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Everything posted by MisterChippy

  1. Sure, I'll add more about that. I've been meaning to add more about his past. That bit's just kinda boring. (Quite purposely)
  2. That's a good name. I've been wanting a tag to name mine "Pyro's Party Cannon". Only problem is that the rainblower doesn't quite fit with my loadout of a Last Breath and Ghastlier Gibus.The SV can actually be useful sometimes when you need to make the choice between fighting and running, but yeah, it's mostly junk. It's still better than stock or the amputator. Plus, if you're using a mic to lead a push it can be useful to tell your team who's weak and easy to pick off. I've got a buddy who actually does use it with the CC and he's the most lethal battle medic snipers I've ever meet. I have to say my favorite bit of the clinical trial is the Overdose. Speed boost for already fast medic is beautiful.
  3. "He's not just a regular moron. He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived." - Glados, on wheatley.
  4. Level Up - Legend Of The Everfree Forest Follow the journey of a lost pony forced to fight his way through a cursed wood to regain his lost past. Sporadic updates of short, +/- 1000 word chapters. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review them. Even if you think the chatacters are less than 2 dimensional, the plot nonsense, the writing style pathetic, and any other bad things about the story, please tell me. I want to improve and if I write crap and no-one calls me on it, I'm going to keep writing and posting crap. I don't think anyone wants that. Also, if you like something, please say so. It'll make me happy and help me figure out what to keep doing. RATING: E-10+ There is violence, but it's not graphic or even realistic. Any scary scenes will be balanced out with humor and since there's only one pony character there's no chance of any 'Adult Content'. Prologue: A night to remember.
  5. "Just grab life by the horns and shake it 'till it moos!" - Viridia, Kid Icarus Uprising.
  6. F YEAH! I'm currently $100 in the can so I got mine for free, but I'm gonna give $10 once I actually have money to spend. (honest!) My favorite track of the moment is Sleep, but there's so much good stuff it's hard to decide. On a kinda related note, has anyone heard The Living Tombstone's remix of Eurobeat Brony's song Discord? So catchy!
  7. Here's how I use quickfix: First, I hitch a ride with a scout into battle. If there isn't a big fight going on somewhere, I'll just cruise along with the scout, kicking butt and building uber. When we come to a fight, I'll break off and start healing everyone who's wounded. I build uber really fast doing this and can ofter get 2 ubers out in one battle. I also like pocketing the intel carrier and getting them back home safely, since it's a good way to build uber and it's a good precaution. Also, am I the only person who uses the Clincal Trial item set? I don't see it that often online and it's pretty good.
  8. My personal OC (who I'm trying to get into the RP here) is me. In fact, the only thing about him that's really all that different from me is his past. In fact, I make sure to put a little bit of myself in any OC I make. It makes writing them and figuring out what they're gonna do next much easier and helps me learn about myself along the way. If I want a good guy I take the good bits of myself, and for bad guys I take my bad parts (almost all my villians are actually pretty nice dudes, so I hope that says something good about me).
  9. Heathen, only using the Quick Fix now. I've been using it this entire time, suffering the humiliation of foolish heavies begging me to pocket them then dying when they realize that my ubers don't make them invincible. If I refuse to pocket them, they complain. If I pocket them and uber them, they complain. How do you not notice you aren't overhealed? I love the new update, but as a pyro main it's been a mixed blessing. I love my new S Rainblower (I gotta spare in case someone wants to trade) and the damage boost is sweet, but there are so many unskilled pyros now it's made the class kinda worthless. I'm hoping they'll all go back to... whatever they were after a while so I can deal afterburn damage again. On a side note, new pistol is shweet.
  10. Ever had to beat a video game in one day, no breaks? Not fun. Not fun at all.

    1. SonicRainb00m


      I feel you, man. 'Tis not a fun thing.

  11. We got crazy lightning all night, so of course I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep after the storm passed us by. I didn't even know anything had happened until I looked at my bedside clock and saw the number blinking.
  12. Here's my opinion on scary movies: Psychological: Stuff like twighlight zone and HP Lovecrat (not technically movies, but you get the idea). I just LOVE stuff like this, and I have no clue why. For all you doctor who fans out there, the empty child does fall into this catagory (I watched that episode at two in the morning and couldn't sleep for the rest of the night). Gorey Gross Out: Excessive gore doesn't bother me too much, but I think it's a cheap way to scare people. If there's too much gore, I consider the film to have low production values. La da da OH MY GOD HE'S BEHIND YOU WITH A KNIFE!: I think that horror movies that rely mainly on surprise (such a paranormal activity) to scare you are cheap and stupid. That said, they scare the living #@$% out of me and I don't like watching them. Alien is the one exception to this, because Ridley Scott is a genius.
