugged. "Oh well, at least you look good." She finished before turning towards the other pony. "Hi, I'm Flux." She greeted him, giving a friendly wave.

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"Bolshoi!  My head pounds like Stalliongradian drumbeat!" 


The sudden exclamation startled the princess of the night, who had only just settled into thinking about what she could remember about the night before - which was still painfully eluding her consciousness in a shroud of uncertainty. This was not something the princess of the night had wanted to deal with on any particular eventuality, let alone upon waking up in an unknown hotel - and ESPECIALLY when finding out there was an unexpected pony sleeping in the same room...rather uninvited and unknown!


" Who goes there? " Luna raises an eyebrow carefully and looks over the arrival with some degree of measured consideration. " How did you come to be sleeping here...Is this your room? "


For the most part, she was not entirely sure just what she SHOULD be asking - with an absence of reliable memory, all she could do was reach into darkness for answers and hope she found one. The last thing she remembered was arriving in Las Pegasus in low profile, after discussing with Celestia that she should attempt to get back into a more common ground with ponies by doing as they might do in a relaxing situation - seemed as though perhaps this was not the most shining example of a good idea afterall.


Luna rubs her head and hears some odd shuffling nearby, a closed door appeared to be concealing secrets behind it...the princess decided it was better to simply do things the old fashioned way until her senses were not entirely screwy from whatever concoctions she had been privy to prior waking up. " WHO IS IN THERE? "


Ack, Royal Canterlot volume...Luna winced with the feeling that she was just a little in over her head here afterall. " Do...make yourselves known, please! "


The followup was more of a reassurance that the loud volume question was not one asked of anger...although, she fathomed, it would be hard to know that it was shw who was even asking it on the other side until the door was opened. Such a situation might not necessarily make for the most cooperative or calm pony if they felt they were in some kind of 'trouble' to begin with...Oh well, sometimes risks and such needed to be taken for answers to be obtained!


Whoever wants to be behind that door can be behind that door. :P It's not a defined room yet!

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Heart Healer's was about to leave her room and head out to find out what caused her to be in such a strange state waking up she heard a loud voice behind a door. Apparently the hotel walls weren't able to drown out all the sound from the neighboring room. The door looked to be one that the hotel maids used to go from one room to the next to clean without having to go through each of the outer doors. This could also be opened to join the two rooms should there be a large family or group of friends. 




"Um... hi," Heart Healer said loud enough for her to be heard through the door but certainly not as loud as the deafening voice of the other pony on the other side, "I'm Dr. Heart Healer, but you may call me Heart Healer if you wish." 


Do...make yourselves known, please! " the mare on the other side said now in a softer tone. Being a Crystal Pony Heart was gifted with empathy related abilities, able to "read" and feel the emotions of others by certain cues like body posturing, facial expressions and voice. A loud tone meant anger or anxiety, and since this unknown pony went from loud to softer clearly this mare was in distress. It was strange seeing that Heart also felt in distress too a little. 


"Ok, just give me a minute to unlock this door," Heart said as with a click the door opened and she opened it revealing Princess Luna on the other side. Even being secluded in the Crystal Empire with not visiting many places beyond its border she knew of the Princess of Night. The Princess looked like she had a rough night, her coat, mane and tail in disarray. 


"Princess Luna?" she said surprised as she bowed before her balance faltered and she collapsed on the floor. 


Got rid of the crown idea so Heart like the others is just trying to find out what happened

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Ack, Royal Canterlot volume...Luna winced with the feeling that she was just a little in over her head here afterall. " Do...make yourselves known, please! "



Slowly a lump under the cover's of the bed that Luna had begun to stir and tremble. There was a faint sound of a groan as a stallion returned to consciousness underneath the sheets. The strong muzzle and broad snout of a stallion soon poked out as the pony under's the blanket' lips parted as he let out a long yawn that froze at the highest point once the crema colored pony felt an intense tingle in his snout, "HEGSSHIEW!" sneezed the pony, a bright blue magical aura almost expoding from the bed as a massive gust blew the sheets over towards the princess of the night. Regardless of whether Luna foudn herself once again meeting the sheets, the sneezy stranger pulled himself drowzily from the bed and rubbed a hoof to his nose.


