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Everything posted by ping111

  1. First lucid dream last night! It only lasted about a minute in my head, but I basically heard the SpongeBoB Newscaster say, "wait a minute! This is a DREAM!" and suddenly I was in this infinite meadow, and I could feel the grass. It was so neat!

    1. DreamySunday


      Lucid dreams are amazing ^^

  2. HERESY!Only one has ever doubted your gender! Not only have several on this sight alone crowned me the king/queen of indeterminate sex, but have you ever been called "ma'am" on the phone!? Has it happened to you twice in a single call!? I didn't think so. So relinquish your self-worshipping falsities, and shatter your false throne! For only I can raise upon it, as the sole sovereign of Androgynia!
  3. Yes you are. Only I can wear the mask of androgyny!
  4. Tales has not had access to a computer for a little while. crp_dude sent his picture out three days ago. If Tales doesn't get her line in by today, I'll move her to the back of the line and go to the next line in, erm, line.
  5. It's time for me to invest in a new (gaming) mouse and keyboard (ideally with numpad). What would be a good choice (either separate or as a set) that won't totally break my bank?

  6. I'm pretty sure it's a pea...A chorus of "Fight! Fight!" rings off in the distance... A lone tumbleweed rolls by at high noon...
  7. Sure... But trust me, I know people who change names far more often than that.
  8. STEVEN MAGNET IS OFFICIAL LICENSED MLP TOY WANT WANT WANT. I will personally hug anyone who sends me one, and by DWEIQ it'll be the best hug of your life.

    1. Mellorious


      lol, I had to look this up. That is way past cool. XD

    2. MyLittlePonyTales
  9. Yay! It's finally my turn to get a beautiful piece of your art! Hmm... I have plenty of Maple art. How about STEVEN art? Lov- err, Clair- umm... LoopEnd (...), would you be so kind as to draw me a picture of Sir Steven Magnet being positively fabulous? I don't even care what you do with him, just make him... (deep breath) SENSATIONAL! Have fuuuuuuun~
  10. True Canadian Fact: A "Timmy Run" is when one person goes to Tim Horton's, a very famous Canadian coffee franchise, to pick up coffee and pastries (such as TimBits, AKA donut holes), for a group.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      And they ride moose and have pet penguins!

    3. ping111


      Umm... Penguins live in the south pole... And as I've already told Tenkan, MOOSEN are too knobbly to ride!

    4. MyLittlePonyTales


      It's okay. You don't have to lie to try to make people not jealous.

  11. I really did love this episode. I figured it would be the wrong pony this entire time, but I think they went along with it very well, and revealed the big lie at just the right time. Everypony also showed their Element very accurately, and Cadance looked gorgeous in the end. I'm very impressed how they merged two episodes together. However, some of the soliloquies between the characters were kind of obvious or loud. Also, the "sudden change of heart" at the end was really cheap and childish, but they did play it quite well. Finally, this epi has AWESOME vocabulary! "Auspicious"? "Funnest" (Many people don't believe that "funner" is a word)? Love it! I wish I had taken show notes as I watched, so that I wouldn't have to call from memory.
  12. As anypony who's ever run an errand in the fall knows, breathing in the crisp autumn air that wisps melodically from between the branches fragrant broadleaf trees leaves a pleasant cooling nip on the inside of the throat. Well, pleasing to some at the least. The introvert, walled up by bricks and fireplaces and blankets and books, finds the dry wind a hindrance to any attempt to breathe. Yet to those accustomed to the brisk quickly come to enjoy it, finding it expands the lungs and awakens the mind. The sheltered body finds anything below room temperature equated to the billowing snowdrifts of the Crystal Tundra, and a perfect opportunity to curl up and pray for easy passage. Man, Maple should really keep a pen on her. Ever since Maple had widened her horizons to reading by, well, learning how to, the individual proses that each author held to their own had been mingling, mixing, and mating inside her head. Many youthful scholars as she opened the infinite maw of their imaginations to their latest exposure to media - her recent Sherclop Pones marathon had her bustling about the house searching for the cookie thief (while ignoring the crumbs rolling about on her lips all the while) - so reading more advanced books than children's fantasy had of course transformed Maple into a lukewarm-tea-sipping, lightly-accented 'gentlefilly' to whose lips a smile did not venture (it simply broke free without forewarning). Mind you, the considerable size of her latest Steven Princess novel accenting her nightstand was far outweighed by the gargantuan Equestrian dictionary that lay propped up on the footboard and threatened to capsize the entire dormancy vessel, or go for the jugular and wholly shatter its wooden framework. Yes, hard as the filly may have tried to advance her fellow foals in their literacy skills, some words were only understood in context. Take "introvert" - that's like a turtle or something, right? But, alas, Maple's youthful energy began to boil in protest of its disuse, and bubbled up within her like a twitching compulsion in the back of her head, screaming at every inch of her being to move, to speak her frontmost thought, or even to obey her wildest impulse. At first, Maple found it easy for a disciplined young mare such as herself to ignore the itch, and remained stiffly on her bed, her eyes continuing to faithfully scan the matrix of Steven's prose to break even a gist of the plotline free for examination and understanding. Desire for activity has a way on creeping up on one at the most inopportune times, though, and Maple found keeping the waves of hyper-ness that had possessed her lower body into a trembling, shaking dance harder to keep at bay than fatigue yanking at her eyelids inconceivably weightily in the wee hours of dusk. At long last, the ants in her flanks shot up through her brain like a volcano, and the filly could hardly resist snapping the book shut, casting her gingham covers overboard, and dashing out the flimsy wooden door without a moment's goodbyes. Luckily, the reigns of her consciousness finally managed to yank back on the mouth of the bull possessing her and allowed her to choose a medium in which to relieve her jitters. The answer was obvious - good ol' maple buckin'. Maple struck up a tune in the back of her throat, utilizing the aforementioned breeze to carry her notes out to her beloved woodland creatures and notify them of her presence, as well as a bit of warning to get out of the trees! It was a cheery melody, one that had been played many times on her mother's pine flute. A shame that there was oft nopony to hear it but the wind...
  13. Snow day! Time for fires, hot chocolate, books, Doctor Who, and of course SNUGGLING!