  13. Meeting myself would be both cool and awkward, and would also give me a headache. First we'd be like OMGWTF about the existence of the other, but once we accepted it we would have to try and figure out how it happened. Then we'd start arguing about what we'd be called and would eventually settle for one of us having our first name and the other having our nickname that everyone calls us. Finally we'd start wondering about the future, since now that we both exist and are having different experiences we're no longer the same person. I actually think conversation would be fun, since I don't always agree with myself. One of me could take one side while the other takes the other side and we could figure out what to do. Then we'd play magic and TF2 together for HOURS. As for the rule 63 thing, who needs rule 63? I could make an encounter like that incredibly awkward all by myself, thank you very much! Seriously though, any encounter between me and a doppleganger would be really awkward and I have to admit that I have no clue what would happen.
  14. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria Name: Bright Ideas (he goes by Brighteyes) Sex: Male Age:A young stallion Species: Earth Ponies Eye Color: Amber (wears glasses) Coat Color: Light Brown Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Brown, messy, and kinda curly Physique: Average Cutie Mark: A lightbulb. He got it while working on a science project. Origin/Residence: Born in Ponyville, but he moved to Canterlot a while ago. Occupation: Troubleshooting consultant and odd jobs. If you have a problem you can hire him to fix it. It's mainly technical stuff like fixing a DJ's turntable or someone's door, but if you can pay him he'll do what you pay him for. His technical skills are amazingly good, so he's actually in fairly high demand. While he firmly denies it and changes the topic whenever it's brought up, there's speculation floating around Canterlot that he's been hired to do things that are less than legal in the past. Motivation: Love, friendship, and a general desire to be nice. Likes: Books, Puzzles, Problems, Quiet, Friends, Technology, Sweets, Music, Stallions. Dislikes: Water, Rudeness, Incompetance, Bigorty. Character Summary: Brighteyes is really nice and affectionate and tries very hard to keep everyone around him happy. Because of this he sometimes seems weak because he tries agreeing with everyone, but he'll never compromise his beliefs if they're about something that matters to him. He's very shy and kinda awkward around ponies he doesn't know well, but he makes an effort to be sociable. He has a few flaws, chief among them his low self confidence. He's overly critical of everything that he does and tends to run himself down. This lack of confidence is at odds with his abilities, since he's really pretty good at almost everything that he does. He also embarasses VERY easily and tries very hard to stick to the background. Because of this, most ponies who aren't his close friends don't notice his sense of humor, which is quite funny once you're able to tell when he's making a joke. Whenever he's asked about his past, he simply says that it's very boring, which is (mostly) true, although there are a few things that he's purposely leaving out. He also doesn't normally mention his sexuality, but that isn't because he's embarrassed about it. He just doesn't think it really matters all that much. History: Brighteyes was born to a unicorn and an earth pony. His mother (a unicorn) is named Shining Beacon and his father is named Bookworm. His mother was a model in her youth until she met his father, who she fell in love with almost immedietly since he was the only pony who was ever interested in her who wasn't incredibally shallow. They married and she quit her job to help him out with his bookstore. Brighteyes was born a while later. During grade school he earned his cutie mark during a science project when he managed to make a lightbulb light up using only paperclips, a penny, and some lemonade. (I believe that you can actually do this IRL, though I don't know how.) After he got the light to turn on he noticed that he had his cutie mark. When asked about it he says that he doesn't mind having a lightbulb as a cutie mark, but that he wished it's origin had been cooler. He says that he only noticed he had his cutie mark becuase he had a mirror in his room at the time and happened to glance in it. Something that he probably won't tell you is that he won first prize in the science fair and actually complained about it, since he didn't feel that what he had done was a very big acomplishment and hadn't taken him very long. After school he moved away to Canterlot in order to look for a job, although he quit looking and just started his own buisness after a week. His parents are proud that he's able to make his living on his own, but they're constantly worried that he won't be able to find work. Hobbies: Brighteyes has many different hobbies, many of them involving technology. He's a big fan of music of any kind, but his favorite genres are Drum and Bass, Electro, and Dubstep. He makes some music himself, but its not very good and he recognizes that. He also is a hacker (used in this context to refer to someone unconventionally skilled with all kinda technology). When asked about hacking he says that crackers (malicious hackers who use their skills for criminal reaons) are the lowest of the low. He's very passionate about this, which has caused some people to think that he might be trying to atone for sins in his past. He also loves games of any kind (board games, card games, role playing games) and spends a lot of his time playing them. Because of this he knows a lot about many different games and is very good at them. Here's a picture of him:
  15. Here's a list of my brony pet peeves: 1. People who assume that I think RD is lesbian because she's a tomboy with rainbows. I don't. I've built my opinion on quite a few little moments in the show where Rainbow Dash acts in a way that I think indicates that she feels some attraction to another female pony. I don't like it when people lecture me about falling for stereotypes about homosexuals, since I'm one of the last people who would ever do something like that. 2. People who diss the show without ever having seen it, which is basically everyone who disses the show. Even I read Twilight before I started dissing it, just because I didn't want to be some fool who was insulting something that they knew nothing about. 3. People who get offended when I suggest a shipping that doesn't match their own. Dude, it's just shipping. You can put any two random objects (they don't even have to be alive) together and come up with some half plausible reason why love each other. It has no bearing on the actual character, and if someone has a different shipping than you, deal with it. It doesn't really matter. 4. People who say that I take my bronyness 'too far'. How exactly is buying four different articles of Rainbow Dash related clothing 'too far'? How is spending fifty dollars on a pillow 'too far'? I'll admit that I have spent a bit over one hundred dollars on MLP related merchandise, but lots of people spend more than that on sports shoes, and people don't accuse them of taking it too far. It's only because being a brony is a fairly new thing that people see spending what is honestly not all that much money on MLP stuff. 5. People who post NSFW pony pictures in places where a kid might see them. I can understand that thanks to rule 34 there are people who like that, but it's a CHILDREN'S TV SHOW! Don't make graphic images that show up even when google safe-search is on! What turns you on is none of my business, and let's keep it that way! If you want to draw stuff like that, feel free. I might even look at some of it. Just don't put it in a place where any little kids who like the show might stumble across it. How many parents are gonna say no when their kid asks to look up a picture of Applejack? None, because inappropriate pictures shouldn't show up there. And yet they do. I've got a few more, but these are my main ones.
  16. I hear you man. I've gotten loadouts that will let me get classasin, and I think I can get Terminated Too if I just try hard enough, but how would I get any of the others? Also, does ANYONE want a strange diamondback? I'll trade it for ANY other strange (aside from razorback) or for practically anything else. Yes, it's a bad gun, but who knows, someone here might like it. Also, if you have a halfway decent strange, (such as any primary) I'll add on a strange part: revenge kills. I just hate the diamondback with a passion and want this thing out of my bag. Also, if anyone has any kind of strange knife, I'd be willing to trade for that too (with better stuff than the diamondback).
  17. My name is the actually the result of me sitting down and trying to think of a good username that wasn't relevant to anything. At first I decided on Chippy, (I got the name from one of the artist employed by wizards of the coast to illustrate magic cards) since it's a funny name that makes you think of some young, hyperactive little twerp. Then, in a stroke of genius, I decided to add Mister to it, making it a silly name, since mister implies the person is someone to respect, while you would never respect anyone named Chippy. It was originally my steam username (I was the second person ever to use it) and a few people have mentioned it while playing TF2 with me. One guy said that it was the best username he ever saw, since it made him think of some hyperactive little squirrel with a top hat and monocle. I kinda think the same thing, so I always use avatars that have top hats, monocles, or some sort of evil looking mustache.
  18. Rainbow, hooves down. Its rainbow colored!
  19. My zodiac and this thing were both Luna, although I don't really feel like the zodiac one fits me. I'm not surprised that I got Luna here, since the reason that I like her is that I feel that she and I are very similar.
  20. It's more fun this way. (although I have taken the test) I just added the chart to help people out, but this is really just supposed to be "Who do you feel is like you" sorta thing. From both the actual MBTI test and my gut feeling I get luna, which makes me really happy since she is my second favorite pony (there was no way I was getting Dashie, so Luna will have to do).
  21. Out of all the ponies, which one do you think has the personality most similar to yours? Here's a chart to help you out, but you can ignore it if you want.
  22. I really wanna put the following picture in my sig, but there's a problem. For some reason, no matter how small I resize the picture it tells me that it's too big. Any help?
  23. Heh. It's a kinda similar reason for me...
  24. I know 'bout most of that stuff. (I didn't know about the cooldown lounges 'cause I've never really bothered to check for anything like that) I'm just sayin' that those suits look like some of the most uncomfortable things I've ever seen, and whether there's a water cooler or not, you shouldn't put on that much stuff in the summer. As someone who has suffered from heat exhaustion in the past, I can tell you that by the time you're about to collapse, you aren't exactly thinking straight, and it can be hard to tell ahead of time.
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