"Ugh... my head feels like it's been bein' used like a drum at an all night rock concert." The strange stallion calmly strolled by and shut a nearby open window before grabbing a bag off a nearby headboard and swallowed a pill, twitching his nose and then sighing, "Ugh... where's Java?" The stallion sniffed a few times and then calmly walked by the princess, "yer not java... I coulda sworn I went ta sleep next ta java..." Without much more a remark than that the stallion reared back and knocked the door that Luna was having trouble with off it's hinges and calmly strolled by to continue searching for the pony he was looking for, still sniffing away in pursuit, walking right past Heart healer.

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After a few moments of letting his head rest, Razor slowly got up off his floor and rubbed his head again, staggering slightly. He leaned against the wall, shielding his eyes.


"Okay....coffee."  He said, as he staggered over to the kitchen. As he went, he got a good look at just what a mess his room had gotten into.


The entire living room was covered in junk. Balloons, bottles, cans, and somehow.....a stop sign? He didn't want to know how that got there or why. The entire couch was a mess of pillows thrown about, with the body itself tilted over. The coffee table was smashed to pieces, and....there were...chickens.....five chickens walking around.


'.....I don't...want to know.' Razor thought, staring at the poultry. He turned toward his kitchen, and was at least glad to see it had survived some damage. The fridge was empty, and the door thrown open. He closed that immediately, and walked over to the cupboard where he kept his coffee and coffee blender.


As he opened the cupboard, a small brown thing suddenly leaped out with a loud "Yeeeeeee" and landed onto Razor's face.


"Aggggh! Get off! Get off! I'm under attack!" He screamed as he grabbed at the attacking creature and tried to yank it off. Finally he managed to pull the thing off and tossed it aside. The creature landed onto the ground and made a screech before leaping onto the counter and grabbing at a banana.


"What the.....how the buck did a monkey end up in my hotel room!?!" Razor said, staring at the offending primate. The monkey looked at him, before returning to chewing intently on its banana. Razor shook his head before going back to the cupboard....and saw it was empty.


"No......no...nononononononono." Razor began, slowly letting his face plant onto the counter as he groaned. His coffee as all gone, that monkey got into it all and spilled the contents all over the cupboard.


"For the love of Faust." Razor sighed, rubbing as his face. No use crying over it....he would just have to go out for coffee. But first, he needed to splash some water in his face and groom his feathers a bit.


He turned and went to the bathroom. He entered, and was greeted to a low growl as he went to the sink.


"Huh?" Razor said, blinking confused as he turned toward the sound.


He staggered back in shock as he stared at what was with him in the bathroom.


It was a tiger! A full grown tiger, and bared its fangs at him as he growled. Its body twitched, before pouncing at him.


"Yikes!" Razor yelled, greeted with another headache as he dove to the side and ran out the door, slamming it shut behind him. He breathed heavily as he backed away from the door.


"What's going on here!?!" He yelled, "Ooow.."color] he said later, as his head began killing him again.

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"Mblgrrrgh..."  He'd reached the bed, but no sleep was coming for the fair Prince.  Somepony, somewhere in the hotel, was kicking up a ruckus.  Probably several ruckuses.  Rucki?  Whatever, didn't these uncultured boors know better than to make loud noises at the un-alicornish hour of-


*10:30*  Blueblood read the bedstand clock display through a cracked bleary eye.  Ugh.  His headache kept pounding and pinching at his brain.  It felt almost as if something was constricting the base of his horn-


*WHUMP*  "Ow, ow...Blueblood... have you seen Pressy anywhere? Oh... and.... uh... don't mind the changeling... she's friendly....ish. She's nice.”


Well, that certainly didn't help his head stop hurting at all.  "Oh, faust... who...Java?"  As Blueblood tried to shut out enough light to actually see without searing his frontal lobes, the little ferret in his mane poked out to take a look.  The beady little pink eyes sparkled as the little mustelid took in the sight before her.  "Sni."


"Shut up!"  The Prince growled, clutching feebly in a vain attempt to collar the weasel.  He hadn't really grasped anything his friend had said.  In fact, his brain was still processing the first obvious fact, and at last came out with a finished thought.  "You're a mare.  Have... have you been a mare all this time?"  It would honestly not have surprised him at this point, given the other crazy stuff this 'stallion' had involved him in.


What did surprise him was the sudden changeling.  That would have been surprising for anyone, but Blueblood had had a very unfortunate and traumatizing experience as a hostage during the Nightmare Night invasion, thus his natural action was to scream in terror! 


"Mph? *gasp* AUGH-oh, oww...."


...Or at least it would have been, were it not actually a really bad idea to scream while you're still nursing a hangover.  As it was, he got through about half a second before he had to clutch his head so fast he slipped off the bed and face-planted onto the floor, whimpering.


