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Everything posted by starswirlthebearded

  1. No, but if you have too many, you may be asked to stop apping them or drop some to be fair. It is always good to exercise common sense. Also... the more cast characters you have, the more demanding posting becomes.
  2. It's my pleasure! Everything you've done works for me! So I'm going to send this up for final review. The only thing I can foresee that might give issue is the tragic back story. However, I feel like most things had a point. While they might not all have been necessarily needed they work for the story you crafted and isn't sad for the sake of being sad. However, we'll see what the SRPHS have to say But really fantastic work! You've done an excellent job of building up this app!
  3. You fixed the major issue, so I'll send it up for final review and see what the SRPHS say. It would only help though. And it's less about what goes on in Stalliongrad rather than what pepperjack did there for fun/to pass time. Did it differ other than the lack of the pet? Good work otherwise though. I would suggest one thing though... The story of the pet... Separate it into paragraphs, right now it just looks like a wall of text which isn't nice to read.
  4. The spell to me seemed to be one to reach the ethereal plane, which Celestia (and perhaps princesses in general?) has access to naturally.
  5. No worries. And anesthesia (that's how it is spelled btw) doesn't have to cause sleep at all! That is general anesthesia, which causes reversible loss of consciousness. All other forms are methods of pain blocking! So I have no problems with that!
  6. Hey there! I must say this app is MUCH improved. I'd just like clarification/expansion on two things, and the change/removal of another two. The first thing is, while you now have a cutie mark story, it seems a bit on the short side. Some expansion would be great. Perhaps go into the specifics! What sort of painting was it? What was it missing? Was it his grandfather's tutelage that helped him figure out what was missing? Did it just dawn on him or did it take some time to figure out what was missing? The next thing is actually related to the first. The history also seems a bit bare, but in a different way. The grandfather taught him about art. Go into that a bit. It seems to be a major part of your character's development! How did he teach him, what did he teach him? You can even go into how it affected socialization with other ponies as well. After that... According to our site lore... Canterlot Castle staff don't actually live on premises. They live in adjunct housing just outside of Canterlot Castle! (Which makes sense, considering the amount of staff probably run Canterlot Castle, you can't have all of them on premises!) If you could change that small detail, it would be great! The last thing is about the bullying. While I can believe Canterlot elite would mock another for social standing, ponies seem not care about the coats of other ponies. As such bullying based on coat colour or markings would not be allowed. And that's it as far as I can see. Seriously, you've done some fantastic work on this app. I would recommend doing some proofreading as well. (I recommend this to everyone, because I can't notice everything and putting it through spellcheck is pretty easy these days ) And please, you don't need to apologize for small errors like that! I just want this character to be the best it can!
  7. It unfortunately would cause problems. And as I said keeping a few, like War Paint, would be fine! It just shouldn't be all of them (As a slight aside, it is spelled Shellac xD. And technically it is a resin used in finishing, rather than painting specifically IIRC ) So, thank you for your understanding! I look forward to seeing the progress on your app
  8. Sorry, but that actually doesn't change the ruling... According to our rules, ponies don't have surnames.They can be the Painter family (like the Apple family). But it cannot act like a surname. Using that example... The Apple ponies are all part of the Apple family, and some have the name Apple in their name, but it is not a requirement, nor is it expected. And none of them actually have the surname Apple (as in Big Macintosh is not called Big Macintosh Apple, and Babs Seed's name doesn't even have any Apple reference in it, and The Oranges are also related, and are still part of the Apple family). This is regardless of it referring to the occupation or the type of horse. I've even checked with the SRPHS, and they said the same. If some of them had different surnames, it would be easier to pass muster, but in the end, ponies don't pass down their names.
