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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Volt

    Mini Luna

    Ikr? I have the same problem actually.
  2. I'm currently stuck with "A song of Ice and Fire: A feast for crows. vol. 1 : Shadows of death." by George R. R. Martin. On the counterweight to that book, I'm also going through a book which is not that much associated with fun, but rather educational value: "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations" by David Landes, Emeritus Professor of Economics and former Coolidge Professor of History at Harvard University. And I recommend this book if you'll want to read something more interesting than relaxing.
  3. Volt

    Mini Luna

  4. There lived a certain man in Russia long ago, He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow, Most people looked at him with terror and with fear, But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear.

    1. Tenkan
    2. Needlemouse


      He could preach the Bible like a preacher, full of ecstacy and fire; But he also was the kind of teacher women would desire.

    3. Volt


      Because some songs simply shouldn't be ever forgotten or left to rot in the corner!

  5. It certainly was going to be a most pleasant day in Ponyville. Rarity couldn't think of anything else than devoting herself to her work as soon as she returns to her boutique. She had some orders to be done, and there was nothing better than satisfaction flowing from a job well done! The ghastly unicorn swept across the streets of Ponyville, occasionally responding with a shallow head bow to some ponies. There was a bag, engulfed with dazzling light blue aura, levitating next to her. One could clearly see a few bolts of azure silken pointing out of it. The dresses were going to be... [colour=#9900ff]"Piéce d'occasion! Oh I can't wait I can't wait!"[/colour] - the excitement flew through her, quits with a charming smile. In truth, those were just regular dresses ordered, but for Rarity each new work was a challenge, she'd make them perfect! No, she'd sew them more than perfect! Most exquisite! She kept a steady pace trotting down the street with dignity. She seemed to be more than content with her day so far, as she hummed an unknown theme while walking. It was all disturbed though, with a loud impact caused by a larger piece of metal falling down the sky. That event froze her in place, hoof risen mid-air, as she stared shocked at the location it fell. After a few seconds she heard another loud crash, coming somewhere from behind of her. Rarity pointed her sight in sky. Her face became a mask of terror, with dwindling pupils and scary expression. She put down ears by herself as another piece of debris crashed somewhere not far to her right. A memory flashed in her head as she turned it the way from which the sound came. [colour=#9900ff]"That's where Sugarcube Corner is... Pinkie!"[/colour] - without hesitation white mare directed herself towards the building, galloping as fast as she could without sweating herself. The bag magically followed her up. Upon finally reaching her destination, she felt a relief that the building looked undamaged from the outside (least, from the direction she stared at it). On the other hoof, Pinkie would be the only mare who could have predicted what's happening now. Rarity approached the doors knocking gently at them. [colour=#9900ff]"Pinkie, sweetie?"[/colour] - without waiting for response and ignoring the savoir-vivre, the situation "DID" look serious after all, she pushed the door open. [colour=#9900ff]"Wah~!"[/colour] she let out a highly pitched shout while ducking in order to avoid a cloud of dust charging at her. Fabulous mare leaned out after few seconds to check the inside of the structure. It was in complete chaos, with scattered debris, cakes and pastry laying allover the place. There was no way she'd place a hoof in there! Squinting, she spotted two mares standing inside already. The first one she couldn't recognize, but the second one... [colour=#9900ff]"Rainbow! Oh, how fortunate seeing you here..."[/colour] she exclaimed with a deep relief heard in her voice [colour=#9900ff]"What's going on, where's Pinkie, is she alright?"[/colour] Her worries reflected themselves on her face.
  6. Jung Test Results Extroverted (E) 67.74% Introverted (I) 32.26% Sensing (S) 56.25% Intuitive (N) 43.75% Thinking (T) 62.5% Feeling (F) 37.5% Perceiving (P) 58.82% Judging (J) 41.18% Your type is: ESTP [colour=black]ESTP - "Promotor". Action! When present, things begin to happen. Fiercely competitive. Entrepreneur. Often uses shock effect to get attention. Negotiator par excellence. 4.3% of total population. [/colour]
  7. A lot, but a lot of people misunderstand Rarity, she's just so controversial. The true art is to sift through all of her shallow emotions, which create her shell, and see her inner side ;D Generosity does not come from air, after all. Welcome to Canterlot, enjoy your stay!
  8. I'll look into all the propositions soon, unless I go home tomorrow. Then after the weekend probably
