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Everything posted by IceStorm

  1. ~~~Ice Storm~~~ Ice Storm shook her head. "The only notes that Singelstone shares with me are the ones on the aetherical weapons he's helping develop. It's supposed to be a way to make some of the non-unicorn races can fight properly. Those notes said that it was supposed to be drawing from the environment and natural aether though. I think that might be more of a glitch than anything what because a unicorns aether is still a natural form of Aether. I think I am even more susceptible to the draw because of the spheres and because the amount of Aether they hold," she said turning to Raven. "And yes, I agree that depleting the spheres would be a bad idea. But I highly doubt that device can house a quarter of the Aether that these can. I'm not going to say device won't be useful and if we can by pass the draw to give its own reservoir to pull from, then I think we should use it," she said looking back to Harle. "Singelstone actually told you how this thing was suppose to work? Well then do tell. Usually he just gives it to you and let you try to figure it out. Or at least, that what he likes to do with the weapons he gives to me. Either way, it's definitely worth a study back at base once we get back."
  2. My apologies for the delay, I will have something up by tomorrow night at the latest. I've narrowed the character's down to probably Windy or Medo. I'd just have to figure out why Medo is in Equestria. There's windy's Bio, ahd there's Medo's bio
  3. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ By the time that the firework display had finished, both Wind Dancer and Sky had made it to where their starting poses would be. Wind Dancer would also have been fitted with a voice activated crystal that would serve as a microphone for her parts in the night. When the lights came on and the Wind Dancer would be seen in a kneeling position. Her right wing was fully extended, and her left wing was brought forward hiding her face. When the music started, she used a rotating sweeping motion with her wings in a clockwise rotation. A breeze could be seen forming around her and a barely visible vortex appeared as well. On the very first word of Sky's song, the crowd got a little taste of her wind power as she released the burst to the crowd and then used those winds to glide along the grass. Essentially, she was skating but without the ice. She continued her gentle sweeps, moving from limb to limb. She started with on her right hind hoof, then to her left forehoof, on to her right forehoof and then her last hoof touched down. She ended in a backwards glide and angled her wings to pick up some altitude and catch some of the winds that she's be building. Swirls of winds could be seen blowing both around herself and on the grass beneath her. The glide turned into a bit of a mid-air trot as Sky started the second part of the first verse, looking to the stars before using a wing to feign a toss towards the crowd, met with another gust of wind. She was also using wind to pull some of the clouds into the scene. Clouds that she had the weather team specifically place, and she begun twirling through and with the clouds effortless until the last one that she burst through with snowflakes falling from what was left of it. With a few touches on the others, a twirl and a glance with a primary feather, and they too began to darken but the snow did not fall yet. She would then burst down sending the snow from the first cloud out before transitioning into more a ballerina-esk style of dance as a majority of the second main verse. She remained on her hind hooves, using her wings do balance her as twirled and hopped in the direction of the crowd. One of the best parts about gigs like this, was it was so easy to get right up to the fans. She made it with a few pony-lengths from them as the chorus started a burst of wind directed at the darken clouds and they began to snow along with the chorus as she began to gain altitude once again along with the floating lines of the chorus. At this point Wind's accent shifted from the lyrics to the rhythm using a bit of a hop strut. She would open her wings, and as close as she was to the ponies of the crowd now, they would be able to feel the pull of the winds under her wings as it pushed against her as she pulled her wings in close except and do a few sidesteps during the somewhat silent section of the piece before the percussion started back in again. At this point she began to transition into a slow twirl before getting herself closer to the ground and flaring her wings to catch the wind as it spun her right round even faster as it built up, and she burst up from the ground as the words "it's keeping me warm" and she went back more a bit of a pulsating electric-type dance all while gliding in the air. The combination of sharp refined movements and the graceful glide being a rather hard thing to pull off, but she made it look effortless. As the first song went into the electronic melodic section, she followed it with a few more sweeps to build up the air once more to end it in a full spread pose onto the last chord. The from the silence of the first song came the starting notes of the next as 'Tip of the Iceberg' started. The first snare hit, her left hoof pointed out, then ext her right, and then her wings as her movements were quick precise and perfectly in time with the snare beat. A sway of her flank, a snap of her wing, a flick of her mane, the flash of a smile before she transitioned into faster movements. Quick sways from one direction to another, half twirls as the bass picked up a bit and then something akin to the chorus came up. She would not miss her cue and provided the background vocals as the tempo started to pick up and she began flowing in the winds once more as she started skating once again over the surface of the grass. She once again mixed the styles of old-style figure skating to new style magica dance. The winds in the square now were quite powerful, but thankfully mainly located just around where they were performing. That's what she wanted. Through the second of the chorus the dance she