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Everything posted by PIJIN

  1. Well, I better go buy out the rest of the Twinkies from my local grocery store! Good thing I don't gain weight so I can eat as many as I like!
  2. PIJIN

    Moon Child

    From the album: Commissions, Request and Art Trades

    Request for Bellosh101 of Moondancer. Decided to have her picking some glowing fruit cleverly named "Moon Fruit." (I know right, I'm so clever!)

    © Lovin Moonlight

  3. PANCAKES! How much to you love them!? I be its not more than me
  4. [colour=#daa520]"Uh-oh!"[/colour] It looked like Autumn had been spotted! He really couldn't tell if this pony was a threat or not, so he stepped forward with caution. Autumn started at a canter, then up to a full blown trot as he ended up few feet away from the unicorn. He looked him over for a moment. Boy, he sure did look rather suspicious in the middle of no where lurking around a barren mountain. Autumn gave him a shifty look, [colour=#daa520]"Hello..."[/colour] He said trying to sound like a stallion, but to no avail. His high feminine voice shining through.
  5. From the album: Commissions, Request and Art Trades

    A request for QuickLime of her OC Reno GoLucky and Flim and Flam, who are played by Mojo and Bass respectively.

    © Lovin Moonlight

  6. You should scroll though the gallery more often...http://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/4113-arcade-perfect/
  7. [colour=#daa520]"Wow, the flowers here are simply beautiful!"[/colour] It would be fairly accurate to say that Autumn Moon was in heaven right now. Surrounded by hundreds of the most beautiful flowers he had ever sen while traveling, they had struck a cord in him. This was a pure place, far away from pony civilizations and only accessible to those who wandered to no were; ponies like him that had time on their hooves to really trot around the land of Equestria and enjoy what it really had to offer. He placed a single white lily in his mane and giggled a bit, adjusting his olive green turtle neck sweater. Despite the frugal diet and intense conditions he went through because of his travels, he had kept him on some level of conditioning, yet he still felt a bit pudgy. The earth-pony stallion sighed, as he continued walking, he looked up and came face to face with a large mountain, his next challenge is search of valuables. "Easy, get a hold of yourself. You're no amateur to stuff like this..." He was shaking a bit, possibly from the cold wind brushing up against his neck or the sheer size of the mountain he was about to scale he couldn't tell. He listened to the silence and he continued walking as he left the field of flowers and stepped on to an area of hard rock, he took a look around. [colour=#000000]He titled his head to the side in confusion and he peered into the distance.[/colour][colour=#daa520] "Huh, whose that?"[/colour]
  8. Autumn Moon arrived at the cherry blossom tree. No doubt scattered about the ground around it were millions of its leafy offspring. The tree shook violently as blossoms fell to the ground, covering his mane in pink. "I don't understand, what's going on?" He shook himself free from the blossoms grasp and trotted to the door shaped entrance from before. Unlike outside, the interior of the tree was silent and serene. Autumn gulped. "Wha-?" He rubbed his eyes, they had all of a sudden become hazy almost like he was clouded by smoke. "Darn it, why am I getting tired..." He began to wobble back and forth in place before leaning up against the truck of the tree and finally dropping to the ground, fast asleep.
  9. [colour=#daa520]"Oh, great..."[/colour] Well this was a downer, Autumn Moon's previously go-getter attitude had turned sour as he now lagged behind most of the competitors, and the rise of dark clouds that brought a slight drizzle over the White Tail Woods didn't help the mood much either. Still there was some hope of winning in a descent position and pulling out the oldest trick in the book was certainly it. Save your energy until the very end, then sprint to the finish line once everypony else was tired out. Autumn gave a small huff and began to trot faster, the number sixty-nine scribbled on a slip of parchment and placed on his flank flapped in the wind. He managed to pass a few ponies, but the real competition was still a ways off. The ground under Autumn's hooves was becoming increasingly damp as he looked around for any other ponies. Strangely enough, some were stopped at trail side cider stands and others were bucking apples from trees then promptly moving back to race. One pony in particular caught his eye; a green unicorn sporting the number twenty-seven on his flank quickly bucked a tree and trotted off with an apple levitating with him all in one motion. [colour=#daa520]"Now that doesn't seem like such a bad idea..."[/colour] Autumn looked around for any nearby racers. Nopony was around that might be able to pass him. He slowed down to the side of the trail and lifted up his hind legs striking the apple tree with sheer force. A few apples fell and he grabbed the biggest one he could find and quickly trotted off, shoving the apple into his olive green turtle neck sweater for later.
  10. Thanks! Changes have been made and it's ready to go! Thanks for the heads up on grammar and such!
  11. I can't believe I've done 60 request...I have no life... .___.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. abc


      i got you beat there, bro, i spend DAYS of my life playing xbox, sleeping, drinking Brisk, and doing NOTHING productive, its been like that since highschool :D so when ever you need to feel better about yourself, read this XP

    3. Linkhopper


      In actuality I think this means you have extreme talent and posses more life than most.

  12. Done the sketch for Lime. I changed the poses a bit to give the characters some variety.
  13. Oh its done, I just changed the tag back to WIP because I already have another application on READY. So once the other is done, I'll go ahead and change this tag post haste.
  14. Should have probably specified that in the OP. If that's the case, then I'm sure SRG won't have a problem with it, maybe...
  15. More like Tails actually, but meh. Well this is kind of a pony forum so I think many artist might stick to drawing ponies, nonetheless, you obviously have SRG's cooperation!
  16. I feel like an OP guard dog...."Y U NO READ?!"

  17. Well folks, the three day weekly school grind is over for me! I will be starting request tomorrow and pushing them out through out the week. I plan to get at the most tier-1 and tier-2 done by Sunday and hopefully get a bit of a start on tier-3. Just a quick status update for everypony and if you have any questions or concerns then please let me know
  18. Thanks for the heads up on those loose ends!
  19. actually, my species header is there, I added it a little while after, most likely while you were replying. As for the spacing, its done purposely because I really don't like the wall of text thing I tend to do.
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