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Everything posted by PyroBlaze

  1. Pyro growled to himself as he held the barrier as long as he could, though that wasn't very long as the creature broke through the shield using it's brute strength. Great, and the crowd had gotten nowhere. With another angry growl he moved between the creature and the audience, snorting in anger and he pawed at the ground. "Leave them alone, you stupid beast!" He yelled, trying to get it's attention with his words and a blast of flame that he threw at the creature. He was not going to let this thing hurt anypony if he could help it.
  2. That's a nice little gif. As for my post, think the Gibbs smack from NCIS.
  3. "It's not that much of an assumption, based on your actions." Tehengu replied evenly, watching Midnight walk by. Giving Andrea a momentary glare, he smacked her on the back of the head, though it wasn't hard enough to hurt much at all. With that, he walked off, heading after Midnight and speeding up to catch up with her. "You alright?" He asked simply, falling into step next to her. "What did Andrea do this time?"
  4. Wow... Once again, you have made an awesome piece of art. Great job!
  5. Alright... I guess I'll post next then, assuming they don't sneak one in first.
  6. PyroBlaze


    Yay! More changelings! Maybe we could have him meet Flux at some point! Awesome art as always! Keep up the good work!
  7. Tehengu wasn't sure what to think about Andrea and Midnight going off to the dorms and leaving the two males to wait by themselves. Well, he was a little worried about what Andrea would do, but he was sure Midnight would keep her under control. Or at the very least try to. He might have to be careful when he got back. That was an issue for later, though. For now, Andrea seemed to be running from something, and Slash called her over. Tehengu sighed to himself, undoubtedly this meant she had been getting into trouble again. Really, were him and Midnight the only ones with discipline around here? "What did you do now?" He called to her after Slash had finished.
  8. Tehengu watched Andrea rush out of the room, giving a small hum before following his other teammates towards the airships. He wasn't quite sure what he would be doing in the city, he didn't know what he would need. Perhaps he could look for something to give to Midnight. Another book for her to read, perhaps. He would have to see what he could find, he supposed.
  9. Pyro looked towards the stage, tilting his head slightly as the smoke began to block the band from view. Wow, they set up a lot of smoke for this thing. Oh well, to each their own, he supposed. He shrugged to himself before he went back to enjoying the music, though that soon stopped, and it didn't sound like they had reached the end of the song. He stared at the smoke, puzzled as to what was happening, though when the monster was revealed, his eyes widened. "Get out of here! Go!" He yelled at the band as he ran towards the monster, his horn already glowing to trap the monster in a shield while the others escaped. It didn't look good, there weren't too many exits for the crowd to escape through.
  10. Tehengu turned to Midnight as she asked her question about the braid. He looked at her for a few seconds, taking in the image of her with her hair like that. Then he shook his head, smiling slightly at her. "Looks good to me." He said to her before the teacher rushed out of the classroom. Seriously, what was wrong with these teachers? Oh well, that was an issue for later. He nodded to Slash before standing and gathering his stuff, waiting for the others to get ready.
  11. Yay! I'm back now

    1. tacobob


      Huzzah! Now get to posting, you! >:)

  12. I'm going to be gone over the weekend. I'm leaving sometime later today, so I'll be back next week.

  13. We're still in a class, yeah. There was no time skip, as far as I can tell, and that's where we left off.
  14. "Sounds good to me." Tehengu said, only half paying attention to the class in progress. Sure, he was more of a military man, but school didn't really seem to be his thing. Listening to lectures like this didn't seem to interest him that much. Still, out of respect for the teacher, he payed attention to what he was saying.
  15. I'd probably use the same character if we were to restart, but I'm not actually sure about that.
  16. PyroBlaze

    Up to No Good

    I think he looks cool in that. Great art as always.
  17. You know... Through that whole episode, I was wondering why they were trying to recreate the yak homeland instead of showing off the one they were trying to get the yaks to be friends with... I guess at first it was fine, showing they were willing to do stuff like that, but seriously, they just kept going even though it wasn't working out for them.

  18. Unfortunate that my favorite background pony didn't get any lines, but hey, at least she was part of it, and the episode was great!

  19. Maybe he'll get to meet Flux! She'd certainly love to make a new friend. Good work as always, dude! I love your art!
  20. PyroBlaze

    Styling Tips

    It's funny, when I first looked at this, I didn't even realize Inkbrand's mane was any different. I can see the difference now though.
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