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Status Updates posted by weesh

  1. D'oh. I just left work early to go kayaking with a friend, but he is MIA. I wonder where he is...

    1. Tenkan


      You go kayaking...with friends, too? D:

      Me want!

    2. weesh


      I'd love to kayak with you.

      It turned out that a friend's friend had just died, and he was comforting the friend.

  2. Dessa just contacted me on the World of Tanks forum : )

  3. Do you ever feel like copying somebody else's status word for word just to see if they notice?

  4. Driving to work today, a large truck didn't realize that his lane was ending while I was beside him. I honked to let him know I was there as he approached the end of his lane at a high speed...unfortunately, it is very cold, -15F, and my horn stuck. It was an awkwardly long honk.

    1. Tenkan



      I'd imagine it was long enough to send the message of "GET OFF MAH LANE" to the guy. xP

  5. Duck Kidneys are STILL sitting on my desk. Haven't worked up the courage to try them yet. They are only a month past the expiration date...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tacobob


      You could always return them to the duck!

    3. weesh


      That sounds awkward. How would I explain why I didn't return them 6 months ago?

    4. MyLittlePonyTales


      Say that you had trouble finding the right duck?

  6. Free comic book day! Visit your local participating locations!

  7. Going to a convention! And then to visit friends...I'll be away for about 10 days.

  8. Good news on my grandma, she doesn't actually need bypass surgery. Nothing is wrong with her heart or lungs, but they still don't know why she has been fainting.

  9. Happy April Fools!

  10. Heard on "wait wait don't tell me" today: "A walk-man is, of course, a device that plays cassette tapes. Cassette tapes are, for our younger audience...oh wait, this is NPR, we don't have a younger audience."

    1. Tenkan
    2. weesh


      Leave it to radio to make a 28-year-old feel ancient.

    3. StarStorm


      LOL!! That's so terrible!! Hahahaaa..... Wait, what's a cassette tape?!? O//o

  11. How to troll your curling teammates: play the stones out of order. It is completely within the rules and drives them bonkers.

    1. StarStorm


      Lol!! You're a goober, Weesh! :3

    2. weesh


      You can also pile them up in a big blob after each end, rather than straightening them out in numerical order. Then make comments about them being obsessive compulsive. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

  12. I accidentally sold three $20 magic cards for $40 on ebay. I ship for free the day the auction is won. The feedback? "ok". What does it take to get a "good" out of you?

  13. I almost made a brony meetup group today...discovered it would cost $45 for three months...and had second thoughts.

    1. StarStorm


      Lol!! I don't blame you.

    2. PIJIN


      OWO) I'm coming...

  14. I am filling out applications as if the world is going to last for at least 20 years more.

    1. StarStorm


      Lol, me too, actually :3

  15. I am in hardcore lurk mode. Not many posts recently, but I am still checking in daily...

  16. I am trying to become a professionally licensed engineer, but I must prove that I have 4 years of experience to the state board. They will only take this confirmation directly from my supervisors, and I can't find one of them (I think he retired). This is going to push the whole process back 6 months. So sad.

  17. I arrived in Fort Worth on saturady for vacation, and decided today to look for any brony meetups. there was one, but it was yesterday! : (

    1. Hippo


      im in south dallas. Im never able to go to the North texas meetups, because they are just out of my reach.

    2. StarStorm


      I should totally look for a brony meetup around here :o Although, a lot of my friends are bronies

  18. I burned my hand making pizza rolls. Two hours later, it hurts the instant i take it out of a cup of water. ow.

    1. weesh


      so yeah, im kinda stuck here.

    2. weesh


      It felt much better by the time I woke up this morning.

    3. Rosewind


      I'm glad you're doing better! Aloe vera is fantastic for burns, it's worth picking up a tube of gel and keeping it in the fridge for such occasions.

  19. I cannot believe my eyes / Is the world finally growing wise? / ‘Cause it seems to me / Some kind of harmony / is on the rise.

  20. I damaged one of my car's rims going over a pothole. I could get a new, non-matching rim for $100, or I could get a set of aftermarket rims for $500. I don't know what to do.

    1. weesh


      Yeah, neither of these are acceptable, I will look into other ways to get a single passable rim.

  21. I don't eat enough food. I'm not sure why. I'm 12 pounds under my minimum ideal rate and falling.

  22. I drove home for lunch today and discovered that someone was stealing my electricity with an extension cord to my exterior outlet. What is the appropriate response? I'm not sure but by the time i got back to work I was pretty sure that tying 7 knots in his chord around a pole was over-reacting.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Untie it during the night and leave it as you thought you should have?

    3. abc


      wow, i would have thrown a brick through that persons window with a note on it saying "if i find that you do this again ill send you to the moon"- signed Princess celestia.

      that will freak em out.

    4. weesh


      I did not know the guy (gal?), so I couldn't talk to him. Also, throwing a brick is a little overkill for stealing $0.20/hour from me. That might result in retribution as well. When I got back four hours later, car and chord were gone.

  23. I fell asleep at 8:45pm last night. I awoke at 7:00am. I cannot normally sleep that long without being sick.

  24. I have driven more miles on my car than all other owners/drivers combined. It is a good feeling, and this is the first vehicle for which this is true of me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. flutterscotch


      I drove like 99% of it. Some of it my husband drove (while I was in the car), and like 15 miles various friends drove. It had less than a mile when I drove it, and then upon buying it I proceeded to take it from NJ to Boston to Portland, Oregon and then back to Boston in the first 4 months I owned it. LOL.

    3. weesh


      Heh, nice. I only have about 51% of the total miles on my car.

    4. StarStorm


      I'm about to get my first car! That's kind of an achievement.. Am I right? :3

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