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Everything posted by RCTwilightSparkle

  1. I am so jealous of that first blythe doll, I LOVE her hair!
  2. Scootaloo looked up at the cardboard horn that was slipping down her forehead and sighed. This was so lame! All of the adults got to go to the grand galloping gala and she was here playing with fake tea "Sweeeeetie Belllle" she whined, while pulling the cardboard horn off of her head "Why are we playing with this baby stuff! There isn't even real tea in these!" She knocked over her teacup and pouted at her best friend. This was the last place Scootaloo wanted to be, stuck at some baby party playing with baby toys. The gala was going on, and Scoot was positive if she was there she'd get her cutie mark somehow. "Can't we try to sneak out of here? we should be cutie mark crusading at the gala!" Scoot said in a hushed voice making sure that Tea Cozy couldn't hear her.
  3. lol I won't lead the way but if you have something in mind I'll follow you
  4. I love this character, she's so damn cute and I like the bat wings
  5. Bolt had no idea what to do with herself, she usually wasn't the type to worry about what she looked like but today she was nervous. In the few hours before she was going to meet up with Carrot she kept playing with her hair in the mirror every time she walked past it, even though that wasn't doing much to change how it looked. As usual her mane was a little wild and stuck out in a few spots, being a weather pony made it hard for her mane to not get super messy. She was always pushing around clouds or dealing with wind, when that kind of stuff is going on it's pointless to worry about how your mane looks. She still wasn't sure if Carrot had actually asked her out on a date or just wanted to hang out with her. She was really hoping it was a date and based on Dash's teasing she was pretty sure she was right but Bolt wasn't confident enough to completely accept that assumption. Right before Bolt flew out the door she pulled a little box out of her dresser and opened it carefully. Inside was a delicate chain necklace that had a little cloud pendant dangling from it. She didn't wear it often but it was her favorite necklace. Her parents got it for her right after she got her cutie mark and told them she wanted to be a weather pony just like them. She adjusted it carefully so that the cloud pendant was centered and messed with her hair a little bit more. Once she was satisfied she walked out her front door and looked down at ponyville, it was so pretty right before sunset. There wasn't a cloud in the sky as Bolt flew towards the hill Carrot told her to meet him at. Guess Dash kept her word about keeping the sky clear tonight, even though this part of Ponyville was scheduled for light cloud cover. Tempest definitely would not be happy with the unscheduled weather change. Bolt couldn't help but smirk when thinking about Tempest complaining to Dash about it and Dash playing like she had no idea what Tempest was being so stuffy about. As Bolt approached the hill she started getting nervous about the whole situation again. Was this a date? she had no idea. What if it was a date and she wasn't acting interested enough? or if it wasn't and Carrot thought she was acting weird? she tried to tuck away her nervous thoughts so she could focus on her landing. Bolt thought it would be funny to do something a little show offy so she maintained her speed until the very last second right before landing. Unfortunately she forgot that that little trick always messed up her hair. Her nerves were starting to get to her but she had to say something! She gave Carrot a shy little smile "Hey... I hope I'm not late"
  6. Well, that didn't work out like she wanted it to. Little Scootaloo was getting frustrated with this whole situation, and she didn't know how to fix it. Her eyes softened when she heard Sweetie say her name, but listening to what she was saying was just making her feel so much worse. She didn't know what to say anymore! Champ kept being mean to everypony and Scoot just wanted him to disappear. A little into what Sweetie Belle was saying, Scootaloo just wasn't listening anymore. Too lost in deciding what to do next to hear her friend talking, she only noticed when Sweetie Belle stopped talking. The conclusion that Scoot came to was that she just didn't care anymore. A sense of hopelessness about the whole situation made her give up on any ideas of Champ not being a jerk in the future. If he picked on her or her friends she'd stand up to him like she was before, but other than that Scoot had no intentions of saying another word to that colt. Luckily she wasn't too far from her scooter, and without a word she walked over to it and put her helmet on. She looked over at Sweetie Belle trying not to let AJ or Champ see her eyes, because they were showing how she felt quite obviously "Forget this, I'm going to find Apple Bloom." With that she zipped off towards the barn, buzzing her little wings as fast as she could. [scoot exits]
  7. Twilight Perked up when she recognized Rose Madder as one of AJ's customers. Wow, she hadn't seen Rose in while "Oh, hi Rose Madder! yes it sure has been a while. It's true that I moved out to Ponyville, doing some new research for the princess there..." but before Twi could start explaining the spell she cast on Applejack's pans, AJ jumped right into the conversation and did it for her. She smiled and listened to her friend, quite happy that she came around to the magic pans after a little convincing. "Well Applejack I sure was happy to help! What are friends for?" She loved seeing Applejack so happy, especially after what happened last year.