did was building as she moved the center of the square and then with a twirl and a burst off the ground she pulled the wind up into an updraft as during the big chord building section before going into a hextuple axial and then dropping to the ground in almost an instance releasing the wind in a massive, powerful downburst that threatened to blow away some of the lighter decorations. When the wind cleared the spotlights were now rotating in colors and she was in full magica mode. The pulsating fast pasted beat making her shake, sway, hop, twirl, bounce, and at one point even break dancing on only her wings. Then with a flip, the song and herself fell back onto the swelling chords with a few more sweeps before she ended this song in the same pose that she started the first song in. It was only then that she heard a bit of the commotion from the crowd. She saw the hot chocolate stain on Candy... and her the ows from her sister and she instantly pieced together what happened. A case of a filly getting over excited and not knowing when something was too hot. She would have to make sure to ask about it and make sure that she was okay after the show. As it was, they were only about a third of the way through it. She would hold her pose until Sky transitioned into the next song.
  4. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe listened as Rose told hey that she wasn't sure how long they would be gone, but if they needed to make camp, her services would be vital for relieving. She could see that, though she was unsure if she should be leaving the spa for that length of time. She would have to get a couple ponies to help her here first. Then compass spoke up saying that the place really want as bad as she made it out to be and she relaxed a bit. She smiled and then she nodded to the two mares. "Alright, I'll have to make some arrangements to cover the spa while I'm away, but I can give it a shot..." she started before Rose spoke up again. What she said made her wish that she had waited to reply. It wasn't the fact that she was looking for the blood of another creature. After all, if plants had properties that they could use for beneficial or malicious practices, then different parts of animals did to. She personally didn't use any herself but she imagined that Zecora might have. Since Zecora delt with actual potion making. But... Did she say.... "H... H.... Hydra blood!? That thing can easy a pony whole!!" she said before taking a deep breath herself. She was not prepared for that. "If you're after that... We going to need more than just us... There's no way I could fight that thing... Let alone out run it..." she said with a shudder.
  5. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ No sooner did Wind Dancer finish talking about the fillies here having a blast, another little filly showed up! She looked like she was carrying a cup of snacks that was nearly twice her size! She instantly wanted to rush over to the filly and help her, but the filly was surprisingly fast and was already upon them by the time she had a chance to react. The cup of kettle corn smelled absolutely delicious and she smiled as she heard her talking to her sisters before and turning to her and Sky and introducing herself as Kettle Corn. She could definitely see where she got her name from as the popcorn that she had made smelled amazing. As much as she wanted to try some though, it sounded like she had made just enough for her and her sisters. She let Sky have some of the popcorn, so she smiled as well. "Mind if I try a piece as well?" she smiled as the filly gave a hooffull of the popcorn to sky. In the transfer she herself decided to pluck a single kernel with a wing feather to try it herself. "Oh, this is delicious? And you made this all by yourself? You definitely have a talent for it that's for sure," she said with a reassuring smile to the filly. The smile that she wore widened when Sky hoofed her a cup of cocoa of her own. She lightly blew onto the surface of the chocolate, knowing that the liquid just came from a boiling kettle itself. The last thing she needed to do was burn her mouth right before a performance. She then took a sip, and only a sip as she could feel it was still a bit too hot for her so she decided to converse a bit more and let the ambient temperature of the air help her out by cooling down her drink for her. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kettle Corn! I hope that you and your sisters enjoy the show that we put on for you all here in a bit," she smiled turning to Candy. "Well, as soon as you finish your apprenticeship, you reach out to Golden Bit in Las Pegasus or come see me personally. I'm sure we can work out some details between now and then, and if you want to open your own storefront yourself... I could talk to Golden Bit once you graduate and see if she has any spots that you can open up in inside the casino. Being a new store in a casino is bound to attract large amounts of patrons," she smiled. Wind Dancer herself smiled back to Kettle Corn as the filly had climbed upon to her sister's head using her horn for support. The sight itself bringing joy to her heart. These were the kinds of moments that she lived for. This kind of togetherness and warmth on an evening that has a bit of chill in the air. She was about to make a comment to the filly to engage in another line of conversation with her about her popcorn and if her and her sisters had made any candied popcorn together. The thought of the three sisters doing something so wonderful together during an event like this made her all warm and fuzzy inside. Before she could comment though, she heard the familiar whistling of a firecracker shooting up into the sky and then going off with a loud pop. This was followed by another series of whistles and pops as more began shooting into the sky. At this point she tapped Sky on the shoulder. "I believe that's our cue," she told him with a smile before turning back to the wonderful family that they had met. "We'll talk again after the show. For the moment however, all we ask that you simply enjoy it" she finished with a smile as she waited for Sky so that they could take their places.
