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Everything posted by BaconofChaos

  1. So I've noticed that the cast list is divided into tiers. What has never really been explained is the how and why of it. Firstly, why tiers? If we can only have a max of two characters, regardless of tier, then what exactly do tiers accomplish? Secondly, how are characters matched to tiers? I get Tier 1. The mane characters. I get that. Tier 2 seems to be "characters that have had a noticable speaking role or effect on the story". Zecora, Trixie, Gilda etc. Quite why the Sherriff is there I don't know (did he even have a speaking line?). Meanwhile Tier 3 contains Big Macintosh (who has appeared in multiple episodes and had a speaking role) alongside ponies like Morton "Salt" Shaker and Quill & Sofa/Davenport. Really? Soarin's most significant roles were eating a pie and getting kicked in the head by Rarity. He is Tier 2. Then we have Tier 4, which further confuses me. I don't believe Toffee (Who I guess was the female Caramel?) was ever named, or spoke, or appeared in more than one ep. She is Tier 3, while Octavia is Tier 4? I apologise if this sounds like complaining. I'm just genuinely confused here. Might also help to clarify exactly what counts as Tier 4, with the new rules allowing for one T4 char app.
  2. My boss showed me this at work today. It. Is. Hilarious.
  3. Nice, I think you got her spot on!
  4. That's a good point actually. Must be the same magic that keeps the pegasus chariots and carts floating in midair. Also, imagine pulling a train that heavy and needing to make an emergency stop. That could go badly if the pony working the brakes (I assume there is one) isn't quick enough So the first Earth trains were horse-drawn too? Can't say I'm surprised. It's the next step up from carriages really.
  5. You're definately showing improvement Shimmer. Keep it up! See this right here? Every mistake I've ever made when drawing. I've always been one to jump in at the deep end and try to go for the final result without all that boring "practice" stuff. Also when I go wrong I tend to either rub out the lines or chuck the whole thing and start over. Evidently I have much to learn.
  6. Alright, we're nearly there! Bannhammer and Jester, I haven't gotten your entries yet, please check your PM boxes for my message. I believe Ziddia is on vacation sadly, so it may be a while before this is all finished, but the final result should be good
  7. I've never really payed much attention to Animal Crossing, save for a couple of really creepy Let's Plays. My first reaction to this was "Hey, this looks a little like Harvest Moon. Nice." And then I saw the Master Sword. NICE. And a new Smash Bros game on 3DS, you say? Maybe I should buy a 3DS- Ack hell no what am I saying! It'll be a cold day in hell before they get me to buy into the whole 3D gimmick crap. Seriously, that stuff hurts my eyes
  8. I like her! A mute pony is a neat idea, and painting with her tail sounds just plain cute :3 I look forward to seeing her in RP ^^ As for fleshing out the app, I note that you haven't really said what her personality is like. We know she isn't shy, timid or easily frightened, but we don't know what she is. Maybe that's what you could expand on? As for a name, I think Turpentine might work as a girl's name.
  9. Welcome aboard! so i herd u liek toast? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGZf9XeR7O0 This is: Edit: Frickin' ninja'd!
  10. I CAN'T DECIDE! Bridal Gossip and Swarm of the Century because.... I don't know. Just Because.
  11. I think cloning barely counts as an animation error seeing as how it crops up so often. I am disappointed that there are two Bon Bons and neither of them are sitting next to Lyra It's Raymare! Geddit? 'Cos it's like Rayman? Huh? Huh?