  8. Before Star Chaser had time to get lost in any more of her thoughts a gala ticket was placed on the table in front of her. It belonged to Diomedes, she looked up at the pegasus and flashed him a bit of a playful smirk. He didn't exactly seem like the type to get somepony's autograph. She looked down at the ticket as she signed it "So, you said you were looking forward to the bar... maybe we could grab a drink when I'm done out here?" She looked up at Diomedes while still smirking a little after she finished signing his ticket, not even realizing she drew a heart next to her name until she was already handing it back to him. She'd been signing her name like that a lot lately and it was just starting to get automatic for her, but she tried not to blush. Usually she wasn't so blunt when talking to a stallion but she had a lot on her mind and not much time to chat with the line forming behind him.
  9. personally I kinda wanted the CMC to make a big adorable mess at the gala lol
  10. The show was great, they always are. This was the first one in over 2 years that Star didn't have to stress over and could just sit back and watch. It was a pretty odd feeling, standing with fans who were in total awe watching her friends perform. As much as she felt that these feelings deserved thinking about she didn't really like them so she tried her best to push the whole thing out of her mind. 'Alright, just take a deep breath' she thought to herself as she inhaled. Now back in the VIP section she quickly noticed the rest of the Wonderbolts over at the autograph table. Star trotted over and grabbed a pen. Although she was no longer active, a lot of ponies tried to fill out their autograph collections with retired Wonderbolts here at the gala. This was one of the few places that all of the retired Wonderbolts always showed up to.
  11. Star gave Soarin a goofy look after his last comment before taking off, he must have been nervous. "Good Luck you two!" Star yelled as him and Spitfire headed to the staging area. She certainly couldn't blame her old teammate for being distracted and a bit nervous right before this show, gala shows were always a little scary. Star only had the honor of performing in two gala shows during her time in the Wonderbolts but both were totally unforgettable experiences. Unfortunately now wasn't exactly the time for nostalgia, maybe during the show. Star Chaser gave Aristotle a little nod in response to his question "Oh definitely Aristotle, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the old days a little but I've had so much time to catch up on the things I always wanted to do. Being a Wonderbolt was a bit of a 24/7 job." she gave him a little half smile. "Besides I should be flying again soon! looks like just another few weeks before I can stretch my wings again." Star Chaser turned her attention to Diomedes, she thought she'd seen him at a few shows with his father but couldn't be sure, she wasn't always the best with faces. 'Nice to meet you Diomedes' One of the first things Star noticed was that he had an impressive set of wings, he must have been at least the size of Big Macintosh. She couldn't help but giggle a little at his joke 'Well the show and the bar are both good reasons to show up to the gala' before she could chat much more her attention was grabbed by Tobias. She was so distracted by other ponies she hadn't gotten a chance to say hello to him yet. Although Star didn't know him well it was hard to forget what happened since he had been a Wonderbolt applicant at the time. It was a shame, he had been a pretty good flyer before his accident. 'Yeah I was lucky that day, things could have turned out a lot worse. Just don't let your wing slow you down, if you like being fast you can still run as much as you want to! That's what I do these days.' Star gave him a big smile to try to cheer him up a little bit. 'Oooh you've got one of the older ones, sure I'll sign it! with that Star took the pen, she wrote out a little message of encouragement and signed her name with a little heart next to it. She usually wasn't that cutesy with autographs but she could relate to losing the ability to fly, even if her injury was only temporary. Just as she finished signing Tobias' poster the announcer called 2 minutes to show time 'We should probably head to the VIP viewing section before the show starts' she said, to nopony in particular. -end of the thread-
  12. After last year's excitement Twilight was trying to stay out of trouble at the gala, so she decided to try to find a few of her friends and see what they were up to. She wasn't too sure where any of them had gone to so she started out in the courtyard where it was nice and quiet. As she stepped out of the busy main hall she couldn't help but notice the night sky was beautiful. Generally Ponyville was better for star gazing than Canterlot because it was darker here but tonight she could see everything. As she walked through the courtyard she ran through a little list of her favorite constellations, looking for each of them. She was just counting the stars in Ursa Minor when she heard AJ's familiar voice! After a quick look around she saw AJ's apple stand and trotted over. Twi smiled as she got closer to her friend's cart "Hi Applejack, wow everything looks like it's going pretty well!" it was still early in the night and she already had a bit of a crowd "How's the spell on those pans working out?"