    1. Mellorious


      Yay for snow days! Have fun with watching the Doctor! :) Have you listened to Dr. Whooves and the Assistant on youtube? I loved it! :D

  14. Have no fear! Mathman is here to save the day!1. X=0 because all other variables are 0 too. 2. A=lwh =10*10*10 =100*10 A=1000*2=2000cm3 A=4/pi*r2 =4/pi*52] =4/pi*25 =4/~79 A=~20cm3 2000/20=100 You could make about 100 spheres. 3. One - it's opposite's (six) pips are the weightiest. Note that this is theoretical probability with a small amount of physics, though I'd be more than glad to conduct the full experiment for you. I need the practice anyway. I'm disregarding white text because they are not questions. As for Korok's question... Do you have aibohphobia? If so, why did you choose a username that strikes fear into your own heart?
  15. ping111

    Ping111's Not-Too-Shabby Art Gallery

    I don't usually draw, but when I do, it's either more horrendous than any kindergartener could imagine, or, more rarely, decent to good.
  16. From the album: Ping111's Not-Too-Shabby Art Gallery

    [LONG STORY; NO TLDR'S AT BOTTOM - EITHER READ OR DON'T AND SIMPLY ENJOY THE ART] In art class today, we were told to make drafts for linoprints (rubber stamps), in which black Sharpie was the part of the rubber block we'd keep, and the white, we'd gouge out in the final copy. Now, I haven't told any of my friends I'm a brony yet (eep!), but I'm trying to hint at it for a bit until they confront me about it. So anyways, I wanted to do something mildly pony. Originally, I considered Twilight's or Lyra's Cutie Mark, but they were either too simple or just too plain difficult for someone of my artistic ability to draw. Then, out of the blue, inspiration struck. Earlier that day, I was doodling on some paper. Of course, it started drifting towards my Equestrian wonderland of imagination, but I realized that the teacher or a classmate may see it, and my age group doesn't take kindly to boys drawing ponies. Instead, I decided to settle for Cutie Marks and eyes, until I realized that my Fluttershy eye (Fluttersheye?) was pretty decent. I practiced it some more until I was happy with it. At first, I simply drew the open eye. It was very simple, but I refined it a bit and I was pleased. I always forgot to add eyelashes later, so I did it right then and there. Next, the mane. I had originally intended for it to sweep out, but halfway through I realized it would be cuter to have her eye obfuscated by it. As such, I simply closed it to avoid the issues of half-drawn, badly-connected shapes. Sorry there's a bit of a tear (of paper!!!) under her eye - the lower eyelashes I had drawn made it look like stitches covering her eyelids, and I used stale white-out by accident. I simply rounded out the shape into a pleasing oval (while letting the mane bulge a bit) and it looked really chibi. I added the tiny smile and blush on a whim, and it came out really well. The other error under her eye was just a little marker stain that I intended to clean, with the same stale whiteout. The ears probably weren't the best idea (because then it wouldn't necessarily have to be a mammal, and wouldn't have been as easy to deduce as an MLP), but meh. The wings caused me surprisingly small amounts of grief - I just stacked feathers between each other until they looked like suitable pegasus wings. Ain't she the cutest?
  17. DEMOCRACY PONY! Everyone who reads this message, give me any attributes (physical or personality) you find appealing in a pony! All attributes to which a majority falls appear in my upcoming OC!

    1. weesh


      listener, generous, takes action on social issues, perseverance, musical, spiritual, loves kids, counter-cultural, passionate...

    2. weesh


      No one else responded? DICTATOR PONY!

  18. Is my name Diego? Anyway, sure, you can join, Riv-err, Hippo... Let's see how it ends with a picture.
  19. Androgyny comes with a price - I was called "Ma'am" on the phone twice in a week!

    1. weesh


      Are there any perks?

    2. ping111


      Making people feel awkward on podcasts, for one...

  20. Today, I almost (accidentally) fooled my friend into eating apple seeds, because I thought he meant "go to sleep" as a euphemism...

  21. Probably very soon, Sauce. Once we get one last person to end on a line, we'll start up.
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