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Everything posted by Dessa

  1. Fighting enabled, perhaps? I don't have anything against fighting. I can enjoy a boxing match or a UFC match. I just don't like to see people playing a team sport lose control and manage their conflicts by beating each other up. It's unsportsmanlike, and hockey's celebration of it as an element of the game always disappointed me. If it's part of the game, it should be written into the rules. They do it in any other sport and it's major news, but in hockey, it's okay. IDGI
  2. What do you mean by "specific modification on NPC enemies?"
  3. How am I supposed to know? This isn't one o' them ask blogs, where I answer questions all day. This is an ANTI ask blog. How about YOU answer MY questions, missy? Like how am I supposed to finance this second mortgage, and who's going to pay for my kid's surgery?
  4. The tea party is conservative, and they have some measure of influence, thus, I consider them extremely dangerous, as I do any conservative with power. Obama a liberal running as a moderate? I'd say the reverse, he's a moderate running as a liberal, and has done more for the Republican cause by accident than most people have ever managed to do on purpose. That anyone could call him "liberal" is proof enough to me that the Republicans have turned this world upside down, and that conservatism has won this decade. I've never skipped a presidential election, but I just might this time around. I'm a hard-left liberal, and I can't choose between the far-right nutjob and the Uncle Tom. I just can't. America's best hope for a prosperous middle class any time soon is the death of Obama, so that we have a shot at electing a REAL liberal (not advocatin assasination, BTW. That would do more harm than good. Just a convenient heart-attack or something). Not somebody who negotiates away every liberal principle in advance, and only ever digs in when he's opposed by the left. Still in Iraq. Sill in Afghanistan (escalated, even). Still illegal torture going on. Still Guantanamo. Health care is still effed up. Still regressive taxation. Still Bush-Era tax cuts. Still a focus on cutting spending when the economy needs MORE spending, not less. A more conservative Supreme Court. And the worst part is, it would be much, much worse under McCain. Under Obama, we've been treading water at BEST. We're screwed. Each and every one of us who isn't a millionaire is completely screwed, and our best hope is to live through conservative dominance without a complete governmental breakdown. As for who's got the best chance of winning, nothing is settled, but Obama's very good at campaigning, and still enjoys the support of people who call falsely themselves liberals. So yeah, I've got a few opinions about politics.
  5. It's such a silly debate. Everypony knows auto racing isn't a sport at all!
  6. ((Oh, I was RPing from already IN Hoofington -- Just not at her final destination: "Rue sighed dramatically and stopped at the first crossroad in the city. ... from within the city, navigation wasn't so simple")) It was such a friendly offer. Maybe TOO friendly, thought Rue. But then again, thieves are rarely so genial. Mojo's peace symbol was hardly suggestive of any sinister motive, either. "Ah thanks, that'd be great actually." She tossed the saddlebags back over her shoulders and asked "Is your friend local? Maybe they can point me to auntie Hemlock. Not that I'm particularly eager to go, but I gotta stay somewhere, I guess." This was more information than Rue was used to giving, but she found herself glib when she was tired. Rue climbed about the carriage and had a seat. "So, Wings, and Mojo, is it? What sort of 'fine goods' do you guys peddle?"
  7. Without motion, Rue quietly studied the newcomers as they set down their wagon. Brother and sister, perhaps? But where was the resemblance? Perhaps not. Still, they were very comfortable around each other. 'Friends or coworkers, probably,' she thought 'and quite familiar with each other.' As the others approached, Rue lifted her head, eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Hello there!", said the filly, and the stallion, "Hi there miss! I'm Mojo and this is me friend Jubilee. Couldn't help notice ya here on the bench. Anything we can do to help you?" Perky ones, aren't they? What sort of nut has energy at this ungodly hour? Slowly, Rue turned her body to face the others. She wore the evidence of a tough night's travel. Her grape mane was matted and windblown, her cloudy hide scuffed. Despite her obvious efforts to adopt a tough appearance, her demeanor suggested submission. She lazily returned the filly's greeting, "Hey." And responded to the hippy "Uh, maybe. You guys know this place pretty well? I was looking for a unicorn 'Hemlock,' with a cutie mark to match the name."
  8. These taxes wont do themselves. What, you think just because I've got a psychedelic mane that looks like lava lamps it means I want to answer your questions? I don't. Go bother your mother, or better yet, go mow the lawn. Aw crap, my mane just started a curtain on fire. See what you did? It's those dang questions of yours. Always with the questions.
  9. Some ponies wouldn't consider it a long trip, but Rue had never been so far from home. As the sun breached the horizon over Hoofington, the landscape, shrouded in mystery moments before, illuminated. The pony, worn, but alert, continued her march along the road. In the city, sunrise way the day's quietest moment. Day ponies hadn't yet hit the streets that night ponies had made sure to abandon before light. Out here, however, nature celebrated. Long before Rue's eyes could detect any light, the sparrows and squirrels stirred. With no street lights beyond the city's boundary, there was little see or do out here in the dark. A night pony herself, Rue frowned. She was going to hate Hoofington. A seaside view offered little to somepony accustomed to Canterlot's heights. She had seen the sea before, just not from this close. And she'd heard about the close-mindedness of small-town ponies (whether Hoofington could be called small is, of course, a matter of debate, but it FELT small). Rue sighed dramatically and stopped at the first crossroad in the city. Who planned these streets, she thought, the layout seemed to have no rhyme or reason, like it just grew wherever ponies whims decided. She trotted over to a bench and set down her saddlebags. It was nice to have the weight off of her shoulders, even if it was for just a moment. After a moment of searching, she pulled out a wet, torn map and carefully laid it it down on the bench. That rainstorm last night had done its damage. The map was illegible. Getting here was easy enough -- all roads lead to Canterlot, so it was a straight shot. But from within the city, navigation wasn't so simple. Tired, Rue rested her head on the bench and sighed again.
  10. Dessa


