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Status Updates posted by SymphonicFire

  1. Spying on people spying on people.

  2. Still snowing...

    1. Sondash145


      Still ninety degrees...

  3. Still sobbing over Pyrrha...why did you have to do that Roosterteeeth DDDD:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Otsdarva


      Yes,she did lose it.  Her right arm in fact.  Which arm is cut out of the valentine's card? ;)

    3. SymphonicFire


      Now that will just reminds me of another sad thing. If the card was addresse to Blake then I think I'll just sob irl.

      im a big fan of YangXBlake though.

    4. Otsdarva


      I'm sure the Bumblebee ship will return in full force soon enough.

  4. Streeeessssssss...

    1. DreamySunday


      <Huuuuuuugs> You'll be fine ^_^ I believe in you :D

    2. SymphonicFire


      Thank chu~

      Post secondary is freaking me out.

    3. DreamySunday


      You'll make it! Don't give up :D

  5. Suddenly decided to play badminton. Woke up this morning and I could not even lift my arm. 

    1. DreamySunday


      Ouch! Intense game?

    2. Sondash145


      I was headbanging so hard once that I couldn't turn my neck at all the next morning. This was less than a week ago. I... just... Don't judge me, alright?

  6. Suddenly discovered the joys of fishing...

    1. DreamySunday


      I KNOW RIGHT!?

    2. Sondash145


      I can't tell if you're joking or not...

    3. SymphonicFire
  7. Taking a break from Roleplaying because of exams. See you guys in a bit!

    1. DreamySunday


      Good luck! I believe in you! :D

  8. Thank the gods of anime for giving me an anime adaption of Ace Attorney. Cannot wait to see animated Franziska Von Karma

  9. Thanks to the frequent thunderstorms here, the yard is full of weeds, WeEDs, WEEEDS!

    1. DreamySunday


      The thunder just never stops. :'(

  10. Thanks to the sunburn I had, it feels like I'm a molting snake.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SymphonicFire


      I'll handle it. Don't worry, soldiers are no match for someone like me.

    3. Ciraxis


      That's not all Snake. They've presented Canterlot with a single demand, and they say that if it isn't met, they'll launch a nuclear weapon.

    4. SymphonicFire


      That's fine, I'm bringing a friend with me. Together we will stop the weapon from launching.

  11. That can't be who I think it is in your profile pic...it's hilarious. 

  12. The Canterlot group picture is closing soon! Hurry and paricipate, it's free art after all!

  13. The never-ending battle between me and the viruses in my computer.

    1. Sondash145


      The battle between me and my sickness.


  14. Then everything was still. Absolutely still.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SymphonicFire


      O.O I'm speechless.

    3. DreamySunday


      No but seriously, is everything okay?

    4. SymphonicFire


      Yeah, nothing is wrong; I was testing something.

  15. There was barely any snow on the ground when I arrived at school this morning. 6 hours later, there is 15cm of snow on the ground. I couldn't ride my bike back home.

    1. Sondash145


      Today I got to school, and there was no snow on the ground. And by 2 pm, I had won a donut eating contest. There was still no snow though. I dunno what kinda relevancy that had to your story, but I... Just... Uh... I dunno.

  16. Tron Legacy roleplay? Might not start it until 2 weeks later though.

  17. Turning up the volume while listening to ASMR. Then an ad plays...

  18. Ugh, procrastination is like an incurable disease.

    1. Corsair


      I have the cure for procrastination!  Eh, I'll give it to people tomorrow.

  19. Uh oh...I forgot my keys...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DreamySunday


      Hate it when that happens x3

    3. Davroth


      I used to screw open the lock of the place I lived with my parents and brute force the thing to open with the screwdriver.


      But I only did that maybe a total of 5 times.

    4. PyroBlaze


      I'm glad the house I'm staying in has a thing on the garage to open it with a code, makes it so I don't get stuck outside if I forget my keys.

  20. Waiting for the May long weekend...

  21. Well, after 3 hours of delay and another hour on the plane, the captain announced that there was a leak in the fuel tank and is not serviceable. Chaotic? Very. Unhappy people? Yes. Despair? I can taste it in the air. Upupu!~ Symphy is on her way to get her luggage back. You can see that I'm maybe too chill in this situation. 

    1. DreamySunday


      I'd say being "Too chill" Is better then losing your mind over something like a plane being delayed :P

    2. Davroth



  22. Went skiing for the entire day...it hurts everywhere.

    1. Sondash145


      I marathoned a bunch of movies that I had on blu-ray but never watched. I wish I had gone outside. It was 75 degrees and a clear sky. But I did discover that Young Frankenstein made me laugh more than Deadpool. Fite me.

    2. SpicyDemon
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