  13. ((OOC: I'll pick up where storm left off if you guys would like to continue this thread))
  14. Things were starting to get pretty busy in here, usually the guards didn't let this many ponies in right before show time. Star decided it was safer to stay a little out of the way, she knew how dangerous it could be to get overwhelmed right before a show. Instead of bugging Soarin and Spitfire she decided to try getting some attention off of them so they could slip away soon. She turned her attention to Aristotle and Diomedes, "Aristotle, good to see you again. How have you been?" This was the first time she'd seem him since her retirement, Aristotle attended so many of their shows she was wondering if he'd been at her very last one.
  15. great thread Star Chaser: (except with her left wing wrapped up against her side) Bolt Both drawn by Muddy! (Thanks again!!) Twilight's gala dress
  16. Star gave her friends a little half smile, she almost felt like she might be making them nervous... like she was a reminder of what happened, so close to show time. Star didn't want anypony to feel bad though, her time as a Wonderbolt was great and she didn't regret anything. "You guys will be awesome! Don't worry about me, what happened wasn't anypony's fault. Besides I'm still pretty fast! Challenge you two to a foot race after your show?" she gave the two of them a friendly little smirk.
  17. Star Chaser was trying not to look like she felt awkward tonight, which was proving to be difficult. She had been chatting a little with a few of the other ex Wonderbolts in the VIP section when she noticed a fan walked right into Spitfire, She couldn't help but giggle. Realizing she hadn't talked to Spitfire or Soarin' yet, she figured this was as good of a time as any to go over and say hi. As she walked over she tucked her good wing in tightly, she always thought her one winged profile looked weird but having her wings out felt more natural. She took a deep breath and walked over with a smile "Hey you two! Good luck tonight!" It was only a few months ago that she was flying next to the two of them and now would just have to watch.
  18. Bolt walked quietly next to Carrot and listened "Wow that's so cool that you've liked astronomy ever since you were little. When I was a little filly I was always really interested in the weather because I grew up in cloudsdale and both my parents are weather ponies. It was only when I got really good at flying and started spending more time in the air that I really started liking the stars." As Carrot started talking about how all of the constellation names were just made up by somepony she started feeling less embarrassed about admitting she made up her own names. She didn't even know why she told him that, she never really told anypony about that. Bolt blushed a little "Well yeah... I guess somepony did have to come up with all of the real names, I never thought of it that way." Although Bolt had only blushed a little when she talked about making up constilation names when Dash called the two of them lovebirds she turned bright red. Aside from blushing she managed to keep pretty cool about the whole thing. Bolt made a silly face and stuck her tongue out at Dash "Very funny! doesn't flying like that make you sick? I HATE flying upside down" She was trying to get the attention off their conversation. Bolt giggled as Carrot seemed a little too excited to finally be at the post office, she was pretty sure Dash was making him nervous. When Carrot asked her if tomorrow night was good, Bolt ducked her head a little bit and then looked at him with her big purple eyes "yeah... tomorrow night sounds good, I'll meet you by your farm?" At this point Bolt couldn't tell if she was still blushing, she was pretty excited about going on this...hmm... date? she still wasn't completely sure WHAT Carrot's intentions were, Bolt wasn't the best at figuring out Stallions.