  6. Alright then, I should be able to get something started or tomorrow, just let me know what character you would like me to use and I will go from there. Otherwise, I'll roll a d4 and go with it.
  7. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ The word calm was the first word that Rose spoke when Aloe what she thought she'd like or need. That whatever it was, it was something that would require a calming effect for sure. Aloe nodded. She definitely enjoyed a calm and relaxing atmosphere. It was one of her favorite things about the spa that she ran. She remained still though as the pony in front of her looked over her, seemingly doing a take of the mare. Then Rose asked her why she opened the spa in the first place and why she opened the spa here of all places. Those were two very simple questions to answer. "Oh! My sister and I opened the spa here in Ponyville because the spa market in Trottingham was already flooded, and most of them were owned by Mama and Papa. My sister and I come from a very long lineage of masseurs and estheticians, and my sister and I both inherited different aspects of the business. I make shampoo, oils, and conditioners, and Lotus is good at those to, but she is simply the queen of the massage table. If you thought my hooves felt good, you really need to feel her work. She makes me look like novice. Together we came here to Ponyville to start the spa because at the time, Ponyville was still growing and there was no other place like it. Over time, we expanded to be able to cater to the needs of others, but our base principals remain the same. At the very core of our business and our hearts, we just want to be a place that ponies know they can come to to forget about their troubles for however long they wish to stay," she finished with a smile.
  8. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe nodded and smiled to Rose as she told her to hook the two of them up. That knowing somepony with that had the talent for herbs like Rarity did with greens would be beneficial. "Alright. I will send word for her then. It might take a bit for her to get leave to come though. Last I heard, she was the lead medical pony for the Empress of long." Aloe replied. "Having a pony like that along woke help with that too. Her healing salves are among the best that I've ever used," she added when Compass said that the last time she was out she tore a wing escaping a timber wolf. When Rose said that there was not restriction on bits or the like and would even be willing to pay double Aloe raised an eyebrow. She also said that she could provide vitality potions that would help then along the way. As to what she was looking for, she seemed hesitant to say, but asked if Aloe wanted to go with them. "Oh... Me? I've umm... Never really done much in a way of an adventure before. I don't know what I could contribute... Are you sure I wouldn't just get in the way?" she asked. It wasn't that she didn't want to go... But get experience was in getting ponies to relax. Not navigating... Fighting... Potions... Herb finding... Danger avoiding... If they got trapped they could tell them what was edible or not... But that was was about it.