  12. (ooc: A new Doctor Whooves adventure? This is relevant to my interests!) Lyra's vacation wasn't exactly what she had planned. She'd wanted sun, sand and sea, to relax on the beach and to do a little sight seeing at some ruins she'd heard about. Sadly, the beach was rocky and uncomfortable to rest on and it had turned out that nopony actually knew where the ruins were. To top it all off, there's was nopony else around. Her usual friends had all been too busy to come along with her, and the beach was strangly empty. Had she come to the wrong place? She sighed loudly. As least she could take some pictures while she was here. Levitating her large, boxy camera up, she scouted around for something to photograph. Not far ahead she saw something shimmering in the sand. Looking down, it was a large shell, shining with colour; pink, blue and green, not unlike Equestria's Princess. "Ooh! That's pretty. I should show it to Bon Bon, she'll love it!" she said. But when she went to pick it up, a hermit crab crawled out of it and waved its claws at her. "Ack! Oh well, maybe I'll just show her the picture instead." *CLICK* A little further down the beach she saw something else that caught her eye. A seagull, playing with a bottlecap. It was flipping it in the air with its beak and catching it on the way down. "Ooh! That's so cute! I bet Derpy will want to see this!" *CLICK* Further still and another fascinating sight. This one slightly larger than before. A burning curtain of green flame! It was beautiful! What had caused it? Why was it there? Lyra had no idea, but she wanted to get a closer look. She slowly moved forward, camera at the ready. Upon closer inspection the flame was in fact a wall of fire, and it... what the heck was that noise? Lyra looked around for the souce of the strange "vworp, vworp" sound that seemed to be getting louder and louder... or closer and closer! Lyra yelped as a large cart jumped over a hill, heading straight into the fire! She stood dumbfounded, watching as the cart was suddenly engulfed by water from the sky, washing over the flames that stood in its path, and extinguished them. As the cart came to a halt, time seemed to stop for a moment, until eventually, a pony wearing a purple cloak and hat stepped from the cart and loudly annouced her presence. Lyra was amazed. Had nopony been hurt? What was that flame? Where had that water come from? Who was that? Her mind filled with questions, Lyra did the only thing that she could think to do. "..." "Neat!" *CLICK*
  13. "You need to tell me if those Blank Flanks are being as dorky as ever..." Diamond leaned towards her friend and whispered back. "Ugh, you have no idea. You should've seen Applebloom today, she was... wait, why are we whsipering? Are there teachers around?" She looked up just as a small bird fluttered in between her and Silver Spoon. "What the-? Shoo. Shoo!" She tried to wave the bird away with her hoof, but it just bounced out of the way and stared at her. Oh! What are you doing birdie? Diamond turned around at the sound of the quiet filly talking. "Hm, is this your bird?" she said, looking down her nose at the filly. She sidled over to Silver Spoon and muttered out of the corner of her mouth "Silver, do you know this pony?"
  14. Yeah, I had the exact same idea. That would be a pretty sweet ep, especially if it's done so that the audience never actually sees the cutie marks until the end of the episode.
  15. Hey hey! I notice that this seems to have reverted back to the way it was. Was this deliberate or is it due to that roll-back that happened a couple of weeks back?
  16. Mission Complete! My PC is now running fully along with internet so I will get to responding to all my RPs, tout suite.
  17. Wow! That's so awesome! I don't even collect the toys but I want one XD
  18. Sweet! More prizes! Apart from the picture, my first entry is done. Yes, I said first. I'm gonna try and do at least one more, since it's already half done, but I could seriously make dozens of these. Maybe once the contest is over we can open a topic in the creativity section where folks can make as many of these as they like ^^
  19. You've never done anything like this before but you've done an entire engine in C++ in a week? Colour me impressed! Surely you've had some programming experience before? In order: Looks good to me! Yes I would, and have. It's hard to say without knowing what the gameplay is like. No, I don't think you are. Might have made more sense in the general creativity forum. Don't be discouraged dude! Keep at it! I lost heart when I started my pony game (bit off more than I could chew) but I fully intend to go back to it... one day. Oh and believe me I know how annoying it can be to not have decent graphics. >_<
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Also happy birthday to a mysterious pony called Ronin who apparantly joined today but who has not yet posted!) SO MUCH BIRTHDAY THIS MONTH!
  21. With the exception of Pinkie Keen, I agree with everything in your post. Owls Well was just okay. Nothing stands out as great, except maybe Scootaloo's hero worship of Dash, but the rest... ehh. And the overuse of the damn "Who?" joke Pinkie Keen may have annoyed me, but it had some really good moments too, balancing it out.
  22. Princess Celestia needs go on a date with me! Seriously, I don't mind that you're, like, a thousand years older than me! I like a mature woman mare! Just give me a chance! Call me! :heart:
  23. Maybe much sooner than I expected...
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