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Status Updates posted by Frost137

  1. I wished I RP'ed Neon Lights... but then he's taken..... *sadface* lol

  2. I'm not sure how many times my sister has watch Derpy's Perfect Math Class.....

    1. StarStorm


      So.. After reading that, I decided to look it up, thinking that I would watch it once, giggle and be done.. But I've seen it about six times now, and am finding myself unable to stop watching it either! It's SO cute!! :D

    2. Frost137


      Have you tried singing to it? xD

  3. I'm slowly dying inside. u_u

  4. I'm sorry guys for holding up some RP's. I've been having some real life issues. I'll post when I'm through with this! :)

    1. tacobob


      Sorry to hear that. Hope you get through all of it. :(

    2. Frost137


      Thanks for being patient with me Tacobob! :)

  5. I'm starting to have a crush on Normal Norman, the beanie guy from EqG. This isn't right! :(

  6. I'm walking on sunshine! Whoa-oh!

    1. NeoExlucky


      and don't it feel good?

  7. I've made the worst mistake ever......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tacobob


      Sorry to hear that. :(

    3. DreamySunday
    4. Frost137


      The problem went on for at least three days and my dean told me to talk to her so I did.

  8. If there were to be a whole lot of expanding for S4, then S4 would be just a history season. No friendship morals. :(

    1. Kodokuna


      For some reason, I can imagine an episode where the morale is to spend time with your actual friends instead of watching a children's show. ^^;

    2. Frost137


      Starring Pinkie Pie, breaking the fourth wall.

    3. Kodokuna
  9. If you intentionally wake me up, you WILL get it. >:)

  10. Is it me or is friendship harder than it looks? :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DreamySunday


      I'd gladly be your Friend :)

    3. QuickLime


      Nothing worth having is "easy"

    4. Bellosh


      If friendship was easy, there wouldn't be a need for MLP:FiM.

  11. Last night we had to clean our dorm hall. I vacuumed the carpet (hardly sucked up anything) while singing to Winter Wrap Up! :D It's hardly even the end of winter, but whatev's! :)

  12. Maybe... in EqGirls the CMC are lil' freshies....

    1. tacobob


      Or just attending one of the school's family events. Guess we'll find out soon.

  13. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a safe one too! :)

  14. My best friend says that Yaplap made it cute when he sang.... ........ Whaaaa?

  15. My mum got me a RD Build-a-Bear! :D It hasn't been stuffed yet so I get to do the honors! Hopefully I get the Gala dress, so awesome /)^3^(\

    1. tacobob


      Kind of wish you could actually make your own pon.

    2. Frost137


      :o That would be so cool! I would so do that.
  16. My neighbor doesn't know the difference between G3 and G4.... :P

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Neither does my family. XD

    2. Frost137


      She thought my RD plushie was a My Little Pony Anime character of some sort. I'm just like noooo.... but that would be cool....

      But noooooo.....

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      Well, G4 looks like Anime, sort of.

  17. My roommate is on a snow retreat and one of my friends on Facebook told me something's wrong and WON'T SAY! D: I hope she's doing fine.

  18. My teacher asked the class, "What have you created?" I raised my computer and showed her my work-in-process Clair request. "PONIES!"

  19. Oh, tried to post a picture in the gallery. But I thought it was an error since it didn't show up in my album, so I sent the picture three times! Oh silly me.....

  20. Omg whoever put "Hipster Giraffe" for my title, I THANK YOU SO MUCH! *squee* (Just noticed today so....)

    1. NeoExlucky


      I've been calling you that before it was cool frost. XD

    2. Rosewind
    3. Frost137


      @Rosewind, :D

      @Neo, really?! I-I don't remember. D:

  21. Pipsqueak in costume looks like Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.... O.o

  22. Pottermore anyone? My username is: ShieldLight3228

  23. Random outburst around the school for the day: "Well who else would draw ponies?! NOBODY!" .... Welp, probably everyone heard that.

  24. So how was EqGirls you guys? I'm probably going to be watching it on Tues....

  25. Tales! If this isn't an April Fools Day joke, I'm going to miss you commenting on my statuses that you don't find entertaining! Goodbye.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aFlatmajor


      Hopefully it really is just a cruel April Fool's joke.

    3. Frost137
    4. tacobob


      Really bummed. She was always such a pleasant person to chat and RP with. :(

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