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Status Replies posted by starswirlthebearded

  1. See ya later canterlot, school has to be about the WORST thing on earth :(

  2. Gonna try to be more active again!

  3. I'm at college and I'm about to do a victory sprint down the hallway because I made an 85 on my microeconomics test that I was sure I'd fail.

  4. Ahh, my first day at my new part-time job at Walmart. $7.90 per hour, 9 hours a day, 4 days a week.

  5. ok sence when did we use 24 hr clocks

  6. Taking a break from Canterlot, just going to be posting in the Cast threads I have for now :)

  7. no one here really seems to like me so go head and ****ing bann me already oh look i cused again now yo have to

  8. the 2 bigest lies "i agree to the terms of servce" "i agknoledge this warning"

  9. I'd like to publicly blame RoseWind and Rarity for my inability to read the username "EmpireofRapidash" as anything other than "EmpireofRaridash"

  10. oh no i got TWO warning points XD

  11. i always seem to do SOMETHING wrong

  12. H.R. Giger died yesterday; he was literally one of my favorite artists of all time. ;_;

  13. gonna try and get some bebop posts out soon

  14. Oh my God, that season finale. That was the greatest thing I have ever seen. I'm at a loss for words.

  15. Anyone reccomend a good microphone for a computer?

  16. "Every human being relies on and is bounded by his knowledge and experience to live. This is what we call “reality”. However, knowledge and experience are ambiguous, thus reality can become illusion. Is it not possible to think that, all human beings are living in their assumptions?"

  17. Folks, here's a story of Minnie the Moocher...

  18. Still slightly apprehensive of the Season Finale news, but after this? No more Twilight Sparkle please. There's nothing left for her. Seriously. Stop.

  19. The "ATL" in my name means Atlanta, not All Time Low. Seriously, you think a metalhead would listen to that garbage?

  20. I no longer watch MLP often, it doesn't interest me as much as it used too, I have barely none merch, I'm not going to any cons and none of my RL friends can share MLP with me... What do I do?

  21. What type of music do you usually listen too?

  22. Halo will always and forever be one of the greatest video game franchises ever.

  23. Halo will always and forever be one of the greatest video game franchises ever.

  24. it sucks when you make a new profile pic but the file is too big to use

  25. it sucks when you make a new profile pic but the file is too big to use

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