  9. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe felt saddened to hear that Rose hadn't been able to make more friends here in Ponyville. Usually it was quite and accepting place. As long as you treated others with dignity and respect, then things usually worked out. Of course... with the new mayor being Spoiled Rich, that could change at any point. She knew that Spoiled was a bit grabber and would do anything she could to weasel things. She could only hope that she could actually put Ponyville's best interests forward and not her own. If she was being honest though, she had no idea what that mare even actually wanted. So... she supposed that was a positive at least? She shook her head though. Tonight was not the night for such thoughts, and she didn't have much right to complain anyway. As busy as the spa has been as of late, she didn't get a chance to make a contribution anyway so she wasn't going to be one of those ponies that complained in the background. "Well, your traditional snacks are very tasty, and are much healthier for you than the traditional snacks found on the holiday, like hot chocolate, or chocolate in general, or peppermint candies... while delicious, not very nutritious. These, I believe here we call them Mandorins, however, boost plenty of nutrients and can power a long night of celebration better," she said with a smile as the mare asked about a potion that she desired that might not be able to find at a normal vendor. That since it was a night of gift trading, she would use her talent to offer such a thing. Aloe didn't want to let the offer go to waste, but she still didn't say no. Instead she got an idea. "Would it be okay if I kept you some company while I thought about it? I never really gave anything like that much thought before, but I would love to accept your offer. I just need to try to think of something first. I know I want it to benefit the spa in some way, but not sure. What do you think I would like or need?" she asked with a smile. IF anything she'd like to know what kind of impression she'd left on the pony after their first couple meetings.
  10. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ When the music started playing, Wind Dancer felt a shiver run down her spine. She forgot that this song was very melodic and laid back. Still, she remembered the words and she smiled. There wouldn't be a lot of the pulsating dancing that was in the pieces before it. Especially not if Sky Sailing was going to keep up with it. She was going to have to plan two sets of choreography on the fly. For something like this, the first step is to set the mood. This song told a story. Most did, but this once hit close to her and there was a lot of weight in it. It meant even more to her because this was one of the first songs that Sky performed and it was also the very first song that she herself sung on. She nodded to Sky when he said that he had put most of the synth on a vinyl and that he was thinking of playing this live on his guitar. The softness of the music inspired her though, and the dance for this particular piece would be a simple one. It would be one that illustrated the story that was behind the song. She already knew exactly when she wanted to bring him into the dancing, and that would be as soon as the duet part started. her movements were fluid and smooth, slowly taking her back down to the surface of the lake. It was a good soft transition. When the verse started however, her actions would mirror they lyrics. Starting with simply opening her eyes, and then simulating with the clouds and her control of the winds walking along the shoreline of a bay. She looked up and then with a puff the illusion faded. She let her emotions fad, her facial expressions shift into those of sadness. Picking up a bit of the water with her wings, she mirrored the effect of a drizzly rain as she twirled and shivered underneath as she looked back towards Sky. She used series of simple wing sweeps making small ripples before using her wings to recreate the waves, letting the winds build a little bit. After all, it wouldn't be one of her dances if there wasn't a burst in it somewhere. Her twirling on the ground started rotating and she seamlessly started rotating horizontally as the water droplets condense around. She made sure that she was facing sky and then right when the cymbol crash came that started the chorus, she exploded from the lake with a burst of wind as she rapidly closed the distance on Sky> She hoped that he got the vibe that she was putting down as she put her hooves down to grab onto him, although he would have only a second or two to react.
  11. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe was a bit saddened to know that this was the first holiday that she'd had a chance to celebrate in a while. That when she was in the sea there really wasn't holidays to celebrate. It was hard enough just to keep track of the days. Well, at least she was here now, and the subtle hint about the snacks didn't go unnoticed either. With a smile she took a cup of the cognac and one of the satsumas that were present and began peeling it. "Well, at least your getting to celebrate properly now that you're here in Ponyville. Have your found anypony to celebrate it with yet? This isn't a holiday to be spending alone," she said with a smile before taking a sip of the cognac. "Also, this is really good," she said happily.
  12. Well, I'm up for anything. We could have Ice/Luna or Ice and Sombra rekindle things. I don't think Ice had ever met any of your OCs. We could set something up with Wind Dancer in Las Pegasus, or Ponyville as well since she's currently there at the moment. And then there's Nira or Medo. If we figure out what characters we wanna use, the plot of the rp can write itself.
