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Status Updates posted by Lux

  1. Working retail this season my posting will be sporadic but I promise I'll still be as active as I can.

    1. Ciraxis


      Which would be still head above shoulders over the most ^^.

  2. I unfollowed some threads that have been inactive for a while. If there are any I'm in that have restarted, please let me know! In addition, I'll be responding to the few that it's my turn soon. 

    1. tacobob


      Probably this one...


  3. (Sigh) Looks like Duo Cartoonist (one of my favorite video creators of the fandom) has decided not to continue with making pony videos, even going as far as to stop production of their current pony video. The reason for this is that fanart is stiffing their need to grow. Sad time, but I understand. 

    1. Rudan


      Seeing this saddens me, a lot. I was very eager to watch their finished animations, it had so much potential. Oh well, can't blame them since they have good reasons for it. I hope for the best for them.

  4. Watched Logan last night. A fitting end for Hugh Jackman's career as The Wolverine! 

    1. PyroBlaze


      I'm gonna see it today. Looking forward to it!

  5. Sweep, Sweep, Sweep, Sweep...

  6. So... I was going to do a Changeling character... but I decided with the recent episode that I'm going to create a certain dragon character...

  7. Happy Holidays everypony!

    1. TheFinestSorcerer


      You Too Scootaloo :3 Lux. lol

  8. Researching Adobe Flash but wondering something: if you had a "puppet" character rendered in Flash, can you apply it to other video editing software like Lightworks?

    1. Avery


      That... I'm not sure. I only use Flash to animate stuff with. Though, you can convert your SWF file into a MP4 file if you have the right converter, considering you're trying to use it with a video editor.

  9. For those of you with weak heart conditions or are affected by sugary things, please avoid seeing my upcoming drawing posted here! Thank you!

    1. ShadowWalking18


      I wont listen :P *waits for drawing*

  10. Back from Vacation. Posts will resume shortly.

    1. tacobob


      Huzzah! Now what did you bring us?

  11. Just drew five MLP related sketches! Look for them to be completed in the coming weeks!

  12. I'm going to be sporadic posting until Christmas due to my erratic schedule working retail. I will try to post when I can.

    1. tacobob


      Bleh. I know how you feel #:(

  13. Happy Thanksgiving everypony! I'll be working Black Friday so I won't be on here, but hopefully the next days I will be back to saying hello!

  14. Today marks my one year anniversary here at Canterlot.com. During this year, I created 8 OCs and 1 Cast pony, participated in tons of exciting RP enconters, became a Helpstaff member, and made many new friends. So thank you all for welcoming me here, and here's to more years of fun!

    1. weesh


      happy canterlot-aversary!

  15. Back from the con and caught up here!

    1. tacobob


      so, what did you get us? :D

  16. Going to a convention fron October 30 through Novvember 3. Will post again after that date.

    1. tacobob


      Bring us back some goodies! :3

  17. Anypony use Inkscape for their art? If so, please let me know. I have a few questiona about it.

    1. SymphonicFire


      I use it for vectors like my sig and my OCs.

  18. Missed a couple of the Nightmare Night threads that are in full swing. Guess I'll have to jump into a few that I can.

    1. tacobob


      Yeah. Better hurry! All the best candy is almost gone!

  19. Going to a convention from 10/24 though 10/28.

    1. NeoExlucky


      Convention for what?

  20. Flightless Blankflank Orphan Pegasus? Hey, I resemble that remark!

    1. tacobob


      Scoots is best (kid) pony. :3

  21. One question comes to mind as I approach my second year anniversary being here: How can I be a better roleplayer?

    1. Rosewind


      Keep writing and being creative.

  22. Almost all my characters are at the Gala. How about yours?

    1. Mellorious


      My character (Singular, not plural) is at the Gala, yes. :P

  23. Thinking about my next earth pony OC. All I really know is that he will be a dappled grey pony. That's about it until I can add more about him.

    1. tacobob


      You must call him Doctor Pringles, The Fancy Prancy Pony.

  24. So Canterlot Chronicles is up. Hm... Maybe I can apply for a villain there...

    1. NeoExlucky


      That's not a bad idea. TO THE PONY GENERA-you probably don't use that...

  25. First draft of my novel is done!

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