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Everything posted by FermataTheBasse

  1. Daring turned her eyes way from the Princesses as Celestia gave the tome to Luna. It felt like she was intruding on a private moment, somehow... At least she had another ear in the room. "I don't know the specifics, as I sa- wait, they're looking at us?" Daring turned back to the royal sisters and nodded her head in deference to their will. But as Celestia addressed them... Infiltrate? Daring was shocked and horrified by the concept of these Forerunners, and she would have been more than willing to do her part... But could she do this? What with everything she had been through? Sure, she had been a great adventurer once, but that was so long ago. Her name wasn't befitting of her place in life now. She couldn't say yes. She had to decline, even if she disappointed her Princess. Daring would be more of a disappointment in a body bag. She simply couldn't... "I'm with this mare here. I'll serve." Daring looked towards Gear Shift, with a determined expression on her face. Inside, Daring was stunned. Where the hay had that come from? Somehow, some part of her had cut through all of her worry and self loathing and just said something. It almost reminded her of how she had used to be, bold and assertive... Daring couldn't really process what had just happened, so she deigned to let herself mull over the consequences of her actions later. A quick look at the Princess told her that there was another pony in their group, however... Daring turned back towards Mjolna and absently waved a hoof.
  2. That 'quiet' noise was for Twilight an explosion of pain. She also didn't hear what had been said, but this was because it was far too loud for her to make it out, not vice versa. She was about to collapse to her knees, but at the last moment the screaming in her ears abated. Unsteadily, fearing that it would return at any moment, Twilight took some deep breaths before realizing that her friend's attentions were on her. "I'm fine guys... wait. What is that?" Twilight put a hand to the base of her horn, trying to see the pony shillouette in the distance
  3. Is that so~? I had assumed filly meant roughly teenage years, and that's where I wanted Wordplay to fall into roughly.
  5. You'll find me chasing the sun. Also, you'll find me reading that fanfic. SOMEDAY.
  6. I was kidding, really. I'm glad you trust me through, and I probably will need some extra NPC's at times anyways. Seriously though, no drugs.
  7. The beam of the flashlight passed right over Twilight when she realized that it was their friends after all. "Cloud! Rainbow Dash! Moonlight! You're all safe!" Before Twilight could run up to the three however, the strange murmuring in her ears suddenly increased in volume to a dull roar. Twilight instinctively jammed a finger into each ear, but that didn't seem to stop the noise. Whatever it was, something about it seemed malicious, off, wrong. Twilight blinked back tears of pain, the noise was incredible and it was making thinking difficult.
  8. All introductions are awkward. Welcome to Canterlot, dear! I'm the awkwardest, it's nice to meet ya!
  9. You see, the reason I get Cadence is since I have Cheerilee. Obviously, I control all the important NPC characters in this RP. Like... The Dance Planner as Pinkie Pie The Dance DJ as Vinyl Scratch The Dance Photographer as Photo Finish The Little Filly with Low Self Esteem that Ultimately becomes Loved and Popular after roughly Two Hours of Dramatic Narrative as Scootaloo The Class Bully who Puts Down aforementioned Little Filly but is Ultimately Redeemed as Diamond Tiara The Comic Relief Duo who try to Smuggle Drugs into The Dance as Snips and Snails The Singer of 'What Is Love' as Sapphire Shores ft. Twilight Sparkles and so on and so on...
  10. ((Fluttershy. Is. THE. WORST. No not really, she's not my favorite but can you hate any character from this series? If anyone says Diamond Tiara you're dead to me.)) Wordplay : Campfire "No fistbump?" Wordplay waved Aurron off. "Whateves. Be that way." Without another word the MC in training stood up and made her way to another vacant seat around the campfire. She wasn't really pissed at Aurron or anything, but if he wanted to play that way she was more than game. She managed to sit down in time to catch AJ's speech. Wordplay clapped once and whooped for the strong and rough counselor. Applejack seemed simple and honest, the exact sort of grown up Wordplay could look up to. Unfortunately, AJ also hadn't really had any pertinent activities for Wordplay to sign up for. But hey, fishing was manly and awesome, right? Especially when it was with your hands only! Wordplay looked around idly in her new seat, wondering who she hadn't spoken to yet. With a slight shrug, she poked a certain unicorn who seemed to be highly amused- Knight- in the back. "What's so funny, dude?"
