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Status Replies posted by RarityDash

  1. Open drown Robi day - go on, I'm right here! :D

  2. Guys, what's Robi? I've seen that term floating around a few times and I don't know what it means.

  3. Pathfinder, Snowfall, Bon Bon, Doctor Whooves, Trixie, Serendipity, Celestia, Hugo, Gerrard Grayfeather, Ice Storm

  4. hiw can ui see my face now?>

  5. seriously i cant cus wtf

  6. well....this looks firmilier.....oh hi im new

  7. True Story: I saw a kid buying an Applejack figure in Wal-Mart, and after asking if he likes FiM he said AJ was his favorite, and we totally high-fived.

  8. Hi, ehm can somepony tell me what's that thing where I have number 0 and the word "neutral'?

  9. So, does this place have a oc character submission?

  10. I want to have a purpose, want to do all that I can, I want to make a contribution, I want to be part of the plan.

  11. I want to make a thread about bullying, but not sure if it should go in 18+ or not...

  12. Thinking of doing a CC thread where Rarity is seeking an assistant..

  13. I find your lack of friendship disturbing

  14. So what anime's have you've seen that were complete train wrecks? I could name a couple, but I wont. :C

  15. *squeaks* h-hi, i'm new here...

  16. Bee here for over three years; still often feel like an outsider for some reason. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong. :/

  17. The staff here are pretty freaking amazing! (yeah okay, that may seem like I'm sucking up, but it's the truth!)

  18. Has anyone had experiances with being banned off somewhere for no reason other then mods being Evil?

  19. Okay, so I should probably ask this somewhere else but... is discussion of beliefs/religion and tulpas allowed her?

  20. You hear that? That's the winds of change. For all you FFA players out there, we've got something brewing!


  22. Curious as to why a Twilight Sparkle pic I posted still hasnt shown up...

  23. Tabitha St. Germain is by far the most talented voice actress on the show.

  24. how far will will mlp go before it ends

  25. who is every pony's favourite pony's?

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