  9. I think that is only their abdomen, not including the legs, but i could be wrong
  10. So as promised... I'm going to give you a full critique on this app for WoE RP. Your character seems interesting, and you have all the necessary fields filled in! So that is good! Before I really get into this. I would recommend reading Rarity's Application Guidelines, and following the recommended format and style. It isn't required, but it is preferred. There are several issues that need to be rectified before this app can be sent up for final approval though. The first is the Cutie Mark field. The cutie mark itself doesn't work. Cutie Marks themselves are unique and identifiable. We don't allow Cutie Marks that would resemble natural markings, as well as markings that would resemble cutie marks. Alternatively you may choose to use a palette with a paintbrush. Or other known symbols for painters. The other issue with the cutie mark field is that there is no cutie mark story. How did he get his CM? What changed for him? What did he discover about himself? Cutie Mark stories are particularly important to a pony, and all apps are expected to reflect its importance. Most apps dedicate a minimum of one paragraph to the event that allowed their pony to get the cutie mark! As for personality... If he is working all the time... how will he function in the RP? Antisocial ponies are fine in principle, but honestly, I always recommend toning down those things. This is a slice of life RP that relies on character interaction. Ponies being too antisocial are no fun to play with! Try to give him a social life. Perhaps going into what he does for fun, how he interacts with other ponies. It is great that he is dedicated to his work, but work shouldn't define him! Even AJ and her family are "work horses" yet they find time to go out and do other things as well! There are a few things in your history that need to be changed as well. The first thing is references to Celestia. References to cast are not allowed without the express permission of the player playing them (in this case the player of Celestia is Dio). Just to note, being a painter of the palace is fine! However saying that orders for paintings come from Celestia, even if she isn't directly seen by your character, is not allowed. The next major thing in history that needs to be changed is the reference to the Apple family. This is for two reasons... The first is that it isn't needed... The second is that your reasoning for including their name doesn't make sense, since none of them follow a naming scheme. Which brings me to the next issue... Pony names, even family names, are not passed down. So everyone in your pony's family being named "Painter" is not allowed. This can probably simply be removed for the most part (with some exceptions). Finally, your character history, isn't really a character history. It told me nothing of your character's upbringing, friends when growing up, how he learned to paint, how impacted him, where he went to school (for art). Your history is, in essence a listing about his family. I got no sense at all of your character! Give him a rich history! The more history you put for your character the better we can know them. Please do avoid going into so much detail about the family though! This app isn't about them, but rather Acrylic! Remember, the more we can learn about your character, the better! Alright that does it for the things that need to be changed or removed! I did like how you explained the abilities though! I would recommend if you follow the format in Rarity's App Guidelines that would be more suited to Character Summary. However, it is fantastic! Sorry if that seems like a lot, but again, I'm here if you have any questions or concerned. And again, if you wish you can switch this application to Crossovers and it will pass with little or no changes!
  11. Alrighty then! I'll get to work on a full critique for WoE standards immediately
  12. Hey there! I'm Star Swirl and I'll the the RPHS in charge of your app! Before I give you a full critique I'd like to give you a run down of the different areas of RP we have here (as written by the lovely QuickLime) Due to the rules of World of Equestria (Mane RP) your app will need to under go a fair amount of revision. Whereas if you mark it for crossover it can pass as is (or at the very least with minimal revision). If you definitely want it for World of Equestria, let me know and I'll post a full critique! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
  13. A special snowflake can be a mary sue. And are often times are. Also, keep in mind this is from the perspective of an outside observer.
  14. Roleplay Type: Mane RP Name: Moon Shine Sex: Male Age: Older Stallion Species: Pegasus Eye colour: Gold Coat: Light midnight blue, though often seen with a tuxedo or other formal attire on. Mane/Tail: Silver Mane and tail. The mane is slicked back and always well kept. The tail is well kept and on the shorter side. Physique: Slender at a slightly taller height than most other pegasii Residence: Las Pegasus Occupation: Owner and operator of the bar and casino "The Alicorn Alcazar" Cutie Mark: Poker Chips Moon Shine wasn't like all the other kids in Cloudsdale, he didn't like flying. Instead he learned how to play cards from his father, to his mother's dismay. This really didn't bother him though as he learned the ins and outs of every game he could play or learn about. This included tricks that many would consider foul play, as well as ways to detect it. He mostly honed this skill through watching his father play cards every week with his friends. He would play cards with his friends in his spare time, making himself only better. When he was an older colt, still without his cutie mark, he basically forced his way into a game with his father's friends. Upon entering, they all laughed as they entertained the colt and allowed him to play with the "big ponies". After strategically losing the first few hands, he started to land a few good hands. When he started winning the adults decided that enough was enough, and they started to use slight of hoof to tip the game in their favour. They