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Everything posted by abc

  1. Hey i just met u And this is crazy But theres the kitchen So sandwitch maybe?
  2. Time, Y U NO GO FASTER

    1. SonicRainb00m


      IDK Time hates on bronies very much...

    2. shyshy


      if time were not just a concept of perpetual existance, maybe we could push it. sadly we can not.

    3. abc



  3. abc

    my season 3 plans

    Ok for those who still dont know yet the new season of my little pony FiM is coming out in about more or less~21 days so November tenth...hmm i am not doing anything that day but watch my little pony and this is my plans: -set alarm for 9:30 -Wake up -Load up the site that linkhopper generously sent me(by the way if ur reading this did u email it to me?) -its 9:45 -Grab a bowl of cereal -its 9:55 -DONT eat the cereal until the livestream starts -Livestream starts -Shovel piles of cereal in your mouth to celebrate -Episode over -Go to canterlot -Discuss season three with brony friends -Make new meme related to season 3 -Become increadibly happy for the rest of your life -Profit?
  4. Definately the first two, i was all "mother of celsestia this is sooo AWESOME"
  5. Lol don't worry dude at least you don't have to wait till it goes up on youtube
  6. November 10th? i cant feel my body, or my cheeks smiling too dang hard, *deep breath* ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh OH MY GOSH :Pinkie: :Pinkie: :Pinkie: :Pinkie: :Pinkie: :kissy: :kissy: <3
  7. We are waiting for the announcement of the announcement..... Announcementception?
  8. COME ON LETS GO! *throws ten bits at Chrysalis* THATS ALL MAH MONEH LET ME IN!
  9. Lol see dude typical forum conversation tho, try not to go too far off topic tho that will result in the thread being locked which is very sadface. Oh and link attacked me in my sleep, he bit the everliving buck out of my hand tho.... Now he's tied up in my basement with a keyboard and a computer (I'm not that cruel dude needs something to do)
  10. HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY! you may not know me and I don't know you bit that means NOTHING I hope your special day was sooper dooper tooper AWESOME Much love: DjBrowneh ^_^
  11. abc

    First blog?

    my first insane fan! you shall be first of many link!
  12. abc

    First blog?

    um...hi everypony! this is my first blog so.. theres not much to talk about..um i got a new brony snapback! i would post a pic but im on the xbox internet explorer so...idk if i can get pictures on this doo-hikky thingie but um yea! i will posting more blogs when i actually have something to talk about, see you guys later
  13. not much of a castlevania fan, but i am a fan of my little pony! wait, we all are oh celestia im stupid, who else here is stupid?
  14. if they dont reveal scoots family im gonna be kinda sad, i feel like she lives in the street like a hobo.... Anywho, i cant wait for discord and celestia and lunas background-ness (is that a word?) and i believe that it is said octavia will have a speaking role in an episode involving her and rarity i also want more lyra speaking parts beacause come on, shes adorable.
  15. Does that mean your gonna bit me again? WTB I need bear spray because your immune to my mace
  16. Yeah thank me for that, theyre still in my wing(or what's left of it)
  17. you have 3 base classes a cleric a mage and warrior you cab customize each class with weapons, armors, helmets, shields and accessories. You can mainly play online but there's a campaign and offline training and tutorial mode. The campaign is only playable if you go onling and level up, yea that's right in order to progress you need to level up, I personally think its a very interesting way to go about the story line. Anywho, you also can level up and earn happy stars as you play, happy stars and happy tickets are the main currency in the game, you use stars to spin this little wheel for a chance to get new items, you can also use them for weapon modifications and buffs. Happy tickets are used in the in-game store you have to buy them with Microsoft points tho, but imo its well worth the points and the stuff you get is cool. Now I need to hurry cuz I got school soon so lemme summerize the multiplayer for you. There's two teams of usually it think like16-16 yeah it can get chaotic but each team has to capture the others castle, to do this they have to capture towers, which are like spawn points, first team that has the most towers captured when time runs out however wins. Sorry I couldent tell you more but its early and I gotta go to school if you need anymore info ask me. But the game is free and only 400megabytes for xbox idk about how big it is for ps3 Anyways I hope this helped
  18. I personally love pinkie, especially since I can relate to her and twilight the most. But I can see where your coming from on the whole "hate" thing I don't exactly hate Anypony but I do strongly dislike some ponies.
  19. Andd that Guy is actually like 11-12 and he's what like, 18-19-20?
  20. Your lucky my friendd look at me like I just chopped an um..."area" off of them Yea that's the true face of horror
  21. Its a very fun little game that's probably the first ever free to play game on a console I am only aware its for xbox but idk, if its on pc or psn So what do you think of the game (if you have played it or seen the trailer)
  22. I don't remember and I only have about 1 kill in the course of 2 games XD
  23. [colour=#000000]Introverted ([/colour]I[colour=#000000]) 53.66% Extroverted (E) 46.34%[/colour] [colour=#000000]Intuitive ([/colour]N[colour=#000000]) 51.35% Sensing (S) 48.65%[/colour] [colour=#000000]Feeling ([/colour]F[colour=#000000]) 58.82% Thinking (T) 41.18%[/colour] [colour=#000000]Perceiving ([/colour]P[colour=#000000]) 78.13% Judging (J) 21.88%[/colour] [colour=#000000]Your type is: [/colour]INFP [colour=black]INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.[/colour] [colour=#000000] [/colour] Im luna!
  24. abc


    Usually i just listen to dubstep till i fall asleep but that doesnt exactly work for everypony so i dont know, anyways its more of on-off affect
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