  11. "Hold out... endure. I guess..." Daring wanted to mull over Shining's words some more, but before she could Princess Celestia finally revealed herself to them. She bowed low in deference to the Princess, her famous yet somehow unassuming hat nearly coming off in the process. She nodded in acceptance of the Princesses apology, but said nothing. No need to inturrupt the important ponies in the room, she thought. She stepped back to give the Princesses and their servitor some room, nearly bumping into Gearshift in the process. She whispered her apology. "Well..." Though Daring was still disturbed and chilled to the bone by the idea of what the royals were discussing, she whispered all the pertinent information Shining had given her. Since Gearshift seemed to have been accompanying Princess Luna, Daring assumed her fellow mare could safely be brought into the loop. "I don't really know the specifics, but this whole 'Forerunner' business sounds awful..."
  12. "Yeah, I hear a lot of indistinct stuff around us, like murmuring, or-" She very clearly heard and saw what Twitch said next, however. She braced herself against him, to prevent his own injuries from tripping him up. "I see it, Twitch! Hello? Is that you guys?!" Twilight moved forward, being sure to support Twitch as she did, the fire on the tip of her horn growing brighter to hopefully alert the others to their position.
  13. Penumbra could be situationally involved in the events in Canterlot. I'd like to see her in a mane adventuring team, but if she's not a fit I'd understand. A link to her profile: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/11053-penumbra-dewdrop-final/
  14. Penumbra managed to get her coughing fit under control, though it tired her out and she was now breathing rather heavily. Well, she was essentially tired in the first place, so she supposed that it was only logical that she had little energy left. The mare turned an eye around the store while she waited for Heart's opinion, and she saw... some stallion behind her, hoof raised. His stance seemed leery, as if he was disturbed by whatever he was looking at... it took Penumbra a few seconds to realize that the pony he was staring at was herself. The moment she realized that, her sleep deprived mind jumped to the worst possibility more or less immediately. "Yeah, I'm fine. What the hay are you looking at, huh?" She took an aggressive step towards Unity... then she promptly lost her balance and fell flat on her face with a grunt.
  15. ^x2 AH HURT MYSELF TODAY- funnily enough, I don't even remember why I know that song. ^Yeezy's actual rapping ability is meh at best, but I respect him because he's a honest-to-goodness artist. MBDTF was such a huge album for a reason. Also, have Touhou music:
  16. Applejack, BOI Me gus- ^x3 Uh, welcome to Canterlot person without an intro thread!
  17. I am not fine today, in fact... Another brony who's not really a brony? Sounds good to me. Welcome to Canterlot dear!
  18. Despite herself and their predicament Twilight blushed when Twitch complimented her intelligence. She was still unused to receiving compliments. Even when they were stuck in the middle of a horror novel gone horribly wrong, she was easily affected by it. "The problem is, the noise is sort of coming from everywhere for me... But if you can't hear anything that way, then that seems fine." Twilight shook her head and swatted a hand at her ears. "For some reason my hearing's acting up. Is there anything weird with you?" Twilight looked down to the glass embeded in his leg with worry. "Besides that, I mean?"
  19. "I... I can sort of hear what I think are the others... I think?" Twilight didn't even want to think about the alternative to what those indistinct noises were. But her senses weren't going into overdrive, so those noises had to have a benevolent source. "I don't know if I can trust what I'm hearing though... Given where we are." Twilight looked to Twitch, questioning in her eyes. "Think we can follow my ears? Safely?"
  20. Daring raised an eyebrow, this time with more worry than incredulity. She would trust Shining Armor, no matter what he said, he was definitely trustworthy. But it was hard to believe. Discord, Crysalis, Nightmare Moon aside, Daring hadn't grown up to know strife and chaos in Equestria. And nothing like what Shining Armor was talking about. Daring had to wonder how Shining Armor could even stomach the news he was giving her. She could barely stomach it herself, and she felt a significant lurch in her stomach as she tried to process the information. "I'm so sorry, Shining Armor..." She thought of Shining's family, his wife and sister, who stood to be harmed by this... whatever this was. Suddenly infuriated, she stomped a hoof into the ground. "Equestria needs heros, huh...?" Before she could say the obvious however, she remembered the other obvious. A sad eye trailed down to the broken wings at her side. "I... I'm sure you'll find them, Shining." She looked away, ashamed with herself. With how little she could do.
  21. Funny that, I listen to both of them, BUT IGNORE THAT FOR NOW- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jNiZHvPuAs I love the sampling done on both of these. The first is pretty obvious, it is Yeezy, after all. Second is almost like elevator music, the flow is that relaxed.
  22. I wonder how much of my music would be listenable for ya'll... I'm... mainstream.
  23. A link stalker, eh? Well we've got a place for people like you... And it's right here. Welcome to Canterlot RP!
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