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Everything posted by CrescentBlaze

  1. Sup Pony? A good ole American welcome back to you! Its encoaraging to see even the haters (no offense!) can be turned to bronydom. Any questions about the forums feel free to ask! hope to see you on the boards!
  2. With banishment averted Crescent sighed in relief. His excitement returned as he realized Val must have found something that could help him and he quickly leaned over his notes to find out. "Ok so what is it what did you find? a machine? a spell? What did it say?" Crescent skimmed over the notes but couldnt make heads or tail of Val's rushed penmanship
  3. you forgot what to label what roleplay this is for
  4. Hey well this is cool! I love it when people who run the sites that I'm a part of actually make it into other website I use! awesome! anyway welcome to canterlot!
  5. yes you do these are the more formal tryouts but feel free to join the thread to help out Crescent with the competition. as a side note the mare version of the AeroBlade uniform is the same pattern but its white and red while the colt version is black and red. Just though you should have that detail. Oh and you would have had to go to canterlot to have it made, just some little details for ya.
  6. Crescent looked down at the crestfallen filly with joy, preparing for his announcement. "Well Lights I gotta say your speed is respectable and your stunt skills above that of normal ponies, but... He paused similarly to how he did for Winter. "I offer you full-time membership as a reserve member of the AeroBlades! Congratulations short stuff, if you accept you will be Winter's right wing. I think you have a lot of potential kiddo, your still young and there is still a chance for you to make it to the core team with improvement." Crescent smiled and held out a hoof for her to shake and allowed her a moment to let it sink in. "Now you should both know what you are getting into before you accept membership. Being an AeroBlade is a full time job, you will be paid very well by our sponsor but its not going to be easy. We will train every other day as the 'Bolts do, participate in races, perform stunt shows and make appearances. There isnt much downtime during the season. But! you will get an awesome flight suit like mine. Custome tailored by the same seamstress who makes the Wonderbolt's uniforms. And you get the added benefit of expert advanced flight training at every practice from yours truly. So what do you guys say? Are you in? He lifted off hovering above them in anticipation as he finished his little speech.
  7. Crescent smiled broadly at the nervous stallion savoring this moment. "Well Winter despite not making it all the way through the stunt..." He bit his lip as he paused for dramatic effect. "Congratulations! I offer you full-time membership to The AeroBlades! If you accept you'll be the lead flier on the reserve squad. You still may not be the fastest or the most skilled flier but I can work with you Winter, you know the ins and outs of flying. I need that kind of creativity and experience, expect a lot of consulting and collaborating on new tricks." Crescent held out a hoof in acceptance. He couldnt wait to break even more good news to Lights, and was bouncing in excitement in finding his first recruits.
  8. WILDEN! what does Scout say about his power level?! ( ) anyway Crescent is pretty awesome, his sword Night Fire is undeniably awesome (pic to come) what's your judgement on his power level? also how would armor play into things? would it be its own power rating that adds to the total? EDIT: this is about as close as I can get to how I imagine Night Fire the main difference being that the blade is a dark, nearly black, opalescent chrome and the hilt has a reflex curve, and a slightly larger crossguard
  9. Crescent jumped and put a hoof on his sword hilt out of habit. He saw the scroll in Val's mouth and was immediately apprehensive. "HOLY!...GEEZ!, you actually stole something from the archives!?!?!? I thought you were just gonna read whatever it was and get out!" Crescent was visibly nervous now. He wanted to go to the moon but he wanted to be allowed to come back too!
  10. wafflesome orgasms have no relevancy to to anything less awesome than a bowling ball dipped in glue.
  11. 5/5 because I still cannot even...seriously its making my brain bleed
  12. I am speachless. 1. there is no way this thread will pick up with this being the first post 2. if I didnt know you were serious I'd say epic troll is epic.
  13. Crescent examined the hilt of his sword, growing bored, still not the least bit worried. He stood up on his rear hooves and leaned against the wall beneath the window. "Wonder whats taking him so long..."