  13. I am always up for doing something RP wise. Wouldn't mind doing something with some of your OCs if you're wanting to get them more involved. I could do something with either Nira or Medo, or any of my characters really
  14. Hearth's Warming Eve. A night that was often one of various celebrations and traditions from ponies all across the land as the remembered the day that the three pony races set aside their differences and became one. In recent years though, it had included more than just ponies. There were many that had put their differences aside and have joined forces with the ponyfolk. It was a thought that made Aloe smile. Ponyville has definitely seen it's share of exotic creatures ever since the School of friendship opened up, and Aloe couldn't be happier! In the past few years she's gotten to meet so many new ponies, creatures, you name it and most of them have been nice. She did wish her sister would be around a bit more here recently, but there have been things getting in the way of that as of late. As it was tonight though, she was checking out all of the decorations in the city and she heard about a show that was getting put on later. She would have to go see it at some point. She'd have to remember what time it started though first. She quickly spotted another familiar face though that was at one of the stalls that had been set up for the event. She had become a rather regular customer of hers. She smiled and quickly sauntered her way over towards her. "Oh, Good evening Miss Rose. Are you enjoying your evening so far? This will be your first Hearth's Warming in Ponyville yes?" she asked with a smile. A part fo her wondered also if she had anypony to spend the night with herself. Hearth's warming was not a holiday that one was meant to spend alone after all. IT was another reason why she was out here tonight. Being alone right now was something that she definitely didn't want to be.
  15. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ Wind nodded as Candy said that she was happy that they were able to get her wind fixed up. "Yeah, that was a major relief and I'm glad that it got fixed. I wouldn't be able to dance the way that I do if they weren't able to fix it. And the mare responsible for setting it through is none other than the mare that owns this casino. It is why almost all of my shows are done here on the volcano grounds," she said with a smile. When the elevator door finally opened, Candy was ecstatic on how the place looked. "Yup! Looks like a little shop in Itaily would. They also serve the same hearty portions that they do from their homeland. If you leave this place hungry, it's your own fault," she giggled as she lead them in. "Good afternoon miss Windy, table for two today I presume? Will Sky be joining you today as well?" The hostess asked. Wind smiles and giggled a bit. "Sky is working in his studio today making sure his music is ready for his next performance. Right now, I'm just teasing a new friend of mine to lunch. Sometimes the most interesting things in a day can just randomly bump into you, or fall out of a tree," she said with a giggle.
  16. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ Wind Dancer couldn't help but smile at the cheekiness that Candy said in reference to get sister being the best treat for Hearth's Warming. It didn't hurt that the food was a good treat as well, but from the reaction the two had Wind knew exactly what they meant by that. At that she began to wonder what ways she could incorporate the same kind of cheekiness with the pony that she loved. With a name like Sky Sailing, she was sure she could be quite cheeky. Not that her own name was any better with that, 'Wind Dancer' left a lot of opportunities open in that regard as well. "All of those treats sounds delicious. I'll definitely be making an order next year," she smiled. She did arch an eyebrow though as Sky told her that the hot cocoa was on the house tonight, and that the new mayor of Ponyville was wanting to get Ponyville to be primary stop of musicians and performers on tour. She did like that idea, but there was one things that unsettled her just a bit. "Oh, okay... But is it also free for all the other patrons to the event tonight? I don't feel right taking something for free that others have to pay for. We should be giving to them, not to us," she said aloud. It was party of being famous, she knew that. It happened a lot more frequently than she would have liked and usually she'd make up for it by paying for something for somepony else either behind her out around her. The way that it was set up though, with how they were able to just go up to the kettle and take some of the hot chocolate made it seem that it was in fact free for all. That made her smile and feel a lot more comfortable about it. When the filly said that it sounded like it would be a fun show, she nodded. "Oh I hope it will be! I had a lot of fun designing it, and it should be a blast for everypony in attendance!" she said with a smile. "That last statement was also a literal statement. Make sure you're holding on to your drinks or finish them before the show. My wind gusts during the show can be quite strong," she added giving her normal pre-show warning.