couldn't just be humiliated by a colt! Moon Shine saw through this sleight of hoof, having seen it dozens of times before. He didn't immediately fight fire with fire, he waited until he was down in chips to turn the tables. He used what he knew to do exactly what the adults were doing to him, giving himself better hands. When he pulled out the highest hand and won, they accepted defeat and a pair of poker chips appeared on his flank. History: Moon Shine was born to a relatively common pegasus family. The mother worked in the weather factory on snowflakes, and the father was on the weather team. He was chiefly on the weather team for Las Pegasus, often staying over there as part of his duties. His father would often gamble, and he was quite good, or so it seemed. Moon Shine was rather disinterested in flying about Cloudsdale though. He didn't know what he wanted to do. He would try playing with his friends, doing obstacle courses and even trying summer flight camp. None of this made him happy as a colt though, until one day, he found a deck of cards that his father had brought back from Las Pegasus. He ran up to his father and asked him what they were and what they were used for. The father decided to teach him. His mother did protest, worrying that he'd be a gambler like his father, running with the "wrong" sort of crowd. And thus his unwitting training began. His father taught him every game and all the rules that he possibly could. They would play constantly whenever his father was at home. And when his father wasn't he would still practice. Occasionally his father would invite other ponies from the various weather teams to play games, as well as family members, like his uncle BlackJack. His uncle's presence always astounded him, since he was an earth pony and he wasn't sure how he could walk on the clouds. Moon Shine would watch on and learn all the tricks that his father and his friends used. Many of them sleight of hoof tricks, or tricks to see what other players had. He practiced these too. Eventually his friends came around his Cloudsdale home asking why he didn't come out. They said they were having fun without him. Moon Shine laughed and said he felt the same way, that he found a game that only "big ponies" played. He had them enthralled from the minute he started talking. He taught them the basic games first, and then they made their own little card playing club. At first though Moon Shine played on the up and up. Never cheating, playing a straight game with his friends. He still usually won due to his greater experience. As one of his friends started to become good enough to rival him, he realized that losing wasn't as fun as winning, so he started to use those little tricks his father and his friends often used on each other. His friends never suspected a thing, and he always won, except when he didn't want to of course. He learned pretty quickly from watching the adults that using tricks too much will make others angry. Because his friends still won every once and a while they remained happy. Moon Shine even made it to the point where he could fix games entirely if he was dealing without anyone being the wiser, and he was able to allow all his friends to win about equal amounts. But still growing older into colthood he still didn't have his cutie mark. He finally challenged the adults and beat them, albeit barely. His father scolded him after the game, apparently noticing that he had cheated to win. Moon said that he was only doing what everyone else was doing. His father scoffed it off, with a slight smile. His uncle, on the other hoof, was impressed with him. After walking away Moon Shine noticed he had two poker chips on his flank. He told his parents what he planned to do, which is to say go to Las Pegasus to either play professionally or to deal. He started his career by playing professionally and doing quite well, both legitimately and playing, as he started calling it, "creatively smart." Several years passed and he became known as one of the best gamblers in Las Pegasus. This is until one day he was caught by the owner of one casino. He didn't out him though, but rather asked him to retire and become a dealer at his casino, the Pegasus Palace. Many years passed and his goal was to always ensure the house won. Which he did very well. Distraught as he was of his fallen career of fame and fortune, he began frequenting the bar of the Pegasus Palace quite often. The owner saw this to be a growing problem and regularly warned him to lay off the drink. Moon Shine never listened. Eventually the owner asked him to resign. Moon Shine, furious that he could let his best dealer go exclaimed "Well... Forget you! I'm going to make my own casino! With better drinks and showfillies! In fact forget the drinks!" And stormed off. Good to his word, Moon Shine made a new casino/bar/hotel/entertainment club, called the Alicorn Alcazar. And as he had said they had plenty of entertainment and drinks. The games were good and it didn't take long for the word to spread of a new casino and it slowly grew. Moon Shine trained all of his dealers how he learned to fix games and put the odds steeply in the house's favour. Naturally he didn't have them use their tricks all the time, only when needed like a player was doing too good. They also used their knowledge to catch cheaters quite effectively, which made it popular with many people, despite lack of knowledge of the dealer's misdeeds on the whole. There are some honest ones at least, but again, his father taught him those who cheat all the time get caught. Character Summary: Moon Shine has a silver tongue. Ever since he was a colt, he was able to get others to listen to what he said and lead them. He is as cunning as he is intelligent, but naturally, he is not without fault and does get caught, often relying on his silver tongue to get him out of situations. He will give those who notice misdeeds in his casino special privilege for keeping quiet. He isn't all devious and cunning though. Moon Shine does believe in fair play, to a point (which is lack of profit). However, he uses everything in his power to shift the odds to his favour. Over the years, he