  19. At this point Scootaloo was feeling a lot better about everything, from now on she would pay more attention in Rarity's shop. As long as she was more careful everything would be fine, they'd clean up the mess and maybe all 3 of them could go on a cutie mark crusader adventure... even though Rarity already had hers. Usually the cutie mark crusaders went on all kinds of adventures but they'd never tried cleanup crew OR going to the spa before. "Both of those adventures sound like a good idea!" She smiled, although Rarity wasn't really her big sister she felt a little like part of the family right now. Scootaloo looked up at Rarity "what should we clean up first?"
  20. Ok tossed in her cutie mark story, going to add a lot more to her character summary tonight and then I think she's done, unless you guys think I need to add anything else specific?
  21. alot of those are Muddy's
  22. I can put in her cutie mark story, but I don't about throwing in the elements of harmony. I know that's why the artists designed her cutie mark the way it is but Twi never once in the show actually says anything about her cutie mark representing the elements (unless I missed that somewhere?). doh sorry about the silly color mistake!
  23. Name: Twilight Sparkle Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Unicorn Pelt Color: Purple Mane/Tail Color & Style: her mane and tail are long and straight, dark blue is the main color, with streaks of purple and pink. Eye Color: Dark Purple Cutie Mark: Twilight got her cutie mark during her entrance exam for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, all thanks to Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom! Twi was inspired to learn as much as she could about magic during a summer sun celebration when she was just a little filly. After seeing Princess Celestia raise the sun that day, Twi spent as much time as she could studying magic. Her parents were proud of her hard work and enrolled her in Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, but in order to be accepted she had to pass an entrance exam. Her exam required her to hatch a dragon egg, it was one of the scariest moments in Twilight's life and the worst part was no matter how hard she tried the egg just would not hatch. Twi was about to give up and accept that she wouldn't be able to go to the school for gifted unicorns, but as she apologized to the exam proctors the ground shook with the force of Dash's sonic rainboom. The sonic rainboom caused Twilight to go into an uncontrollable over powered state, not only did she hatch her dragon egg but she accidentally turned her parents into plants, made the proctors float, and broke the roof when she enlarged Spike. Princess Celestia heard all of the commotion going on and when she came into the exam room she saw everything that happened. She was so impressed with Twilight's raw magical abilities that she asked Twilight to be her personal student at the school! Twilight didn't think anything could possibly make that day better but during all of the excitement she had gotten her cutie mark! Physique: Normal Residence: Ponyville Library Occupation: Twilight Sparkle is Princess Celestia's student, her current job is to live in Ponyville and learn about friendship. She does her job with her assistant and friend, Spike who helps her out around the library. Twi frequently has to send letters to the princess about what she has been learning in Ponyville about the magic of friendship. Motivation: Twilight's cutie mark represents her love of magic and learning. What really motivates Twi is knowledge, she loves being surrounded by books and always being able to learn. If she finds anything in the world that she doesn't understand the first thing she does is go through her library and read a whole stack of books. Although books are her favorite and often first choice when trying to learn about something new, Twi also spends a lot of time learning from her own real life experiences. Twilight's best friends have helped her learn some of her most valuable lessons. Likes: - Books - Learning - Astronomy - The library tree - Her best friends Dislikes: - Show offs - When ponies distract her - Waking up early Character Summary: Twilight Sparkle is a pony who has always had trouble making new friends. It isn't that nopony likes Twi, but in the past she was too busy studying and just didn't give herself any time for friends. Twilight spent all of her time studying and learning at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns as well as independently as she got older. One day Princess Celestia asked Twilight to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration planning in Ponyville and that assignment changed her life. In Ponyville Twilight met 5 ponies who all got on her nerves at first but quickly became her best friends as they faced Nightmare Moon together. After defeating Nightmare Moon with her new friends, Princess Celestia realized that the best place for her faithful student was in Ponyville to study the magic of friendship. Since that Summer Sun Celebration Twilight has been spending her time having adventures with her friends and learning a lot in Ponyville.
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