  9. Let's see, I have that unusual misfortune for missing on all the interesting RP threads. I finally have plenty of time and it seems there's not a single adequate RP for my OC's to join in. Now then, I'm searching a place to fit for two following: 1# Rising Star - A cheerful and playful photographer, dedicated to her hobby and full of ambitions mare. She possesses a mild interest in sports and art generally, loves spending time with anypony and is always searching for a good occasion to snap some shots which she could later, perhaps, implement in her exhibition. I actually find her a versatile OC, although there's one thing I'd like to mention below... \/ 2# Unity Ring - a peaceful, logical and subconscious upper-class wanna-be pony. His actions and way he speaks may tend to count him into the Canterlot elites, but in fact all he's trying to do is blend in and don't stand out from the local society. I wanted to create a storyline for him, but I found it quite amusing that he's stuck with trying to open up his shop for good but keeps encountering problems while doing so, like poor crew hired for decorations, lack of supplies, accidents at work and stuff. He's a goldsmith mixed up with jeweler. Doesn't excel in any of those, but has enough knowledge to be able to create something outstanding from time to time. \/ One Thing: I'd like this to be a real RP. What I mean? True reactions according to your OC's, not doing stuff by force, like breaking major points of their personality only to keep the RP running. Somebody offends you? Leave if he doesn't apologize or even leave at once. Keep the OC cycle alive. The RP should be joinable at anytime, not only in like first 2-3 pages. But I ask myself one question: If it's even possible? Side note: If you'd really be forced or want to leave with your current OC, simply exchange him for another in few posts (if that would be possible). Side note #2: I also have the Destrier OC, but I'm currently not interested in RPing him, unless somebody really insisted.
  10. I must admit, Davy~, that I follow this idea closely because it entertains me. Probably because it is a silly coincidence: I've read about this idea 2 days after coming up with full details concerning my another OC. If you'd lack, I repeat and underline, lack a contestant to start the thread for too long, I guess I could force pride out of Rising Star and place her in the competition. Count me as a substitute. Edit: To straighten things up and not be misunderstood. Substitute =/= not interested in winning
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPuKoqu6kMk
  12. [colour=#DDA0DD]~~ Rising Star ~~[/colour] Such a long run, such a long way! What in Celestia's name forced her to commit such a ridiculous deed? But hay, if it wasn't a crazy idea in the beginning! And there was nearly nothing else that addressed Rising Star better than crazy ideas. In this very moment she found herself sitting in one of Ponyville's cafes, relaxing after an exhausting run. She still didn't understand why she accepted the challenge of running from Canterlot to Ponyville as her daily sports activity, but she was completely satisfied. Achieving such insane feats brought sweet and utter satisfaction. Moreover, it was a great way to keep herself fit. Being such a tall mare she was easily noticeable, and it's better to look slim, healthy and generally pretty. That's why she had to visit a hair stylist after the run, her mane was in such a disarray earlier... But now she once again shined with beauty. Star finished her coffee and stood up stretching her legs. A wide smile appeared on her face as she felt shivers of excitement crossing her spine. [colour=#dda0dd]"I ought to do it more often, period!"[/colour] Star levitated a few bits out of her tiny side bag and paid for the coffee. She didn't need many items with herself right now, but the camera was a must. It always was a must for her. Mare turned around, brushing off her hair behind just for these few seconds while scanning the town of Ponyville. She never complained at her height. It was a perfect tool for noticing things before others did. Unfortunately, there was nothing interesting happening on the streets right now. Nothing of great value, none, null, zero... apart from that extraordinary STALLION! Star leaned forward and focused her sight in order to take a closer look. Shades, exquisite clothing, catchy mane. Simply marvelous target for her camera lenses. That certainly was unexpected discovery. Although there was another surprise waiting for her in the shape of a young foal... or maybe it was a filly? So hard to tell, they grow so fast... Anyway, in shape of young filly hovering above him. It was most unexpected and at least pleasant to break with daily routine of boring customers. Star forced her tired hooves to trot towards the couple, pulling out her camera. [colour=#dda0dd]"Too bad I don't have a light from a different angle... shading won't be the same..."[/colour] As soon as she approached on desired distance, she exclaimed towards them: [colour=#dda0dd]"Excuse me!"[/colour] And just after one of them turned back, she turned the flash! Completely unaware of her victims condition, she concentrated on the camera, waiting for it to spit out the finished photo. It was just a moment after she received it, but the outcome was less than satisfying. Usually surprised, natural reactions came out well but, as she had feared, the lack of good source of light ruined it. Star's smile disappeared, replaced by the long face. She stated in a sad, innocent voice a pitch higher than she usually spoke: [colour=#dda0dd]"Awh... It was supposed to come out brilliant... Such a shame..."[/colour] She shook her head and tail as an accompaniment to her words, her mane waving sideways during the action.
  13. 1. Done. Although I have no idea how I could have skipped this part after searching so long through colors palette on Wiki to match the eyes. 2. Done.
  14. If you waited like 3 minutes more you'd see it tagged as "FINAL" already
