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Northern Lights

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Everything posted by Northern Lights

  1. bother, I had a halloween playlist on my old machine. let's see if I can remember any: Dead man's party - Oingo boingo Devil went down to georgia - Primus O Fortuna - Carl Orff The Munsters Theme Tubular Bells" - Mike Oldfield Bela Lugosi's Dead - Bauhaus Don't Fear the Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult Highway to Hell - AC/DC Everyday is Halloween - Ministry Vampire Empire - Two Witches (oh so over the top) Fall Children - AFI Halloween - Siouxsie and the Banshees Dead Girls - Voltaire More if I think of them
  2. So, Twilight Sparkle evolves into Rapidash and Luna has three evolution levels. Ponýmon?
  3. Yes 'cept Parisian pastry is 20 times more prestigious than what I do
  4. The sun was starting to set as Northern Lights approached the Corn Maze. Her saddle bags were already full of goodies and treats. She almost never left the Everfree Forest, except to go back home to Canterlot, but the festival in Fillydelphia was a family tradition when she was a little foal. Her sister informed her she was too big for that little filly stuff anymore, but Northern is nothing if not a foal at heart, and couldn't resist. The dark blue unicorn mare's horn glows as she pulls out her fair map. "So, I wanna do the haunted house after dark, and I don't want to carry a pumpkin around, so I guess next is the maze, eh, little guy?" She tosses her shaggy, unkempt mane out of her eyes and grins as a small brown nose peeks from her bags. Her hedgehog friend, Ipsum, was happily eating some toffee, a small golden crown perched on his head. Cap bells jingling, the pony giggles. "Oh, greedy King Ipsum, if you eat too much of those, you'll get a tummy ache!" Her costume is a court jester, with a two pointed cap and a red and black harlequin outfit, all bedecked in bells. She never had much time for spooky outfits, preferring fun and playful. And what is a court jester without a king? Ipsum wrinkles his nose at her, then peeks around.The little quilled ruler rarely got to eat candies and he was taking full advantage of every minute. Heading to the maze entrance, she pays her entry fee and starts to wander. After a few turns, she's already well lost, the tall corn cutting off her path in front of her. "Rats... stuck already.. any ideas, your majesty?" she asks, turning to peek at Ipsum in her bags. But all she finds are empty candy wrappers. She checks her other saddlebag, but no hedgehog. Oh no! Did he climb out to try and find more treats? Biting her lip, she looks around frantically. The little fat hedgehog would never be able to find his way out of this maze on his own.. he's certainly lost. "Ipsum... IPSUM!" she cries, dashing off through the stalks.
  5. I agree. A rare night time one, since most ponies seem to be intrinsically diurnal.
  6. I'm a PASTRY CHEF Yes, all Mrs. Cake in the house here. Long and storied career Went to art school, then went to a tech college to learn web design, then the dot-com crash, then unemployed doing freelance illustration and art, then went to culinary school, then cooked in different jobs. Oh, even as a pastry specialist, I make pretty lousy money right now. Screw you, economy!
  7. Oh you are KIDDING ME!! Not even ONE DAY later?! Awesome!
  8. I'm wondering how many fanfics will involve "inappropriate use of Want it Need it charm"
  9. At the risk of hyperbole, it was close to a perfect episode (a song would have put it over the top) The story was based on already established character traits of Twilight, as shown most profoundly in Bird in the Hoof, Meghan McCarthy is EXCELLENT at crazy in a funny way (Party of One) and I honestly didn't expect Twilight to become laugh out loud funny by the third act, but she kept upping the ante here. Notable in that it's crazy in a different way with similar but different visual cues to the Pinkie Pie meltdown, which I appreciate. I also suspect this is why Pinkie wasn't included very heavily in this episode, as Meghan also seems to love to write a zany, crazy Pinkie ("For-EVER!") and probably didn't want to take away from Twilight's zaniness. The gags were pretty good (not superb, but still good) and surprised me a few times, but what I liked the most was the double lesson. Far too often I've felt they've done their Aesop at the expense of another lesson they also should have acknowledged, but the fact they managed to include BOTH blew me away. I was saying to Twitter today I'm so nuts I'm starting to track writters to predict what they'll do plotwise in future episodes. Obsessed? Me? Neverrr
  10. From the album: Northern Lights' Art

    Northern Lights stretching herself to use one of her unicorn abilities to create a small aurora phenomenon. I'm really thrilled with the look of this image!

    © Mel Drake

  11. So cute! I am not a big Belle fan but perhaps now
  12. From the album: Northern Lights' Art

    Just a quick piece I did to try and get more at ease with FIM style. I think it came out pretty well. Northern Lights consulting her notes, resting against a tree in the Everfree Forest.

    © Mel Drake

  13. Now, I will proceed to confuse everyone so they leave the thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuaJnYy9154
  14. I'm going to see the plaaaaay! Any other Toronto bronies I'm sure will too.. the tickets are expensive though
  15. Updated and modified with a cutiemark story and modified cutie mark to emphasize her unique powers more specifically. She's also had her story more clearly linked to her adult interests. Hope this makes for a good finalized pony!
  16. Yes, several pony icons. I made the ones for mIRC, Malbyte, Winamp & AVG myself. Been planning to ponify all my desktop icons but got sidetracked....
  17. How is Sarah McLaughlin ever something to be guilty about..? She's awesome
  18. I can see why, they help you to fly
  19. Fixed the typing mistake. Have to think about the power, though I'm not sure why certain abilities can't run in families?
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