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Everything posted by sevofthesands

  1. Roleplay Type: Equestria Mane Rp Name: Three Strings (Nickname: WoodWind) Sex: Male Age: Stallion Species: Unicorn Eye Color: Lavender Coat Color: Light blue Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Light green Physique: A scholarly, prim, slim, but not exactly athletic build. Cutie Mark: A Flute Origin/Residence: Canterlot Occupation:Musician (specializes in Flutes) Motivation: He is motivated to bring happiness to others through calming flute music. He also has a small desire to rebel against his family. due to their insistence on playing string instruments Likes: (optional) Flutes and other similar instruments/woodwinds; classical music, some modern music. Dislikes: (optional) Loud metal music or loud techno; uptight musicians. Character Summary: Family: His family comes from a long line of string musicians - from violinists, to guitarists, to other string instruments - who tend to stick to traditions. So, when he wanted to be a flutist after hearing a great flutist play his best piece, his family forbade it. He took up the flute anyway, saving his money and buying his own flute, then teaching himself to play it. When he began to play it all the time at home, his family begrudgingly admitted that he was good at it. Cutie mark story: When Three Strings was younger, rebelled against his family by going to the local park and playing calming flute or jaunty tunes, occasionally getting some bits. One day at this park, he saw an arguing couple and played a calming song, soothing their anger. Flaws: Other than his family issues, Three Strings also loves luxury due to some ritzy gigs he plays, but has the musician's curse of being dirt poor. So, when he talks fancy, he sounds like a snob or a poser to some. Personality: He prefers calm music, telling of his personality: he is a calm pony with a jovial personality, and at times he tries and sometimes fails to be a charmer. He also dreams to be a great flutist for the Canterlot orchestra, or at least become famous amongst Canterlot nobles.
  2. Gentle Sol had always loved a good book and Daring Do was one of his Favorites nopony knew but he had a crush on the fictional character. his Gram knew this and when word came that there was to be a convention in town she bought tickets for the two of them to go. sadly on the day of the convention she got sick but sent Gentle to go because she did not want to ruin it for him. while worried for his gram this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity that Gentle Was not going to waste. so here he was outside where it was to be held but he saw a lot of ponys who were saddened by the Sold Out sign they just put. Feeling sad that he had two tickets with only himself he decided to be nice. "Umm does Anypony need a ticket i have an extra if someone wants." he called out.
  3. just out of courosity who would like to read a unfinished Steampunk story but it has nothing to do with ponys :l so yeah...
  4. one is total an off-spring of olimar which is just my guess
  5. Dragon Age Poragins also.... D: i don't wanna be eaten ;_; unless... are there two sets of numbers cause i read some spin-offs man
  6. Draco could not believe that worked he was dumbstruck but not stupid he folded his wings picked up his cloak and resumed his duty of getting Nexi to Manehatten. he walked up to Wilden and in a harsh hushed tone said "i think matters have now been complicated for all involved..." he then walked up to the two thugs that still were with them. "Alright guys unless you wanna help me, lets get a move on." he said as he walked past
  7. Show immediately clammed up remembering his times with brown Lilly. "h-hi Brown Lilly nice t-too see you too." he said shyly causing Eagle to smile and whisper to Syd. "they know each other Show has a bit of a obvious crush on her and frankly i encourage it cause if he paying attention to her he's not stealing stuff." Eagle said winking
  8. What was Wilden doing undermining his plan! he was trying to help but still he had this. he just had to get him to fight. he flared his wings out showing his sharp deadly wings. "Fight me unless you are a coward!" draco yelled "If you are let us pass!" if this worked it could also help the rebels.
  9. i have a couple who tend not to ship but just flirt with mares so they would be good also for a more teen romance i have a colt who just likes to make friends but accidentally gets girls to fall for him. cause hes a real gentlecolt and such
  10. Gentle nodded his hunch was right it did run in the family but still had another question. "did your father want better for you? is that why he did not teach you?"
  11. Draco watched this display of bravado go unfettered and at that moment knew that if he was to remain free that one was going to have to die, he also noticed a tenseness in the rest showing that they were slightly afraid and that their leader was the only reason they weren't on the verge of running. "hmmph... how about you show me how dangerous you are a one-on-one me and you... you win i leave with you you lose well we'll see." he said in a show of cold confidence, in an attempt to draw the fool out.
  12. Eagle Eye , Show&Tell, Lucky Chance and Wine&Dine had just arrived from Manehatten to meet the lucky couple. Eagle Came up to them "Hello guys you might not remember me but surely you remember the troublemakers who are my brothers oh and don't worry they promised to be good." "despite that not being fun at all.." said a sulking Lucky causing an eye roll from Eagle. Show ran up and vigorously shook Syds hand "Hello Mister Syd i am a big fan of your music!"
  13. a Guard flew up to the princess he was breathless and it could be seen he flew the entire way at a very fast pace, he saluted breathing heavily. "Prin- *takes a breath* -cess we found a suspicious Pegasus on the premise, we asked why he was at the castle he said he just wanted to make a request to the princesses but our suspicions were raised when he refused to take his cloak off. we detained him for questioning." he saluted again
  14. Draco gently laid Nexi Down as he looked at the unwelcome interruption in his journey. "get out of my way.... is what i would have said if i didn't know better." he then stepped away from Nexi and Wilden not wanting them to be caught in the fight. "So im going to ask you something, Why Is the king after me? why now after all this time?" he asked maybe this over confident Pegasus would tell the "Poor freak" which is what they thought of him, he saw it on their faces. (better? :l)
  15. yay! *chews on her a little* hehehe me Gusta
  16. now i have a request cause i suck at makeing art i want someone to draw Draco here is my drawing now here is my request make something better than mine cause poor Draco deserves better.
  17. it had been a long night of flying, the cloaked cactus green pegasus had flown through the night to get where he was now and boy was he tired. the Pegasuses name was Draco, he set himself up so he could lean against the tree and nopony would see his wings, he had no idea there was another Pegasus near him.
  18. so is there a story that goes with the pic?
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