  17. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe listened and now as the two spoke. Compass was talking about how there were those who loves in the old parts because they liked the old ways, but she herself was more than happy to leave it with she got a chance. At first she stayed in Canterlot proper but then came into Ponyville after some friends suggested it to her. She also commented on how she appreciated the thoughts that Aloe had on the matters of pure breeds and coat colors. She did and though that hey beautiful coloration did make her a little bit more sensitive to the sun light, but she shrugged that off. Aloe herself was confused by that. Usual those with lighter coats had less issues with the sun because their light color reflected the rays rather than absorbing them. Something to inquire about later. Or... now rather, as it seemed that Rose spoke exactly what she was thinking. Aloe on the other hoof though, was willing to just listen and wait for a response and then the transition into the topic of map making. It was apparently how Compass got her cutie mark. She also said that while the needs for maps we growing smaller and smaller, she was more than happy to be a guide. "Both of those sound like they would be both fun and dangerous," she commented as Rose spoke up. She was apparently looking for somepony to help her navigate the Everfree Forest in search of some rare materials, and was looking for somepony that was mapping the forest. How convenient life can be sometimes!! Though Aloe had a comment as well. "If you're looking for rare herbs or ingredients, I know of a mare. It would take a couple weeks for her to get here though. She lives in Long and is from Neighpon... But her talent works a lot like Rarity's but for herbs and plants. If you need an illusive ingredient for a potion or remedy, I'm sure she could find it for you," Aloe smiled as she then addressed shop. "And if course, the fact that you're able to get going at all with Zecora in town is a testament to your skill. I can't wait to try some of your products here," Aloe finished.
  18. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe smiled when she heard the Aerion say that Old Canterlot wasn't really anything that was worth looking at. That it was just a lot of run down buildings, crumbling streets, and grumbling ponies. "Perhaps, but I know that there are a lot of ponies that would love a chance to explore those exact places. Not to mention the history that would be in those building would be a nice cultural experience for a good many. It would probably do a lot of them good since so many of them take today's ways for granted. Many ponies don't know how better off we are today because of the sacrifices the ponies before us have made," she said with a smile. At this point though the took the back burner of the conversation and let the Aerion speak. It had appeared that the unicorn's question did ruffle her a bit, but instead of making a scene she just chose to answer the question. She began speaking of the Conclave and how it wasn't something that they spoke of a lot. Their conclave was sacred to them. It was a gathering of Aerion from all over the world. She said that it was from there that she had spotted the aerion from the East Umbral Trading Company that Rose had spoke about. she said that they held more of the coloration that she was expecting to see on herself and said that they were likely a 'purer breed' of pony than she was. "Well I for one think you're perfect the way you are. It's not what's on the outside that matters anyways. The only thing that matters is how pure a pony's heart is," Aloe said with a smile. It was then that the topic shifted at CRose's juncture to more about Rose's Apothecary and how it must have been new here as she hadn't mapped it withing the last week. Rose then explained that she was from a place called Andalusia, and that she herself was from overseas. She added that it mattered little where a mare of her work showed up, as potion craft was a trade that benefited all indiscriminately. She could attest to that! Much of potion making and the making of botanical products like they did had a lot in common. When she said getting a shop open was more painful than she thought it would be Aloe spoke up. "Indeed, with the Mayoral Shift happening right now, in combination with competing against Zecora's Remedies I can imagine something like that would be harder than most to establish here," she added. She then heard Rose ask Compass Rose if she made maps. A question that Aloe would also wait for an answer to before she continued.
