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Everything posted by MidnightBlackhorn

  1. 5/5 but curse you LM now I have that song stuck in my head....... I hate that song
  2. Yup. But I forgot my spacesuit...... Oh well. Who needs oxygen? TPBM doesn't
  3. Eeeeyup! Hit me right in the face too D: The person below me eats fish
  4. It helps if you are like me and never shut up no matter how many people tell you to and you just keep talking and talking until finally someone does something about it but nopony has done that to me so I guess I don.... -Dead because cyanide'd by Linkhopper-
  5. Welcome to Canterlot! The name's Midnight. Midnight Blackhorn, But you may call me Midnight, or by my real name Eric if you wish. So, what kinds of music are you in to? Do you like A Day To Remember?
  6. Crystal pony oc, here I come! EDIT: Lol I just thought of something! See below
  7. I would answer that but i don't know what hace means. Anyone else like to troll typing errors?
  8. Both sound painful, but I'll take explode. That way if i'm about to die, I can take others with me MHUHHAHAHAHAHAHA! Turn into a tree and back, or the power to jump your own leg?
  9. Hey Everypony! Want a short story written about your OC? Post a request for it here with a link to their character app and [optional] some idea of what happens in the story (Like if you want me to include certain details about their house or something like that. details, details) , and when I get some free time, I'll work on it. RULES I don't do anything involving 18+ content or horror I will not include any cast characters (even if you have an approved cast character, it's not happening). If you wouldn't see it in ManeRP or Crossovers, it won't happen here Every piece will, unless you ask me not to, probably be posted on my FIMfiction account. I will give you credit for the character, don't worry 1 story per person at any given time (I wont work on 2 stories at once for the same person) DON'T RUSH ME! I'm a busy person, and only write when I have time. It could take anywhere from 2 days to a month, so be patient. I reserve the right to refuse any request, or cancel a story at any given time. Other than those few rules, anything goes! If you have any questions, PM me. Leave this topic for the requests only. Hope to write your story soon! ~Eric
  10. of text? or total? if total, that would kinda suck, but with a little editing, I can make it work
  11. Either's fine LM. Like I said, get creative, do it however makes YOU happy. I just want someting cool to fill the space above my three lines o' text XD
  12. Hey all! I'm really exited to get this RP started. Feel free to join if you want, no sign up required! Basically, this is about Midnight wanting to throw a party at his house in Stalliongrad, but things.......don't go as planned Okay, here goes! -------------------------------------------------------------------- [colour=#0000ff]"I hope nopony notices that" [/colour]Midnight said after accidentally putting a hole in one of the walls in his house. He had been planning this party for some time now, and he wanted it to be perfect. He had invited his friend Ashen Smirk to help him, but there was one problem. Midnight was terrible at parties. He sighed. He wish he knew a great party planner to help him, but oh well. [colour=#0000ff]"Luna's flank! I hope Ashen gets here soon" [/colour]He said to himself after breaking yet another decoration. How do some ponies do this every night?
  13. Decided to put it up anyways. After all, there's 2 ponies. I've seen plenty of rp's with only 2 EDIT: It is up
  14. Hey LM Could you make a sig for me? Nothing special just a banner, standard size, with the words Midnight Blackhorn in a cool font. Other than that, run with it creativity wise. I'm intrested to see how it'll turn out. Thanks man! -Eric
  15. Stardust: [colour=orange]It's too bad we aren't getting a lot of customers.[/colour]-Stardust sighs- Stardust:[colour=orange] oh well, I love to help[/colour]
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