has developed many techniques to ensure that he doesn't have to cheat, he just can if he needs to. He is running an honest business after all. He'll play catchy live music to set the mood, the showfillies always help (and yes, there are nights where he has showcolts for the fillies as well), and of course complementary drinks, to ensure that the longer they play, the more the house has the chance to win. Sometimes he still descends to the casino floor to deal a hand or two, especially with high profile guests, whom he never cheats. (after all, it is risky to cheat those whom are not easy to bribe) He never acts anything other than a gentleman out in public though. His public figure is something he holds in the highest regard. In fact, those that have known him the longest are often confused by his demeanor as he is nothing as they remember of the cunning snide colt that would cheat them out of winning. The only thing recognizable is that silver tongue that can seem to convince a pig he is a prince. His casino is the epitome of what he considers fun. If he goes out with others it is usually to his competition, to further enjoy the various entertainments of Las Pegasus, that he loves so much. Whether it be local reviews, showfillies, good music from great performers, gambling, or a good drink, he is in his element in Las Pegasus. His casino especially is everything he thinks a casino/hotel/entertainment spot should be. He firmly believes others enjoy it because he himself enjoys it. The fact that he can profit from what he loves, despite the stress it often brings, is something he can never give up. From that first time he heard a chip fall into a pot he was in love with the life of casinos. He is at his core a businessman. He may not always be an honest one, but he is a successful one. And for what it is worth, through his long years he became more honest, if just a bit. Perhaps his conscience is getting to him. (Note: References to BlackJack (Reno Golucky's father) and relation to the Golucky family approved by QuickLime)
  15. Flim and flam were con artists (Flimflammer). The goal was to scam the apples out of their farm. They probably didn't have a direct usage for the property outside of exhausting the resources for cider, turning a profit, the then selling the land. When their plans for profit fell though (couldn't sell their cider) they no longer had a reason to stay. They were clearly not farmers nor did they seem intent on maintaining the farm. This however is not the thread for this discussion. And has already occurred in length in the episode thread. Feel free to take up the debate again there
  16. Disclaimer: This is NOT serious in anyway. This a tongue in cheek "journal" entry from the eyes of an outside party who is observing our Role Play Environment. Abstract: The idea of a special snowflake character is one that seems to be circulating in every RP around. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Roleplay environments seem to be no different. There appears to be three "mane" types, as these creators often say. The type are completely pure or dark and misunderstood, with the third being what are known as "clone" characters. The colour palates chosen seem to always directly reflect the type. The attributes surrounding these characters seem to be rather consistent as well. It is believed that these observations can be used to detect any and all characters with the affliction that has been named the "special snowflake syndrome." Introduction: Some characters are too perfect. This seems to occur when the creativity of what is known as a "role player" reaches his or her limits, or becomes uninspired and opts to create a character that can do anything, or be seemingly perfect. This often happens when they seem to be absolutely new, or extremely bored veterans. At least in the latter, they tend to make these characters as a sort of an "in" joke. But what is a "special snowflake"? How can one define them? It seems pretty basic. There are three main (also known as "mane" within the fandom of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) types. The three types are as follows: pure, which is consistent with light and purity; dark which is consistent with brooding or being misunderstood; and this apparent "clone" type, which seem to be copies of well known or liked characters of the show. Special snowflake characters of each type seem to be overly perfect. Quite often this perfection comes with looks and abilities that match their perfection, except in the last one which is the clone. The clone seems to be intent on being one of the main cast characters of the show in question. All three will be looked at and observed in their natural setting, which is to say Canterlot.com's app creation area. The goal is to observe various types of each, in an attempt to be able to quickly and efficiently find those characters which have the affliction known as "special snowflake syndrome." Observations: The Pure Type: The first thing that was noticed was the colour of these characters. The characters were coloured in a white or related colour palate. This is usually coupled with enormous abilities and a kind and benevolent personality. The type is almost always what is known as an "alicorn" which seems to be a combination of the three pony types of "earth," "unicorn" and "pegasus" ponies. The type also seems to have abilities unlike any unicorn seen in the show, rivaling or perhaps even surpassing, the most powerful character "Princess Celestia." These characters seem destined for greatness right from birth, almost if they are prophetic. With perfect childhoods, they grow up only to find they are in fact, related to royalty! If they are not an "alicorn" they tend to be a unicorn or pegasus with similar abilities, greatly beyond anything seen in the show or even within the role play environment they have just entered into. The final common trait was observed to be purity in the face of adversity. Many of these characters happen to be orphaned. This is entirely reflected in the second observed type. The Dark Type: Unlike the Pure Type, the first difference that was notices is that the colours