  15. I didn't find "Shut up and take my !" gif on web! >< Grr!
  16. Let's face it, I'm not an artist, can't draw (yet), I don't know if I'm a writer (as some insinuate). But that doesn't mean I can't throw my 3 cents in all those wishes you're/you've gained. Although it's little effort from my side, I can at least dedicate a song to both of you Hopefully you'll fish out all the positives out of it and it'll be true for you. Villefort out. I won't ask God to guide you, since you'll guide yourselves already. PS: Tad late, but I'm busy with moving to new city ATM so will have time in few days to be honest
  17. BBB, you're surprising me everlastingly. I'm starting to hate it :]
  18. It's been such a long time since I've made a proper greeting... Greetings, welcome to Canterlot, open-hoofed! I strongly believe you'll find anything you need in creativity section when it comes to music or singing. You're more than welcome here because you're special and unique. Like everypony around here! Enjoy your stay to the fullest. PS: Singing is such a controversial thing. Some say they wish I'd stop singing (family ;D), but most friends actually says I'm a good singer. But I know it simply depends on song you choose.
  19. Roleplay Type: Equestria "Mane" RP Name: Rising Star Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Unicorn Eye colour: Her large eyes are of deep, midnight blue colour, similar to that of the depths of the ocean.. Coat colour: Pale Pink Mane/Tail/Markings colour & style: Risi's mane and tail are of egyptian blue colour with a carolina blue streak running through. They are both long, well-kept and delicate. Mane's styled to cover a side of her face, hiding an eye behind a fancy bangs. The tail is relatively thin and elegant. Physique: Star's appearance is quite specific and she stands out from average mares. Mare is exceptionally tall and slim, what is a direct effect of her active lifestyle. She takes great care of her appearance and enjoys looking prettily. (She resembles the scheme of Fleur de Lis. Explanation as for why is written below. In any case of explanation being unacceptable this is going to be reverted at once. In case of doubts, PM me please, since it's important treat of this character.) Cutie Mark: A yellow star leaving a curved, purple-white-pink trail behind. Origin/Residence: Born in the heart of Manehattan, moved to the City of Canterlot a year ago. Occupation: Photographer. Motivation: She yearns to become a recognizable pony on Equestria's photography scene. But her ambition gives her one condition: achieve it by yourself. She doesn't want anypony else to take her under their wings in order to build her image.; Moreover, she never wants to cease improving in doing what she loves the most, for her own sake. Oh, and for the sake of the others as well! So they could learn something from her eventually in future, tee~hee~. Likes: Photography, of course; Sports; Laughing; Ambitions; Fulfilling ambitions; Sweets; Surprises; Riddles; Good art; A pinch of craziness; Compliments aimed at her. Dislikes: Negative attitudes; Criticism; Logic; Hesitation; Boredom; Models; Having no perspectives. Character Summary: Brief story - Star was born in Manehattan, in moderately rich family. She remained an only foal for three years before her sister came to this world. Her father worked as an engineer, overseeing various construction sites, while mother was a licensed doctor with vast experience and education. Since both parents worked, she was foalsitted along with her sister through their first years of life. At long last, the time has come to attend school. In the very first weeks she gained more friends than one could count. Her never disappearing smile, cheerful attitude, above average height, attractive physique, positive personality and activity concerning various projects worked like a magnet. Three years later, when her sister joined the school, Star was already a father figure to her. As she grew older, parents suggested her moving to Canterlot in order to study in Princess Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns. The idea was quite tempting, but in end, she refused it. Star decided to dedicate herself to her most beloved hobby, portrait photography. Still, ironically, she found herself living in the Canterlot nevertheless. Because where else could you find more celebrities and targets for an ambitious photographer? Cutie Mark story – Star herself always assumed her Cutie Mark would be related to her interest in photos or art. She couldn’t have been more wrong. She was one of those fillies who were obsessed about their cutie marks. Neither drawings nor paintings were able to force her unique symbol to appear. When she received her camera and discovered her talent connected with its usage she was certain it would appear back then. But those were only foal’s hopes. Yet, she didn’t cease her search. Star tried various different activities after that, although she never dropped photography. As time passed and she started running out of options, she came complaining, depressed and nearly in tears to her mother. In order to console the daughter, she brought the photos Star did and they both started reviewing them. Star’s mum kept showing one after another, noting how Risi’s improving in her work. After yet another, countless comment like that, Star became silent, realizing an important fact. Her mother was positively surprised when she noticed a Cutie Mark appearing on her daughter’s flank. In the very same moment, Star