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Status Updates posted by BassClef

  1. Im feeling... really silly... i wanna do an Inspector Gadget based rp... cuz silliness!

    1. jnormaldude



  2. Im in the mood to do a rather... creepy rp.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ToothpasteThy


      I hear ya, I'm about to get sleeping too.

      So as a PM thought, did you mean that I should send any ideas I could come up with, or just sort of a reminder? :P

    3. BassClef


      If you have suggestions, that would be awesome!

    4. ToothpasteThy


      I was trying to think of something for the past bit, but as I am new to this sort of idea, I've got nothing.

      Also, If I do come up with an idea, it would likely be one that I'd have to GM or something, and I don't wanna do that in an unfamiliar genre of RP.

      So now it is 1 AM for me. Sleepyteim. Let's see what we've got in the morning xP

  3. its my birthday and im totaly sick... yyyyaaaaayyyyy....

    1. Smartbrony
    2. SeaJay


      Happy Birthday, Bass~! *Gives you big birthday hug*

      Hope you feel better! OwO

    3. BassClef


      Thanks you two! Very much. Now if ONLY I could have been not sick today...

  4. moving. wont be able to post till im done. bey bey

  5. my foster son has started getting into Undertale... his favorite character is sans... he made his own costume and everything..

  6. NEW PICTURE!! <3

    1. SeaJay


      Very nice~! Might I ask who it is of? ^w^

    2. Lyipheoryia
    3. BassClef


      It's Bass Clef. Done by a person In another fourm... But their tag is Gorix the G

  7. No... i shouldnt mope around... my family member would want me to just move on... for now, im back... still... i may be delayed in my responses and such. i apologise in advance.

  8. O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum, wie grün sind dein Blätter. Hey guys! getting ready for Christmas and all that. Spending the holidays with my foster son. I will not be able to RP at all now. But, I can still talk with you! Have a happy holiday, whatever you celebrate!

  9. Oh, coffee! you're my bestest friend!

  10. Okay! A Giraffe and a lion walk into a bar.... actually, the lion was smart enough to walk under the bar...

    1. ToothpasteThy


      How unfortunate for the giraffe.

    2. Lyipheoryia
    3. BassClef


      He should have been watching where he was going... But his head is always in the clouds...

  11. okay. riddle of the day! no cheating! "What work can one never finish?"

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. pollo20x6


      A complete autobiography. Unless the moment you die, the pen falls and makes the last period mark, you technically couldn't have finished it.

    3. BassClef


      Pollo get it! You get a virtual muffin!

    4. BassClef


      Pollo get it! You get a virtual muffin!

  12. Okay... i want going to do this but... i need to get it off my chest... i wanted to do what im about to say ever since I was little... im changing my gender. im transforming to the woman i truly am. i hope i get support here in the fandom!

    1. BassClef


      I'm also changing my gender tag on the site to female to make me feel a bit better here.

    2. stormchaser1991


      oh good for you be ture to who you really are, i support you

    3. Hawkeye12


      Good for you, you have my support! :)

  13. Oooo~ never mind me moving back to germany! i JUST got into a relationship~ this guy is SOOOO cute! ^.^

  14. Riddle time! "We hurt without moving. We poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not to be judged by our size.What are we?"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BassClef


      Yup yup. Did you look it up?

    3. SunsetSombra


      Nope, didn't need to - heard that one before! :P

    4. BassClef


      Darn your knowledge!

  15. Saw the new Star Wars movie... Was not disappointed!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AlextheAngel


      Don't spoil it! *Covers ears.*

    3. Solana


      "Luke, I am your... fifth cousin, twice removed...

    4. BassClef


      I promise! No. Spoilers. I'm not that kind of person...

  16. should I... Get RP certified? ive been here not too long, and ive just been doing free for all rp... but now i think i might do it... get certified so i can join in on the CC rps. but who to enter...?

    1. MessageinaBottle


      I'd at least have one character in CC and WoE just in case.

    2. DerpRavener


      It's entirely up to you. I've had a lot of fun in CC at least, so in some ways I heartily recommend it. On the other hand, I don't think anyone should feel obligated, and FFA can be a lot of fun as well.

  17. So as I replay fallout new Vegas again for the 5th time, im wanting to do another RP based around it! so, anyone wanna Begin Again?

    1. Dunder


      I like that idea.

    2. BassClef


      Alright! I wanna get at least two people. So, I can count on you being there?

    3. Dunder
  18. so, i lay here in my room again. listening to the would around me. these days grow longer, and im left to ponder... what awaits me in the time to come? this question haunts me day and night, but now it has hit me with all its might.

  19. So... Im very sure I'm being ignored by everyone on a different site... Bums me out...

    1. stormchaser1991


      well it bums me out that we have an rp going on another site which you have not repy to

  20. So... My foster son has this great singing voice, and he sings to me when he's stressed. Today, he sang Remember Everything: Five Finger Death Punch. it was basically like his life story... He was in tears at the end and he told be "You are the nicest person who I ever got the chance to know... I love you, Mom." He never calls me mom...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DreamySunday


      That's so sweet of him :')

    3. Solana


      What is the curse? It won't turn me into a frog will it?

    4. BassClef


      Not... That kind of curse...

  21. sorry for being absent from rp... Ive been busy for the holidays... so, starting tomorrow, i will reply to all of mt rps. just pm me and i'll get straight to it!

  22. sorry to those whom i am roleplaying with. i am celebrating this Halloween with my foster son. i will return soon.

    1. Smartbrony


      Don't worry about it!

    2. AlextheAngel


      I didn't know you had a foster son! That's so sweet! ^_^

  23. sorry... some of my inactivity is mostly bacause of college and my new job position. if anyone is waiting for a reply from me, send me a pm.

  24. sorry... some of my inactivity is mostly bacause of college and my new job position. if anyone is waiting for a reply from me, send me a pm.

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