are dark in hue, mostly black. This has apparently caused a stigma known as Alicorn Black Stallion (ABS, not to be confused with anti-lock break system). As ABS suggests, many of these characters were designed as alicorns like their pure type counterpart. Being a stallion, however, is not something that was observed to be consistent among the special snowflake syndrome candidates. The biggest observable trait aside from appearance is the dark and brooding upbringing. These characters never seem to come from privileged and are considerably emotionally driven. This comes with the notion that they are "misunderstood" because of their dark or evil appearance, but are really in fact good! Like the pure type, they are often depicted as being lavishly beautiful and have connections to all manner of cast character. A common trait if power is not desired is the presence of a broken horn, stealing away all power from the character or limiting it severely. This brings to the last type. The Clone: This is a unique special snowflake character. These characters are observed as having many of the same features, dark and brooding past, or a perfect childhood, often with the character being an orphan. What makes these characters so unique is the lack of power, and the connection to cast characters. These characters are observed to be almost exact clones of the counterpart character. So a clone of Rainbow Dash, though may not look like Rainbow Dash, will act and sound exactly like her, often with a competing ability like a "sonic fireboom" These character, along with having ties to cast characters, often have either a rivalry or a romantic love interest with the character they are a clone of. Finally, there is no evidence gender prevalence in any of these, this includes the ABS, though the term seems to be directed at stallions more than others. However the term has seemingly become a marking for all dark and brooding special snowflake characters. Conclusion: The identification of these characters are rather simple. They all share similar markings and design cues. They seem to be perfect, and lack a particular amount of creative flair. Many seem to scoff or demean these characters, but it is the opinion of this researcher that this is not the right course of action. The syndrome itself, through research seems to have several different names including Mary Sue/Gary Stu, for respective gender. The characters, while uncreative and uninspired shouldn't be scoffed at or demeaned, but rather pitied. They are the products of cliche in the unimaginative minds of usually novice players. Instead of scoffing or mocking them, people should seek to help and aid them. Direct their creators in the direction of creativity and imagination. Show them the error of their ways. These characters are not at fault, but are rather are the products of the minds of inexperienced players. These characters need to be pitied, and their creators helped to create effective characters in this diverse environment known as "World of Equestria" Role Play. It is also noted, that Canterlot.com, must be home to some of the worst parents in role playing history. So many children seem to be orphaned or abandoned, or the characters seem to run away because the parents "don't understand" them. All parents in World of Equestria Role Playing environment should be reprimanded immediately, if they are not already deceased.
  17. Yeah, its basic con etiquette. Smaller cons tend to be more intimate, so if you do bump into a VA or someone else, try not to hold them up too much.
  18. Take your time! Just keep us updated on your progress! I am already liking her design
  19. That was a good documentary. The best part was the humor. I still need to watch the "official" Brony Doc... I'll dig it out of my email eventually....
  20. I had not heard this. I've actually not heard anything about commission dates. However considering that the first 3 seasons were made to hit syndication, I really don't think 3 and 4 were commissioned together. I could be entirely wrong though. I did a quick Google search and came up with nothing.
  21. Hey there Halide. It is great to see you back! I'll be the RPHS taking care of your app. This application is exceptional! Though clearly a homage to Stanely Ipkiss of the Mask, the app stands on its own quite well. And as a fan of the Mask, I'm rather impressed! All the fields are filled and well detailed. There is just one small problem. The name "Stanley" is not a very 'pony' name. If you could change that to something that sounds more pony like, it would be fantastic! And I'll be able to send this up for SRPHS review!
  22. Warning: I'm going to read way too far into those few words I don't think that was the point of the reference. And yes, I'm almost certain it is a direct reference. It is one of those lines that are unmistakable. People misuse quotes all the time for the sake of reference. However in this case, if you want to give meaning to it, I would probably say that it is good-bye to the old to herald in the new. Remember that Lou Gehrig only knew he was dying, not what he was dying of, and that he knew his career was over. When he was going to die, he didn't know, he just knew that it was eventual. But it was the closing of one chapter of his life and the opening of another. Granted that was the last chapter of his life. But he was earnest in his words. Just like Twilight is earnest in saying what she says. She doesn't know what is to come. She is probably extremely apprehensive. It is the closing of one huge chapter of her life, and the opening of something completely new and unknown. Another possibility is that they used those words because this episode was written before they signed for a 4th season. So they could have been making it into a reference to the greatest farewell speech in modern history to end the series with. Either way, I don't think those words were by accident. (I actually like the second one, because I really feel like this episode was written as the Series ender, and I like Occam's Razor, which states the simplest explanation is often the correct one)
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