"Why, Auntie Luna, why?"  He moaned, slowly rising to the hooves, the last one feeling for his horn.  He found it at last in the tangle of his mane.  There seemed to be something on it, a small band of metal-



Sudden realization and dread did the work of two quarts of coffee.  This was Los Pegasus...

"Java... please tell me you are not wearing the other one of this pair."

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Her head still pounding with the effects of a major apple vodka hangover, Tankena was stunned to see what she had supposed to be a hallucination begin to speak, move about and apparently discover other ponies in the room.


"One at a time, please," the green pelted Stalliongradian Earth mare muttered as her brain was having trouble focusing on everything that was going on.


"You know, tall dark looking comrade, you do look much like Princess Luna.  But that cannot be, since Princess always wears crown!  I do not remember much of what happened last night.  As for who room belongs to, your guess is as good as mine!"


Tankena reached into the covers for an object, grabbing it and then pulling it out.


"AH!  Bottle of apple vodka!  Must be my room then!" she announced, placing the bottle to her mouth and trying to drink.  "Bolshoi!  Bottle is empty!  Hay comrade, did you drink all of this?"


Tankena dropped the bottle when she spotted Heart Healer and another pony emerging from the bedcovers.


"This is grand!  All we need is more apple vodka then we have party again, yes?  But first, someone make room stop spinning!"

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More stirring! Though this one might actually be an unwelcome guest.


When the Princess called out, the wardrobe doors burst open as a startled, recently awoken Quill Pressgang fell to the floor! He must have been staking out the Princesses room, having gotten a tip that she would be in the greatest city of sins. What a scoop! But he seemed to have dozed off some time during the festivities last night. "Uugggh~ Ow, owowow~" he groaned, this being the first time he's moved from his cramped position in several hours. Hey, anything for a shot. Of course, immediately spotting the Princess, and the other guests within the room, the infamous photographer sobered up quite quickly, ears and wings shooting to alert when he remember what was going on here!


His camera! Where was it?!?!


Searching for it in a panic, he shot a grin to the Princess of the night, hoping she might not recognize him. "Well, mornin' your highness! That was some romp last night, eh? Heck of a time! Uhh Where the heck... Ah! There you are!"


In the middle of his all-too-casual greeting, he found it! His dastardly black camera, giving it a hug before securing it back around his neck. He immediately started to look through the album, hoping he remembered to take pictures. He honestly couldn't remember for some reason... Or how he ended up in the wardrobe in the first place. His original plan was to hide in the ceiling for a quicker getaway.


But... Ooooh-hohoho, boy did he have some pictures. His grin only got bigger and bigger as he kept finding picture after picture... Most incriminating... For multiple parties involved! But... He couldn't show them. No. No, absolutely not. They'd just have to wait until the next P3 article. "So... Anypony up for finding a hangover cure?"

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Java’s chin slowly drooped down onto the edge of the room’s bed. Weather it was his or Bluebloods, she wasn’t entirely sure. For all the stallion-turned-mare could tell, was that they could have just barged into some poor fool’s bedroom and kicked him out.


Her hooves slowly moved upwards to wrap themselves around his throbbing head to try and coax away some of the tension. Oh… he’d never understand why some ponies would say that a night of binge drinking was the only way to have a good time. Because right now, he felt like he took a wrong turn off of Canterlot, and went hurtling down to the valleys… again. And yes… Java actually remembers quite well what that sort of pain feels like.


"Javy, what happened? You look... different... Did you do something with your mane?"


The stallion’s eyes narrowed to the changeling’s questions. Each chirpily spoken word took a lick at his skull like a professional boxer. He envied the changeling for not suffering a headache. And he only wanted her to stop talking. But… she meant no harm. After all, a good amount of changelings are very unfamiliar with pony physiology… even if they are mimics.


Her hooves dropped to the bed, and her head quickly rose while she asked a single question, “What did I do to my-“ or… well she tried to ask. It turned out that she had answered the question for herself as quickly as she had cut herself off. That was after a loud high pitched squeak in surprise of course. But wait… that wasn’t quite right? A squeak?


The mare hissed in irritation as she looked down to what ever had tugged at her mane. Turns out… she did it to herself. Her hoof was resting down on most of her mane, which had been sprawled out across the mane. “Why is my mane suddenly so long?” She asked aloud with a tone of irritation. Her eyes slowly trailing along the thick locks of long brown hair.


"You're a mare.  Have... have you been a mare all this time?"  