    Oh! I didn't know you made this one.
  11. You can't alter your own warn status. It just says you can't access that area of the site. Too bad. I was ready to give myself -10,000 warning and be IMMUNE TO EVERYTHING BWAHAHAHAHA
  12. Dessa

    berry smooth

    It's the right thing to do.
  13. Hologram? In any case, I wish all autotune could as good. Soon, we're not even gonna need real people anymore
  14. Not sure if this relates in any waqy to televised anime, abut I wasn't sure where else to post this, AND IT NEEDED TO BE POSTED: That song. It will be with me for the rest of my life.
  15. Ah, steam groups. Preferred by Applejack Avatars everywhere.
  16. Yo dawg, I herd you liked canterlot, so I made a steam group for Canterlot, so you can canter while you game. Okay, that didnt work so well. What does work: "Friends of Canterlot" Look it up. And feel free to drop your forum name in the comments there, so peeps know who you are. Edit: As Taxie-poo says below:
  17. This poll was posted before the season ended, so some of the most popular BG ponies are missing from the list (Octavia, most notably). I'm considering posting a new poll after season 2 is over, and allowing vote changes
  18. I saw you liked the like button, so I put a like on your like, so you could be liked while you liked liking.
  19. For liking the like button, you get a like! yay Yeah, kinda missing the preview button.
  20. Okay, I'll call this finished unless somepony official asks for more. I prefer to leave some of the "color" open-ended. So things she does for fun, etc, are malleable when I need to create an RP. I have a solid sense of what she would and would not enjoy doing, but like Lauren Faust, I don't like to tie myself down with too many details. The Art's not done, but it's good enough to get the picture. I'll keep updating that as I add more polish/fix the problems.
  21. Eh? Eh? This is the best name for a blog EVER.
  22. Dessa


    Aha! Thank you.
  23. Dessa


    Link to page containing link: http://www.canterlot...dpost__p__20701 Direct link to .jpg file: http://www.canterlot...h&attach_id=290 Okay, I cleared the cache and tried again No luck. Cleared cookies and tried again. No luck. Opened Internet Explorer and tried it from there, no luck. Opened Mozilla (6.0.1), which is my regular browser, and cleared "Site Preferences" and tried again. No luck. It all leads to the same error message above: "[#10171] You do not have permission to view this attachment. " I even turned off adblocking. No Luck. I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate (can't see which specific version I'm using) Did you have non-staffpeople successfuly download it?
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