  19. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ Wind Dancer smiled and nodded when Candy explained to her sister how they had met. Most probably wouldn't believe her outside of Las Pegasus, but anypony that was from there would instantly find the story believable. Wind Dancer herself wasn't one too shy away from others or be seen conversing with her fans regardless of their financial well being out family name. She didn't care about any of that. In fact, the only thing that Wind Dancer ever cared about was making ponies smile, and if she played her cards right tonight... There would be a very special somepony who would be wearing the biggest smile of them all by the time that she was done. She heard Sky speak up as well, excited to meet the mare that literally bumped into her. He relayed the heart of the conversation that they had about her when Wind got home that night. When he brought up Nightmare Night, albeit indirectly, Wind nodded herself. "Oh yes!! That candy is delightful and will be absolutely perfect for the night! I know that I'll be paying in a large order for some of that candy once it gets closer to time. It will be perfect for the charity event that I run for fillies and their families every year to help those in Las Pegasus that are a bit down on their luck," she said with a smile. She herself though had never been to Bittsburgh so she didn't know the store that Sky was inquiring about, but at this point she presumed that it was. When she heard the filly ask what they were famous for, she couldn't hello but chuckle lightly when Sky said that he was mostly just famous for being her stallionfriend. "Aww come on... You gotta give yourself more credit than that!!! That's no where near the only reason!! Your about that Golden Bit and Icy helped advertise for has already gone plat so you're more famous now than you think!" she giggled. "As for me, I'm a Showmare. I dance for a living and when I'm dancing I can control the winds with my wings, so I use them to make various effects. You'll see first hoof once the show starts here in a bit," she said as Sky suggested cocoa. "That sounds like a lovely idea! Come on, my treat!!" she said with an excited smile. This night was already amazing for her. And she knew that things were only going to get better.
  20. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe was content to let the other two talk for a bit. She listened to the response that the Aerion had to Rose's question about if she was part of the trading company. She informed them that while she herself wasn't, she knew ponies that were. She herself was just a simple pony from Canterlot. When she said it was part of the lesser known part of town, Aloe gave her a small smile. "Well then, the next time I'm in Canterlot, I must have a tour of this portion of the town if that is okay? I would love to learn more about the old ways myself," she told her with a smile. The following question that followed the first from her first guest was a little bit more... well, she couldn't really place it, but it just kinda didn't set right with her. It felt a bit... like a question that was tad on the derogatory side. Judging from the tone that it was asked it didn't seem that it was meant that way, but still. She would remain silent in this instance though as to not make a scene. If this pony would not be offended by such a question then it would be wrong of her to say anything out against it and make things awkward between them. As it was she simply smiled and nodded to the Aerion reply to her own question. "I suppose that would be the easiest solution, but if there comes a long stretch of bright weather and you need a chance to relax, please feel free. Plus we're also starting to get into the winter months where the nights are longer and start sooner. Here before long we'll actually still be open in the wee hours of the night anyway. So I'm sure we can work something out that will make you comfortable going forward," Aloe smiled.
  21. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ Wind Dancer smiled and nodded to Sky. "Yup, I gave to all the hospitals in Las Pegasus and I gave a decent amount in donation for the Ponyville medical center as well. Specifically the pediatric wing. I want all fillies and colts to be able to get there chance that I was almost denied," she says with a smile as the first couple of patrons started making their way towards them. One of the two of them, she recognized. Candy seemed to recognize her as well as she started waving to her and talking to the pony next to her a bit. Wind Dancer waved back to them as they approached and then she heard Sky introduce the two of them to the mares as they got closer and she extended her own hoof in greetings. "Indeed! I remember you from Las Pegasus. Your name was Candy right?" she asked with a smile. Now that they were close she could tell that the other pony was quite a bit younger than Candy. "And who's this cute little filly?" she asked leaning down so that she was eye level with her. Knowing that they're was at least one filly or colt in the audience that they could make smile already made the entire trip worth it.
  22. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ Wind Dancer couldn't hello but giggle a bit when she heard Sky say that conquer was probably too strong of a word for the gentle community that they were performing for. "Yeah, you're probably right. You look amazing tonight though," she said with a smile as she led them a bit more to the center of the squareb so that they could be more accessible to their fans when they started showing up. "And I can't wait to perform those songs either. I think they flow well with what we've already got," she smiled. She nodded though when She said that he hoped that somepony showed up before the show. That he wanted a chance to at least meet with the audience first. "I would as well, but they'll start coming soon. They are probably still at Twilight's castle. If I remember correctly, she was hosting a charity event tonight as well. Well probably get more of an influx when that is concluded," she said with an optimistic smile. She to was hoping to get a chance to mingle with the ponies of Ponyville before the show as well. She also wanted to pay a visit to the charity event at some point herself, if nothing else that to give her own contribution.