  14. "Thats weird. I've never met a pony named Draco before. I'm Cloud Sweep 'Monster Slayer Fighter Killer Expert'!" She drew her wooden sword with a flourish, and proceeded to do a few swings and stabs showing just how awesome her novice, untrained swordsmanship was. She made like she was fighting an invisible foe, as she often did, and buzzed into the air here and there as she slashed at the invisible opponent. She remembered the alicorn was still there after a few seconds of showing off and quickly jumped behind Draco again.
  15. Cloud Sweep let go of the dragon pony's leg and shook her head. Too many times had she been asked her name only so somepony could keep tabs on her. "You first."
  16. Cloud Sweep continued to shiver against the green pony's leg. "C-can we go now? I dont like him..." She whispered the last part afraid that if he heard he might make a meal out of her of some other gruesome fate. Hundreds of dooms flooded the filly's overactive imagination and she closed he eyes again.
  17. Awesome! go right ahead its in the heartland section. you may have to load extra topics
  18. 1. My OCs flight team The AeroBlades! (their core values are hard work and determination, high ambition/self-esteem, being the coolest of the cool) 2. some sort of awesome theme song, fast paced and epic! something speed metal-ish would be good. (through the fire and flames is what I hear in my head when I imagine them performing or doing the awesome stuff they do.) 3.IT MUST BE SUPERULTRAEXTREMEAWESOMEAZING! if..um...that is...if you dont mind...
  19. Cloud Sweep was legitimately frightened now. The little Filly was brave and would have handled the statement well if it hadnt ended in a blatant proclamation of murder. She clutched the Dragon pony's hind leg for dear life. She didnt know him but she would take any kind of protection she could get. Her eyes widened and her lip quivered, she shook as the Alicorn's face contorted disturbingly into an evil grin. Cloud Sweep closed her eyes not wanting to have any more memories that would give her nightmares. She whimpered in fear trembling against Draco. It wasnt the first time somepony had told her they would kill her, plenty of shop keepers who caught her stealing had yelled it at her, but this pony's tone was dark and full of meaning. Even just the sound of his voice was unsettling.
  20. Crescent approached the Zebra who called herself Nexi. He wasnt all to concerned with her as a threat, she was old and blind after all, but her scars and weathered appearance alerted him that she had seen more life than most. She was clearly one to be respected. "Hello Nexi, you can call me Pro and this is Runner and Hunter. Not our real names though, well at least not I or Hunter. I'll discuss that with you in private later." He took a moment to look passed the zebra to what appeared to be a ramshackle ghost town. You say you are of the resistance, so was I until Storm Dragon ran us out of Cloudsdale. If this is No Lands End then please, Storm Dragon himself is on our trail and we need to find shelter."
  21. AeroBlade membership and past OC relationship confirmed.
  22. Crescent sheathed his heirloom blade and addressed the guards once more, now that Val was inside he wouldnt have any trouble, "Thanks anyway fellas, I guess I'll just try to figure things out elsewhere." He did a mock imitation of a salute, putting on a strait face, except his eyes were crossed and his tongue stuck out. Crescent turned and walked away laughing good naturedly at his own joke. Once he broke the line of sight with the guards he made his way to area below the window Val had entered through taking a seat and nonchalantly minding his own business as if he wasnt an accomplice to breaking and entering.
  23. why dont we list our skills, experience, equipment, and any other additional factors and let thrylos decide. Crescent Blaze Experience and Skill: -Special talent is incredible levels of focus, determination, and confidence achieved through skill in swordplay and flight. - Former resistance member, defensive and offensive military tactics, advanced leadership role. -Trained in multiple forms of combat since early childhood (hoof to hoof, swordplay, improvised assault .etc) -as a colt attended advanced flight camp, dropped out and trained himself as a self taught flight expert, became captain of his own team the AeroBlades. Equipment/Weaponry: -NightFire, Ancient magically resistant (not impervious) Falchion sword, Forged from steel smelted from a meteor's Iron, incredibly sharp and durable, never needs to be sharpened.
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