The mare froze for a moment. To her credit, she did think that Blueblood was yanking her chain. But… after getting to know him… she was quick to realize the error in that logic. The mare furrowed her brows and made headway to the mirror to confirm this for herself. But she always had time for a snarky sarcastic comment. “Yes… handsome, I’ve been a mare all this time! I’m just really-“ she began with a lilting tone and a gentle smile. Her gaze slowly tilted away to look at the mirror. Her smile quickly warped into an epiphany of emotions. Her surprise was summed up in one crude sentence.

“HOLY SWE-Aaaaaaaaaaaargh..” or at least it was attempted, to only be cut off by the migraine of a life time. She reeled over and hugged the wall hissing as her hangover beat her into a docile submission. When the pain was over, she cracked her eyes open again, to take a look at her body.


When she stared into the mirror, a sultry face stared back with burning curiosity mixed an expression that Java could only describe to be bedroom eyes . Blueblood was right, he was a mare now. Her facial features were no longer what they originally were. Her snout was shorter, and more rounded, and a lot of the hard edges he had were also gone. A hoof moved up to gingerly poke at the mirror. Then her head tilted to the side, showing off her long mane that had managed to touch the floor.


She stared for a few seconds longer, and then returned her head to its default position. Her head tilted the other way. Then once again… reset. Her eyes drifted down to her hooves for a second. Then… unceremoniously her head completely lowered to take a look at her own underside. When the check proved futile with the dress she was wearing. She glanced up to blueblood with her lips pursed then back down to the dress. Her jaws snapped down on a chunk of it, and gave it a sharp jerk in a rising cresent.


The dress was easily torn free from her body. Threads strained and snapped, letting the dress fall into rags to the ground. At any rate, this might have looked to be incredibly profane given the mare’s current disheveled look. At least her original strength as a stallion was still there.


Once that was done, she looked herself once more. That one glance confirmed her current biological state. And so she lifted up her head and spun around, putting her flank into view of the mirror so she could take a look at her backside. “You know… I think you’re right Flux. I do look good~” She nickered with a musical lilt in her tone.


Well this was most certainly an unexpected turn. And even for the events to follow.


"Java... please tell me you are not wearing the other one of this pair."


“Wearing what other pair” she started with a hum before finally pulling away from the mirror. She glanced over her shoulder to give it one more glance before turning back to Blueblood. Her steps… instinctively had a noticeable feminine touch to it. Nothing that the stallion-turned-mare had intended for on purpose.

“I hate to admit this… but I’m surprised I’m attractive as a ma-YAH.” The mare had screeched as her forehoof had managed to tangle it’s self in her mane. But… that wasn’t what caused the yelp in alarm. No… it was her hind leg now stepping on the mane while she was in mid stride, causing the mare to suddenly trip. She staggered forward frantically in a feeble attempt to regain her balance.


Instead, she only managed to get the other leg tangled in her mane as well. Now to her credit, she did manage to free them both, but she was a brown rocket by then. She had already collided with Blueblood, sending them both hurtling to the door.


Instinctively, Java spun the two around mid air so he’d collide through the door instead. It was a kind act. With blueblood being the biggest sissy he knew of, and him being a larger st- oh wait there’s a problem here. Along with the mare’s smaller and sleeker frame, she was also much lighter and even slightly shorter than blueblood now!


The realization came to Java all to late after her back made contact with the door, further pressed on by the weight of the larger buck with her. The door exploded into a shower of splinters that peppered the shocked patrons whom knew nothing about the two’s adventures last night. The sight was almost heroic if played in slow motion. The mare’s legs wrapped around a strapping stallion, and the prince no less. The only thing missing would be a plume of fire chasing after them.


Well, that kind of fantasy would have been put to an end when their momentum had carried them to the center of the hall. They landed on Java first, pushing out any air she might have left in her lungs before they rolled over, leaving a softly weezing mare lying on top of the prince.


She moaned out her displeasure when she tried to lift herself up with gritted teeth. Her back ached, and she found herself short of breath. Still stunned from the impact against the door she had only managed to push herself up just a little ways before her legs decided to give out, dropping her lips against the other's in an unintended kiss.

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Flux winced a bit from the stallion's half-scream. Well, that hadn't quite been the greeting she was hoping for. Ah well, she supposed it was to be expected. Her kind didn't exactly have the best reputation after all. But between that and Java not seeming to appreciate her voice, she figured it would probably be best to get her disguise back up. She winced again as Java pulled his own mane a bit by trapping it against the bed with his hoof. She knew what that felt like.

