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Status Replies posted by DreamySunday

  1. *draws a pony thing featuring someone else's oc... is striving for maximum cute.*

  2. Thanks to the sunburn I had, it feels like I'm a molting snake.

  3. One hour and thirty minutes left for the Gala

  4. Nine hours remain in the Gala!

  5. Well, after 3 hours of delay and another hour on the plane, the captain announced that there was a leak in the fuel tank and is not serviceable. Chaotic? Very. Unhappy people? Yes. Despair? I can taste it in the air. Upupu!~ Symphy is on her way to get her luggage back. You can see that I'm maybe too chill in this situation. 

  6. Got some bad sunburns...it's going to feel like I'm sleeping on thorns tonight...

  7. Suddenly discovered the joys of fishing...

  8. I have a most curious question for the Canadians out there:

    Are swiss army knives allowed in Cda?  And up to what length?

  9. Is there anyone out there with a reporter OC? I quite interested (and in need) of making in-universe interview.

  10. A grand occasion will soon be upon WoE. All players... PREPARE!

  11. A grand occasion will soon be upon WoE. All players... PREPARE!

  12. the hug laws:
    • no wimpy hugs
    • strong overbearing hugs only
    • must be 18+ to hug
    • 3+ years of hugging school and a hug score of 275 or higher is required
    • must present your huggers license and a photo ID before being permitted to hug
    • no hugs from davroth allowed

  13. the hug laws:
    • no wimpy hugs
    • strong overbearing hugs only
    • must be 18+ to hug
    • 3+ years of hugging school and a hug score of 275 or higher is required
    • must present your huggers license and a photo ID before being permitted to hug
    • no hugs from davroth allowed

  14. Thanks to the frequent thunderstorms here, the yard is full of weeds, WeEDs, WEEEDS!

  15. I wish I could draw...

  16. Going to have a big break from canterlot as I'm going on holiday with family to ski. I'll be back in around a week.

  17. ban people who don't adore me

  18. Making friendship bracelets are haarrdd

  19. end my existence in the next 40 minutes and you could WIN $5 see back for more details

  20. It's been a long day and I can say one thing, sleep is welcome

  21. Someone make me do what I'm supposed to do. Which is draw this commission and those requests. Why am I being so lazy?

  22. After Wednesday I'm free of exams! I CAN DO THIS!!!!!

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