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Status Updates posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. I am official in my new house :) but have a rather poor internect connection till next week. Still I got enough to let me post and such :). It is good to have a real desk now. Now all I gotta do is wait for the pods to arrive...and....unpack......everything..... T_T

  2. Micromanaging is annoying

    1. RainbowDaringDash


      Depends what in :P Though mostly, yeah, thats what is made for, annoying everyone

  3. Canterlot: City of a thousand stories.

    1. XanXeto


      And there are still plenty more to come.

  4. The world of insects is scarey.

  5. Love Darts make fun tools *Evil smile of mischief*

    1. Elderflower


      :D So the tools are the darts...or the ponies? Hehehe
  6. Allergies are slowly destroying me

    1. Pretzelparty


      *buries sandcat in tissues*

  7. I am a BBASD: Big Brother against sister dating. *locked and loaded*

    1. RainbowDaringDash


      Heh, my crushes brother is like that, keeps death staring me, and has kicked me once.

  8. Why do such lovely messages always gotta be used to sell a product?

    1. Sethore


      Cause how else will business get you to watch the whole thing. xD

  9. I live once more after resettling myself in my new home.

  10. *Waits for October and Halloween* SAMHAIN!!!

    1. tacobob


      Spread this note! If you live near ShadowWalking18 and he stops at your house during Halloween. Give him no candy! Only olive loaf!

  11. September is an empty month that keeps me waiting longer for free candy, turkey and free gifts and snow. Curse you september!

    1. tacobob


      Hah! The Halloween stuff is been out for like a month now. :3

  12. Getting a fifth season. Ahhhh yeah.

    1. tacobob


      And maybe even more. :3

  13. Latest report on the move: Family staying at a Residence Inn in New Hampshire while we wait to sign on the house tomorrow and should be fully moving in on Saturday possibly. Then....all the unpacking -_-

    1. tacobob


      Oooh! Look at Mister Fancy pants living in a NEW Hampshire! When I was your age, the original Hampshire was good enough for us! Now you kids with your hula hoops and your fancy highfalutin compression codes..back when I was a la...of....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...Buck Rodgers!

  14. *Buried under boxes all marked "My Room"* ....help......meeee.

    1. starswirlthebearded


      I'm in the same situation. Unpacking stinks...

  15. And I am back from the wedding -_- I'm exhausted. *falls asleep*

  16. I like to think that there is more to the world then we know. It is better to live believing there are still mysteries to solve, then to assume we know it all.

    1. tacobob


      Like you can find out behind the mystery behind the scary sounds that are coming from your closet.OOoooh! Is it a ghost? Maybe it's a mummy. Or is that Loch Ness Monster growls? Guess there's only one way to find out..

  17. July is such a busy month. Long week of work on a holiday week, making the work station an utter mad house. Then next week I go to my cousins wedding, then the weekend after that is a Raffle Contest that I hope I win the grand prize. So much to do, then there is Moving Day sometime next month @_@ Im getting dizzy.

    1. tacobob


      bring us back cake!

  18. I baked you a cookie, but I eated it :(

    1. tacobob


      *stuffs arm down throat* GIMME! It's MINE! GIMMIE!

  19. Life is boring where I live -_-

    1. tacobob


      Try not to ask for excitement, or you might get it. D:

  20. New episode! Watching it after work today :)

  21. Hmmm ran out of random things to put up now again. o_o

    1. XanXeto


      Happens to the best of us.

  22. I....have nothing to say. O_o

    1. leapman


      Give some shout outs then :P

  23. I'm loving the sibling centered episodes. Now I want another Rarity and Sweetie Belle one, then a Shining Armor and Twilight one. Then a Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo centered one. And maybe some more info on Fluttershy's family.

    1. CaptainMcDerp


      You're in luck cause I think the next episode is about Sweetie Belle and Rarity. The summary is very interesting too.

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