spoke: “It’s not about what I do, but who I am. I’ve tried everything already, but I have failed. But I succeeded in improving myself, and I’m not going to stop doing so. I’ll practice anything my Cutie Mark will force upon me to become better and better, and eventually maybe even the best!” Her happiness after noticing what’s her mother pointing at was indescribable. Career – The signs of Risi’s upcoming career were visible fairly soon after her birth. As a young foal, she had shown most unusual interest in pictures and photos. Thankfully, parents noticed this and encouraged her by providing her with free access to family albums (under supervision, of course). When she had grown into a filly, Star tried her strengths in drawing and painting. Even though successful in making friends or learning, she couldn’t achieve results better than ‘average’ in art, but she kept trying. Everything changed during one birthday party. Her parents, aware of her interests, presented her with a camera. It soon turned out it was a perfect idea, because Star quickly realized she has got talent for snapping great shots. Instead of going studying to Canterlot, young mare decided to further develop her skills connected with photography. It paid off eventually, because she managed to organize a few exhibitions of her photographs, which were somewhat treated as an art. After earning some more professional experience, she moved to Canterlot with intentions of starting her own photo business. Thanks to her determination and wits she pushed herself into actually fulfilling that dream and breaking through the competition. She now offers a wide range of photographic services, connected not only with portraits of course. Personality – Star strives for success no matter the circumstances. If she’s great in something, she seeks a way to improve even further. If she completely fails, she searches for another step to learn the basics. Although determined, she rarely is serious about life. Star still loves jokes, laughter and cheeriness. She’d rather tease somepony instead of getting angry at him/her. Star allows her emotions and instincts to guide her rather than logic or reasons. She takes what life gives and doesn’t regret doing so. Flaws – Star doesn’t want to admit it, but she’s a perfectionist. Connected with her born-in impatience, it creates an awful composition. For example, taking a perfect portrait photo with all those ponies who can’t understand her brilliant idea… unimaginable. Moreover, her hasty attitude (instincts/emotions) often create an obstacle in self-improvement. Most amusing ideas are not always best ones, after all. Pet Companion - There's one stallion in Risi's life though... well, technically it's hard to call him a stallion. And practically as well. The main reason for that is because he's a Yellow-headed Caracara, a common bird coming from somewhere across the sea, most probably the land of Unyasi, although Star never truly discovered this information. The Caracara was a present from her family, somepony to keep her company after she started her business. Imperio, as that's how the bird is called, is quite a contrast to Star herself. While she's always full of energy and careless, the Caracara is stoic and majestic. It adores observation, as it could spend whole hours sitting in one spot, looking like some kind of royalty on a throne and watching the surrounding or Risi at work. Yet, Imperion can also have its moments of activity, in which he'll shamelessly interact with different ponies as if they were Star herself. As for today, Imperion is invaluable in fighting the feeling of loneliness which accompanies Star when she reminds herself of her sister. Mare treats him as if he belonged to the family itself, and on the other hoof Imperion knows how to appreciate it. Least it looks like he does. Imperio: Rising Star: Word of explanation concerning physique pick: Application was written on an existing idea of various TV tropes, in which hero possesses possibilities, skills, appearance and charisma for becoming a famous (insert occupation here), but resigns out of it for the sake of his/hers own passion and hobbies. That's why I always describe Risi's voice as strong and melodic for example (not able to reach certain heights though), since I initially intended her for becoming a singer. Still, she is supposed to resign from the greatest possible amount of features in order to devote herself to her passion (a lot of wasted talents, features and beauty). As visible, this app is constantly being tweaked. Either it's character advancement, either minor tweaks to a vision I had in mind but couldn't initially put it on the paper. I'd like to reassure that none, absolutely none major changes are being made. Everything's listed above, in case of doubts.
  20. Was just searching for a new colour scheme for my OC and I've accidentally found this.
  21. Ponynomicon magic activate #2! Seriously, I couldn't leave THIS thread hanging. Great opportunity to learn some new interesting songs or bands. Edit: Indeed MLPTales. It only proves how haste is the greatest foe of humanity. Fixed.
  22. Ponynomicon magic activate #1! Who knows, I'm not even sure myself. TPBM will join my dark magic deeds I've started practicing with this thread.
  23. The signature is average due to lack of proper background, but the "Banished" logo is quite unique! 4/5 ?
  24. Why do I have a strange feeling that aubergine is slowly becoming the pure essence of spam stables ._.?
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