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Status Replies posted by stormchaser1991

  1. Morning, everypony! Have a great day, and don't forget that Applejack is best pony! :)

  2. Doe anypony have the simpsons tapped out that would like to be my friends on it because i need more friends on it and we could help each other on it

  3. Doe anypony have the simpsons tapped out that would like to be my friends on it because i need more friends on it and we could help each other on it

  4. Doe anypony have the simpsons tapped out that would like to be my friends on it because i need more friends on it and we could help each other on it

  5. Doe anypony have the simpsons tapped out that would like to be my friends on it because i need more friends on it and we could help each other on it

  6. Doe anypony have the simpsons tapped out that would like to be my friends on it because i need more friends on it and we could help each other on it

  7. Doe anypony have the simpsons tapped out that would like to be my friends on it because i need more friends on it and we could help each other on it

  8. Doe anypony have the simpsons tapped out that would like to be my friends on it because i need more friends on it and we could help each other on it

  9. I cannot tell if this is or isn't a terrible idea. LET'S FIND OUT!

  10. Wildstar Online, Elder Scrolls Online. Anyone have any good info or opinions?

  11. So, how is everypony this fine day?

  12. I want to do some roleplaaaaiiiz~

  13. where's the 'add friend' button?

  14. So... I have failed to extract a candy wrapper from my laptop's CD drive. This might prove expensive...

  15. That moment when your listening to music late in the evening when your parents are sleeping... and you accidentally pull the headphone jack from your computer, causing the speakers to suddenly play at 100% volume

  16. I don't know why it took me so long, but I finally got around to watching the season finale, and OH MY CELESTIA, WHAT AN EPIC BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Anyone wanna brainstorm a potentially awesome RP with me? :D

  18. I want to Start a season 5 RP and i wanted to know if anypony would join it i will give more details if there is alot of ponys that want to join

  19. episode 25 and 26 were awesome

  20. episode 25 and 26 were awesome

  21. i totally messed up my arm muscles skating and it hurts whenever i move them bluuuuuurgh

  22. i totally messed up my arm muscles skating and it hurts whenever i move them bluuuuuurgh

  23. is anyone willing to rp with me?

  24. RainbowDaringDash! I challenge you....... to a roleplay off! xD

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