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Status Updates posted by Lux

  1. To the fellow artists out there: How can I make my lines more fluid and less fractured? I find this is one of my biggest issues drawing digitally.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Hmm...then I'm out of ideas. Especially since you've done the whole "practice makes perfect" scenario already with your experience.

    3. Rosewind


      Draw "through" when sketching out your art. Even if the subject is wearing clothes, draw their bodies underneath lightly to give you an idea of body structure and anatomy.

    4. YourLittleBrony


      In my personal opinion having a tablet is a must for drawing smoother lines. Takes some used to, but its helpful. Mine is a Wacom.

  2. What would you like to see in a thread with Twilight Sparkle?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SunsetSombra
    3. Hawkeye12


      Discord is available whenever she needs some chaos. :)

    4. Lux


      Great ideas everyone! I like all of them and will be in touch for each thread idea!

  3. Back from the convention. Posts to resume shortly.

  4. Will be on vacation from 10/28 through 11/2. New Twilight Sparkle threads will commence shortly after I get back!

  5. The only way to describe getting a certain cast app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpgy21r_dRE

    1. RainbowFoxxy


      Yes yes yes!!!! Congrats :)

    2. SunsetSombra


      Good Job, man - enjoy the role...and the special title Rosewind gave you in congratulations! ;3

  6. For those of you with weak heart conditions or are affected by sugary things, please avoid seeing my upcoming drawing posted here! Thank you!

    1. ShadowWalking18


      I wont listen :P *waits for drawing*

  7. Art Tip: If you draw something fast or while tired, it's going to look bad.

    1. Lyipheoryia


      Same comment goes to writers...(pretending to ignore my last minute papers.."Well, I handed it in before 12:00 midnight!"

    2. Solaria


      Psh. I wrote a three week project paper the night before it was due. Got an A. #getonmahlvl

  8. Marble Pie= So Kawaii!

  9. Look for my new character lore thread of Twilight Sparkle soon.

  10. Who should I choose for the Character Lore thread: Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, or Princess Luna? Due to schedule restraints I can only do one.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lyipheoryia
    3. RainbowFoxxy


      Pinkie or Twilight!

    4. Lux


      Thanks for the responses! I think I know who I will make a lore thread for.

  11. Bah! My character log is a mess. Oh well, I'll update that later.

  12. Holy... what... new episode... Scootaloo... (Lux.exe has crashed.)

  13. So, characters from Equestria Girls are available. I feel conflicted though in applying for a character. Will it spark my interest in role playing or will it be another cast character to my pile of ones I can't think of threads to do with Scootaloo or Zecora?

    1. SunsetSombra


      Realistically, it's best to just do what you logically feel you can handle or can make time for...if it DOES feel like there'd be a massive overstretching, then perhaps it's just not time for you to invest in another character...although the fact that all EQG characters {except Sunset} are Tier 3 and aren't as attention Demanding!

    2. Zealot


      Well, to be fair, if you already have a pile of cast characters then it would probably be best to let someone else apply for it. That or release one or two from your 'pile' to make way for some new characters.

  14. I know some were interested in meeting my Aerion, Nocturnal Melody, so here is a thread I'm working on gathering others to play in: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/21385-canterlot-music-of-the-night-interest-check/

  15. Going to be busy between today and 9/13. Will try to post when I can.

    1. ShadowWalking18


      The Carrot Mystery I shall await :)

  16. Something new is coming to my page.

    1. DreamySunday
    2. tacobob


      Secrets of Olden Times! Delicious recipes that you can prepare at your own kitchen in under an hour! Hilarious Swedish knock-jokes!

  17. RIP Wes Craven - a master of horror films.

  18. A question for all of you: how can thee role playing experience on this site be improved?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. stormchaser1991
    3. tacobob


      Someone gives me a hundred million dollars so I wouldn't have to work anymore and thus have time to post..That would be nice. ^_^ Sounds like an idea for an "Gofundme' thing. As for an SERIOUS answer, this would be a good topic for the board.

    4. DerpRavener


      Reorganizing FFA around the sort of RP people are looking for (short vs. long posts, crossovers, main characters vs. OCs, stuff like that). I think that would encourage more players and more variety in FFA.

      That said, I am enjoying myself as is. So I don't think it needs improvement per se.

  19. Back from celebrating my friends' birthday party! Posts will resume shortly!

  20. New Avatar is a drawing of my character, lore Weaver, by Zeig!

  21. This week's going to be busy, but I'll try to respod to threads when I can.

  22. New threads coming soon!

    1. tacobob


      Huzzah! Hopefully more with Scoots!

    2. Lux


      I'll see what I can do. Scootaloo is in a few threads already, but time will tell.

  23. Back from Vacation. Posts will resume shortly.

    1. tacobob


      Huzzah! Now what did you bring us?

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