  23. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ The amount of excitement that was running through Wind Dancer's veins was unmeasurable. This was the first time in a while that somepony outside of Las Pegasus had gotten ahold of her to do a show. The fact that it wasn't just any show, but a Hearth's Warming show meant even more to her. Of course, behind what it was, Wind Dancer couldn't possible charge anything for it. She considered the Hearth's Warming events almost like a charity event. Using the holiday to make extra bits for herself for simple doing what she loved to do for others anyway just seemed wrong for her. As it was, she walked through the town square, looking at all the decorations and watching as they build the stage that they would be performing on... She raised an eyebrow. They did know what kind of show they did right? It would be great for Sky's equipment, but she herself would barely step a hoof on it. There was also of course the chill that was in the air as well, but with hey flight suit, it really didn't affect her that much. Not to mention as a pegasus, she was a little bit more resistant to the cooler weather from flying in the clouds so much. Despite that chill though, everything felt a lot cozier. She could definitely trip that it was a lot more laid back than Las Pegasus. It might be a good place for her and Sky settle down when that time came. For now, they had to make a good impression first and show the ponies of Ponyville that their mayor did right by inviting them here. She now stood in the square next to Sky as the got ready to start the meet and greet before the show. She had no idea what kind of turn out they'd have here, but she'd give it hey all regardless. She leaned in and gave Sky a kiss before looking at him with a smile. "So, are you nervous? This is our first act together, and it's in front of an entirely new crowd," she said looking around. The moon and the decorative lights shimmering off of her suit. "I think we can handle it. Between you and me, I'm sure we can conquer anything," she smiled giving him a nuzzle as they waited for the first arrivals for the evening.
  24. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ Wind was happy that the mare understood the compliment in her wordings. It saved her from the awkward experience of trying to explain what she meant to a mare that she barely knew and had just accidentally offended. She smiled when the mare said that she had landed am apprenticeship in Ponyville for her candy making. She said that she could make other Nightmare Night staples, but was eager to learn how to make more. "Well, given how good your Candy Corn is, I think that whatever you make otherwise would be equally as delicious... Unless you're making black licorice... I don't think anypony can make that stuff taste good. I don't even know how they call that candy, or food at all for that matter," Wind said shudders from the thought of the licorice. When she heard the mare talk about looking to the things that brought her joy, while giving hey another hug in the process, Wind nodded and returned the hug. "We just recently got a hoofball team ourselves, but they suck. Well, here in Las Pegasus anyway. I don't know what Cloudsdale has. I haven't been there since well..." she said lifting her left wing. "A few years after this happened. Because of it, I was a very weak flyer up until a few years ago when everything in it finally got properly fixed. Which unfortunately, started off with them having to completely rebreak and then reset the bone, the tendons, and the muscle with plates and screws until they started healing properly. Thank Celestia they knocked me out for that," she answered explaining a bit why she didn't care much for where she was from without going into too much detail. When the unicorn talked about the casino being bigger, and take than she thought, Wind giggled and shook her head. "Nah. The Mareage that tall compared to the others around her. She's not the shortest though. But she is old, and so are most of the elevators and the like, so that are a bit slower. It makes the casino seem taller than it is. If you were also a Pegasus I would have suggested flying as it would have been quicker," she laughed a bit as the elevator finally dinged. "Ah, we're here. Come! This is one of the best Itailian bistros in the city!" Wind said with excitement for her new friend.
  25. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ Wind nodded when he said that he's kick off Cave In, stating that it would likely just be a refresher for them. A refresher indeed. The music for started and just like with the remix, her movements were sharper and more defined. The routine didn't change, but now every movement was perfectly timed with the great that Sky was providing for her. She was crisp and on point, as if she'd already done this dance a hundred times. As it got closer to the end, she did change a little bit so that she would finish this song with pose in the air. She wasn't exactly sure how she wanted to start salt water room, so getting a good ending to Cave In would be important. When the smash end came for the song, the pose that she chose to end in was one of full spread. Every limb stretched as far out as the would go. From that pose, it would be easy to transition into whatever came next. Just like before after the remix, she paused awaiting Sky's approval, it disapproval if he felt like something needed to be changed from his point of view.
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