As Java went to the mirror, Flux vanished behind a curtain of green flame, her typical pony form emerging as the flames went away. She walked over to the mirror, smiling a bit and giving a little appreciative hum as Java looked at his mare body in the mirror, tearing his dress off as well. He even agreed with her about his new body looking good, which made her grin wider, especially as he turned around to look at his mare backside.

Flux kinda half-watched Java walk back towards the other stallion, most of her attention on herself as she looked at her reflection. When the stallion-turned-mare once again caught his mane with his hoof, it went much worse than the first time. The disguised changeling turned around after he had tripped on his mane and crashed him and the stallion through the door. Well then. Flux giggled a bit at the kissing as she trotted out the door.

"Hmm... Looks like you'll have to get used to long manes there, Javy. Or get it cut, one or the other." She said, stopping next to the two as she looked at the other patrons that were around, giving them a friendly smile and wave. She lifted Java with her magic before setting the stallion-turned-mare down in a sort of sitting position off the other stallion. Speaking of...

"Hey! I don't think you ever gave your name, so, who are you again?" Flux said, looking down at the stallion on the ground.

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  • 1 month later...

(Posting now to give this thread a bump)


Blueblood's head still hurt, though instead of the incessant pickaxes of a hangover, he now only felt the dull, leaden sensation of his brain being replaced by a block of cold metal.  He felt it might snap off at any second, but as long as he kept absolutely still, he could think straight.


“Yes… handsome, I’ve been a mare all this time! I’m just really- HOLY SWE-Aaaaaaaaaaaargh..."


Well, as straight as he could, considering this locked his gaze directly at an extremely attractive mare that had been a stallion the evening before.  Sarcasm aside, you'd hardly guess that Java was new to this form, considering how quickly she picked up on how to move in it.  And how good she looked in doing so.  Faust above, how was a Prince expected to keep a level head under the circumstances.


"Oh, ugh..."  OK, sharp jabs of pain after every attempt to move would do the trick.  The necessity of keeping his head still also meant that Blueblood was unable to dodge as the newly-turned mare tripped over her own mane and stumbled into his direction, cashing into him!  He was, in fact, quite helpless to halt her momentum, the end result being that they both got tangled up, slammed into the room door and out into the hallway, splinters showering down upon them.


"Mph...mmm?"  For a while, all Prince Blueblood wanted to do was just lie there until all the 40 proof fluids stopped sloshing around inside his cranium.  However, he became shortly aware that he was kissing somepony.  And just on the heels of that realization, came the memory of who.  "Apw!"  At the cost of much head-pounding, the unicorn stallion forcibly extricated himself from the situation.  Or rather, sat up while a changeling pulled them magically apart.


Blueblood groaned; he'd almost blessedly forgot about Flux.  Panic having exhausted his energy stores, he answered her on autopilot. "I... am Prince Blueblood the LIV... or LVI?  I always mix up Roaman numerals..."  He held his head until the hallway stopped spinning, and then blinked.  The little white mustelid was still clinging to his mane, bending over to stare at him.




"No, I'm not alright.  I think I am going to die, in fact, especially if lady Presteza finds out about this."  At this point, talking to weasels was far from the weirdest thing the Prince had to deal with right now.

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It seemed that no only Heart Healer and Princess Luna were victims of a night not remembered. Although she heard of the phrase "misery likes company," she never thought that she'd be among miserable ponies. 


"This is grand!  All we need is more apple vodka then we have party again, yes?  But first, someone make room stop spinning!"


"I think that we all have that similar problem," Heart said as she studied the group and their confusion before addressing them, "Alright everypony, my name is Heart Healer, and like all of you I can't remember what happened last night and why things are the way they are. Now as a licensed psychologist it is my duty to get to the root cause of a problem. In this case it is to remember what happened and restore harmony. So, besides keeping calm, I think our next step is to go around the room and explain how we came to Las Pegasus and up to the time we forgot. I'll start. I was here for a psychologist convention to speak with other who share my profession. There was a particular riveting lecture on the stresses relating to the discovery of one's cutie mark and talent. But I digress, the last thing I remember was being invited to a club by some fellow psychologist attending. After that I woke up here. So, who wants to share next?" 

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{ I can't think of anywhere to go with the thread - for now, having it locked. If I pick it up again, ya'all will know but I just can't do anything with it right now. XD; }

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(ooc):  AAAAWWWWWW!  That's too bad.  It was just getting interesting.  Oh well, you're the boss, Robi


:D  :D  :D

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