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Status Replies posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. Trying to figure out a cutie mark for Neon, any idea's any pony?

  2. I feel such a noob. ((MLPT no comment :P))

  3. Cuteness Overload? Anyone had one recently? What caused it? ^^

  4. You know, I wonder if life really does have a simple answer and people just over complicate the problem.

  5. I have had a crappy few days. First I wake up one day and my back kills me cause I slept on it wrong. Then after that was done I get sick. T_T Can I get a hug?

  6. How many juggalos out there are bronies? I hope I'm not the only one

  7. You know, I wonder if life really does have a simple answer and people just over complicate the problem.

  8. Tea. For a British start to a British day XD

  9. i am proud to say i have moved to London because i got a job.

  10. Your new avatar is so cool!

  11. How to deal with the writer's block? PUNCH IT TO DEATH!!!

  12. just finished re-watching all 65 episodes of my little pony. now i understand even more why I was happy to not have to deal with season gaps before I want more episodes now :( I hope hasbro doesn't make us wait to long for the season 4 that everypony piratically knows exists

  13. Duck Kidneys are STILL sitting on my desk. Haven't worked up the courage to try them yet. They are only a month past the expiration date...

  14. People on the internet now, Jeez. I wish I could throw up on someone through the internet. Not just a quick one, either. A continuous vomit for like, 30 seconds.

  15. Yo ho Yo ho what is going on in the world of my fellow pony friends?

  16. I'm starting to dislike Sundays all over again :I

  17. I apologize for being a total noob on here XD

  18. lookig for people to rp!

  19. Some social and cultural items I've always wondered on for mlp. How long do they live normally? What is the male to female gender ratio?*Personally I think its a four females to every one male* What are the dating customs like? What are the marriage customs like? Do they have herds? Are the a socialistic society or a capitalisitc society or just a good old fashioned mix of the two? What is the normal diet of a pony? If cows can talk in Equestria....what do they say when their milked? Are...

  20. I feel terrible for Lightning Dust. She was dedicated and inspired, despite her reckless attitude. She was just a girl following her dream, and her pride destroyed her every chance at achieving that dream. How insanely depressing, what is she going to do now? Her cutie mark is in flying! Poor chick...

  21. So... umm... back from the dead. For now. Sorry for the absence, and stuff.

  22. So... umm... back from the dead. For now. Sorry for the absence, and stuff.

  23. Rocking a rainbow dash temporary tattoo...

  24. CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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