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About Huscarl

  • Birthday May 17

RP Characters

  • Character 2
    Foxglove Foalfellow
  • Main Character

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Stargazing, Sleeping, Living.
  • Location
    Over the Rainbow
  • Gender

Role Play Information

Contact Methods

  • Skype
  • Xbox 360
    The 68 State
  • Steam
    68 State

Recent Profile Visitors

1,951 profile views

Huscarl's Achievements


Parasprite (5/9)



  1. I'm back from the ded once again. now hand over the kittens mister. This is a hold up.
  2. muhahaha, i'm back to steal all the kittens. fear my L'Oreal hair
  3. This place looks like it's changed up quite a bit 0_0

  4. Too many cooks will spoil the broth!

    1. Sethore


      Need Chef Gordan Ramsey memes, Stat!

  5. Remember Me?

    1. starswirlthebearded
    2. Huscarl


      Well, well. How are you my old friend?

    3. starswirlthebearded


      Decently well. And yourself?

  6. He's quite clearly pointing at my perfectly groomed, L'Oreal hair.
  7. Thank goodness this semester is almost over... I couldn't stand another week.

  8. Once again, I have returned. Sorry everybody, University is quite time consuming and isn't exactly a walk in the park. Still, It is wonderful to get back into contact with all of you again
  9. I have a bunch of pony themed items that could use a good home.I don't nearly go on TF2 enough to enjoy them any more. If anybody is interested in buying and whatnot, just let me know. I also have a bunch of other Genuine and Strange items that need to go.
  10. 'Wisely done Mr Slazer! I will see you up ahead...'
  11. Thanksgiving? What in the world is a Thanksgiving?!

    1. NeoExlucky


      Something about turkey...

    2. Slazer


      I seem to recall cranberries being important, too...

    3. tacobob


      I believe both giving and thanks happen. And Turkey.

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