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Everything posted by WhiteSlash

  1. Your avatar! The D'aww! Welcome to Canter, enjoy your stay XD
  2. A mohawk! Sweet XD Welcome to Canterlot, enjoy your stay!
  3. Hey there! Welcome to Canterlot Enjoy your stay!
  4. Hello! Welcome to Canterlot! Enjoy your stay XD
  5. This is just a punk rock song! Created for the people who can see somethings wrong!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhiteSlash


      I added the song to my page! XD

    3. StarStorm


      Oh! I'll check it out if it's still up!

    4. StarStorm


      Wait.. Bad Religion? I LOVE Bad Religion!! AND I love punk rock.. XDD How have I not heard this?!

  6. Well! Silly me XD Most likely an update tomorrow :L I failed to take into account that everyone has lives XD Stay tuned folks!
  7. Classes will change over today everyone! Round about now each class should be finished so most likely something will happen today
  8. That's quite alright XD Yeah I kind of figured as much, should be quite an easy fix! Thanks for the help.
  9. Oh Breaking Bad XD You so awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhiteSlash


      Five series in and continues to be amazing!

    3. frenzyhero


      That's what I heard.

    4. WhiteSlash


      I would deffinetly recommend checking it out XD

  10. Yay new headset! Now I can record shiz XD

  11. Is getting realy drunk, call back later XD

  12. It's so awesome! I edited my first post aswell XD
  13. Woohoo! Musical threads XD I might just copy your layout! 1) Stiff Little Fingers - 2) Bromheads Jacket - 3) Milburn - 4) Art Brut - 5) The Presidents of the USA - Might have forgot some XD Possible updates in the future!
  14. Omg! XD Its so awesome Thanks a million!
  15. Ursa Growls found himself torn with the latest developments. The whole debacle had brought this part of Fillydelphia to a standstill. He had been hoping to get some time at a nearby book store to do a small signing for his latest addition to his collection of Equestria survival guides. Though it seemed that noone was interested on a day like this. Ursa wasn't quite sure what to think as he had only heard that something had happened to the museum but he couldn't bring himself to think it was something terrible. Perhaps just a small act of vandilisim or someting of the likes, he thought. As Growls made his way out the store he could clearly piece together that something big had happened. It didn't take a scientist to put 1 and 1 together and the REA soldiers were a dead give away. Though now was the time for Ursa to put his past connections and talents to use. Recently it had became quite hard to find dangerous places in Equestria. This seemed like something that might escalate into an adventure and ever better, a new book! Ursa entered the crowd and tried to pick out any REA soldiers that he might recognize from his time in the forces but he couldn't make out much in the mess of people. "Bloody 'ell this is quite the mess." He slumped back into a rather frustated stance. He barely had room to breathe!
  16. Hm same here for me XD Not really my thing but still enjoyable! 3/5 for the first song and 4/5 for Pendulum (little more my style) Little bit of French for anyone who likes it XD Don't understand the lyrics, still love it though!
  17. Huh! Yes I understand what you're saying. To be honest the Cutie Mark Story was something I was worried about, I hoped that what I put originally would work but I did realise that it basically implies underage drinking. Thanks for the advice and I shall make the suggested changes soon!
  18. I think I'd like Ursa Growls to work in one of the main core groups.
  19. Rabble rocked from side to side clearly quite dazed from the whole experience. She barely managed to comprehend the lolipop hovering infront of her. With fumbling hooves she snatched it from the air and slouched back against the ground. Rabble was starting to feel a bit more stable but she still knew her limitations in her current state. She was in no shape to help other ponies and possibly risk further injury on herself and them. Instead Rabble tried to sit back and put the whole current situation out of mind. She simply tried to imagine what was waiting for her at her destination. All of her friends ready to play one big gig again for old times sake. This thought brought a smile to the damaged mare's face and also struck her with fear. Rabble had become so shaken by this whole ordeal. She shuddered at the thought of what might have happened. If the whole crash had went diffirently. How would her friends have taken the news? She couldn't bare to put them through that. She had to make it. Rabble opened her eyes to witness the rush of ponies darting back and forth trying to help each other and salvage items from the wreckage. It seemed that things were dieing down though. Most ponies if not all of them seemed to be safely out onto the mountain now. If so the next question was how to find help in such a distant place.
  20. This sounds awesome! I have an OC Ursa Growls I would be able to use. Ex REA, now an adventurer! Most often he is travelling around Equestria so I'm not sure exactly where the best place for an introduction would be though.
  21. Could you draw my OC's Rabble Rouser and Vivre Vrai touching muzzles? XD Something I've always wanted to try but I lack the talent to draw :L If you need links I'll update this post!
  22. I really liked you aswell :/

  23. Is looking to get more involved in the Mane RP XD

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