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Status Replies posted by SteelEagle

  1. *horse noises*

  2. I REALLY should update my character log... it's so old it still says Presteza is dating merlot.

  3. So I blinked and suddenly it was December - Okay then!

  4. Coming this 28th, it's going to be my two-year anniversary on canterlot.

  5. Finally got around to watching the season finale and STARLIGHT GLIMMER I LOVE YOU OMG

  6. It was Final Fantasy 13-2 in MLP:FiM style... wasn't it? *listens to "Labyrinth of Chaos" to "solve puzzles" in hopes to avoid spoilers*

  7. Rarajack > Rarijack.

  8. Well... now that I've seen the S6 Finale preview... it looks like I may end up being right. There might just end up being material and inspiration from Final Fantasy XIII-2 (13-2) in the finale. So... I'll be starting another temporary blog thing counting down to the episode... with FF 13-2 material of course. Look forward to that I guess? =/

  9. En Taro Tassadar!

  10. Need, more, rooooolplaaaiiiiz~

  11. Feel around 70% after the illness basically made me bedridden last weekend. Sorry I was so AFK, working my way back to everything.

  12. Feb 5, 2016 - Time to take back the Earth

  13. Hmm - nope, I still don't care about star wars. :3

  14. Slept 30 out of 36 hours this weekend because of sickness; been up for 3 hours straight now, longest I have been in 2 days.

  15. It is strange that I'm supporting everyone's discussion lore thread?

  16. Oh geez. Are we doing a "Battle of the Discussion Threads" now? Alright, well, in that case. Pinkie Pie's been offering free cupcakes to anyone that participates in her thread. She was doing such a good job, she even got Rainbow Dash to get on FireFoxx's account! So, come see what all the fuss is about! Pinkie'll be glad you did!

  17. Who should I choose for the Character Lore thread: Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, or Princess Luna? Due to schedule restraints I can only do one.

  18. You may now apply for Equestria Girls characters- their pony versions, at least, for official Canterlot roleplay. No EQG based history allowed.

  19. You may now apply for Equestria Girls characters- their pony versions, at least, for official Canterlot roleplay. No EQG based history allowed.

  20. Eyeballin' a certain major unclaimed character is CC; do I dare?

  21. Looks like the Halloween episode Scare Master has been leaked and now all over the 'net. From what I hear it is excellent.

  22. Oh boy, Skype RP thing. ...Welp, you people have fun. I'ma just be here. Not that I disapprove of it, it's just not my thing. Chat based RPs have come and gone for me due to how I want to write... which is like a book. So, yeah. Anyone joining in though, have fun with it!

  23. Oh boy, Skype RP thing. ...Welp, you people have fun. I'ma just be here. Not that I disapprove of it, it's just not my thing. Chat based RPs have come and gone for me due to how I want to write... which is like a book. So, yeah. Anyone joining in though, have fun with it!

  24. It's my birthday! Woohoo!

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