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Status Updates posted by ping111

  1. Well, that's a first... Bit my tongue so hard it bled, while eating a TEMPURA FRIED CUCUMBER

    1. SongHeart


      i dont think i've tried that

    2. RainbowFoxxy


      ouch! that sounds painful!

  2. Fact of the Day: I just purchased a top hat, monocle, and wooden pipe. Funs shall be had.

  3. So excited! Yesterday was a long day of connecting flights from home to Vancouver, BC to Seattle, WA, and walking up and down a billion flights of stairs to the waterfront (Seattleites, I salute you!) on tours and whatnot. However, I'm not staying for long - I'm out on a cruise to Alaska! I weesh I could meet you there...

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Waaattt! But I live so close to Seattle! D:

    2. ping111


      Aww, I could have met you yesterday! :C

  4. Fact of the day: Eliezer ben-Yehuda, the founder of the modern Hebrew language, did not have middle fingers - his mother amputated them so he would not be drafted to the army.

  5. So... my school postponed Pyjama Day while I wasn't there...

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. StarStorm


      Don't worry about it, in middle school mine cancelled opposite gender day the day prior because a parent threatened to sue over it for some reason, and I missed the memo -.-

  6. I slumber a child... and awake an adult.

  7. First lucid dream last night! It only lasted about a minute in my head, but I basically heard the SpongeBoB Newscaster say, "wait a minute! This is a DREAM!" and suddenly I was in this infinite meadow, and I could feel the grass. It was so neat!

    1. DreamySunday


      Lucid dreams are amazing ^^


  9. Just found out that in less than half a year, I'm getting oral surgery, with all four wisdom teeth coming out... This brings my total of surgically-removed teeth to nine. Wee. Hopefully the "Ping After Dentist" video's funny...

  10. Today I learned that Iron Will is also a Chinese company that sells gloves and computer mice. Huh.

    1. Halide


      Silly Vegeta. The only thing Iron Will sells is merchandise!

  11. WOOOOOOOO! CANterlot 2013 (First Edition!) was a complete and utter SUCCESS!!!!

  12. Hooold up. Since when do I taste like maple syrup!?!?

    1. aFlatmajor


      Whaa? *looks at avi* :D All hail Ping the Pancake Pony!!

  13. My new general doctor is a brony. You have no idea how impossibly awesome I feel for wearing my Sonic Rainboom tee today.

    1. tacobob


      Wishes he had Doctor McAwesome like you do.

  14. An interesting experiment for temperamental computer addicts: Remap your capslock key to a backspace key. It makes you think about who you were about to insult and why.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Wait... capslock is required for insulting people?!

  15. It's time for me to invest in a new (gaming) mouse and keyboard (ideally with numpad). What would be a good choice (either separate or as a set) that won't totally break my bank?

  16. Snow day! Time for fires, hot chocolate, books, Doctor Who, and of course SNUGGLING!

    1. Mellorious


      Yay for snow days! Have fun with watching the Doctor! :) Have you listened to Dr. Whooves and the Assistant on youtube? I loved it! :D

  17. Today, I almost (accidentally) fooled my friend into eating apple seeds, because I thought he meant "go to sleep" as a euphemism...

  18. $20,000 to anyone who makes a video of them cooking and eating corned beef containing potassium nitrate...! (Do you have any idea what time it is...)

    1. Warbrony


      *Googles KNO3* ..... Bring it!

  19. So for some, alcohol melts the mental filter; apparently, Mountain Dew does the same for me. (OH GOD I'M SO SPASTIC TYPING SO FAST WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH)

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Yep, caffeine does that to some folks.

  20. My kindergarten's old principal was just murdered in her Florida winter-home... This is terrible, terrible news, but what's even worse is that my grandmother lives kitty-corner from her...

    1. Tenkan


      That is terrible. Stay safe! :c

  21. We're procrastinating, we all just sit here waiting, for just the perfect moment to begin~

  22. I am now officially a French tutor at my school for grades 7 and down! Woot!

    1. weesh


      Sounds fun. I love tutoring kids.

  23. Welp, the word "Alicorn" is now official.

  24. Sleep peacefully, oh sweet sea serpent~

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