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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Ever one looks to be takeing it fine... well ok no they are not. If a civil war opens up i well not be shocked.
  2. Ah loled way to hard on seeing that. Good thing ah was not drinking coffee
  3. AH ****ING LOVE DISCORD! :heart: like come on! He is doing ever thing ah wanted to see happen~ ok Dusty shaft nightmare moon we follow Discord now!
  4. Why don't ah see one stallion? Oh, ah see how it is Princess...
  5. *crashes in the wall with a tank* yyyyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! .... ....... Hello! Nice meeting ya Vanna! No need to be shy we don't bite! (If I'm hungry that may not be the cass)
  6. *crashes in by a window* yyyyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! .... ....... Hello! Nice A meeting ya Shyriath! De name is Dusty! No need to be sky we don't bite. (well some of us can) But hope you like it er!
  7. Hope the rain don't wash out the dust! Nice meeting ya! hope ya like it here~
  8. Dusty


    metalocalypse, that is all i have to say.
  9. Sounds fun, I get the feeling Dusty needs to get a gang back. Fix: Eeyup he is going to do it.
  10. Ha so she grow up in the Desert? Well now Dusty has to meet her, being he grow up in it to. well the must eastern part of it that is. But i love her, hope to see her in!
  11. HELLO! welcome one and all! to this part of the ponynet!
  12. well an't she cute! a pony Dusty as Dusty hooves!
  13. Well ya. Ah was just saying. But I like her from what I have seen. If more outlays pop up Dusty may need to pull a gang together to keep up! (and leave train pulling for good)
  14. more outlaw pony's i see! how fun! One more pony for Dusty to play with,
  15. A good Dusty hooves? I think the world well fall in to it's self. But off the top of my head, clean, giving, nice, not a heavy drinker, likes kids and all that junk. To sweet if you ask me.
  16. Well then it well make birds like me. I hate them so being chased all over town by birds? that is fun to watch... for ever one but me.
  17. *tips my hat* I do my best miss! Just don't ask me how to toss a party for my party. I don't even know.
  18. Make it so i can't shot the side of a barn and hate cider...
  19. After talking to my self I got the appels to ask for this, I want to request a ID Photo (the cute pics next to your name if you don't know or some thing) And well... I don't know if one of you are welling to do this for free but I want a gif pic of Dusty, just a head shot of him but i want his eyes glowing blue, like the Fremen in Dune. But to help show off the glow i want the pic to go dark so you can see just his eyes. (or eye) I don't know if one of you can do this but, thinks for taking the time to read this. Tones of love to ever one!
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