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Everything posted by MetalBronyATL

  1. This song applies to my life in so many ways.
  2. Sweetie Belle = Best Crusader. Forever.

    1. RarityDash


      Agreed, though Scoots comes close.

    2. stormchaser1991
    3. tacobob
  3. It's cold and I don't like it.

  4. *facedesk* College sucks. Hold me.

    1. stormchaser1991


      ok come here *goes to hold/hug MetalBrony*

    2. CanvasMayHogany


      *stands at a distance* I won't hold you but your free to snuggle with my fluffy pillow while I pat you akwardly

  5. I'm glad I inspired you to open up about what you've been feeling. But I can somewhat relate to what you're dealing wiith. As you've offered to listen when I need to talk, I will do the same and listen when you need to talk. I've got your back.
  6. I've posted a blog post explaining what's been going on with me lately. Check it out if you're wondering what's been going on.

  7. Hello everypony, I hope you are all having a wonderful day. As many of you have noticed, I've been significantly less active lately, only making appearances in certain places and keeping my activity to a minimum. While this could be brushed off as just general laziness, the truth is I've been dealing with a lot of roadblocks in my life as of late. I'm not one to talk about my problems with people, as I'd rather not show emotion and try to remain a hard shell to crack, but given the recent events, I feel I should inform you all of where I've been. First of all, the typical stuff. School, work, real life obligations, etc, you get it. It's been crazy semester to say the least. This is my first year at a four year university, not to mention one of the most notable ones in the state of Georgia (Georgia College and State University) since graduating from a two year junior college last spring. The adjustment has taken a toll on me and getting used to it has been a challenge. In a similar vein, I also pledged to a fraternity this semester, which lead to even more time being taken. Now that I'm finally a full member, the time constraints have sadly not leased very much. And finally, of course, there is the full time job I work. So all of those things considering, time has been something I haven't had much of. Unfortunately, that is not the biggest factor into my inactivity. My personal life has been in turmoil lately, with various factors leading me to feelings of hopelessness and apathy. The first pillar to fall happened back in early October. A really good friend of mine, whom I was very close with, was arrested and charged with rape. I will not go into the details of what went into his arrest, but regardless, it was heavy for me to deal with. I had held out hope that he didn't do anything wrong and that the charges would be dropped, but more and more it became clear that he wasn't going to be able to pull through this. His next court date may be his last. This left me with a personal conflict that still to this day is driving me insane. I take rape very seriously, and I believe in rapist being harshly punished to the fullest extent. However, this was my friend, who I wanted to support no matter what. It has left me in a moral paradox, which has contributed more problems on my plate. Another issue I have been dealing with involves things with my home life. Again, I don't want to say much more about this, but to sum it up its starting to look like I may be trying to find a new place to life. And of course, how do I deal with these things? The worst way possible. On average I smoke maybe two packs of cigarettes a day (I've given up trying to quit smoking at this point), and I've been drinking way more than normal. I don't have any known immediate family members who suffer from alcoholism, but the amount I've been taking in lately is definitely alarming. The good news is things are getting much, much better in all the areas I've mentioned, and I think I'll be able to manage going into Christmas break. Now that you have read this, I want to make something absolutely clear. I did not write this for attention. I did not write this for people to pity me. I did not write this to make myself feel good. I wrote this because I honestly feel like I owe you guys an explanation for why I've fallen off the map. I also want to thank those of you who left kind words on my statuses lately, it means more than you know. I appreciate all who took the time to read this, and look forward for me getting heavily involved in RPing soon. I have some ideas for more Cadence threads (whom I depserately need to post more with) as well as a new OC app in the works. Thank you all, I love you guys. Have a wonderful day!
  8. Things are slowly settling down. One day at a time.

  9. Hey guys, I'm sorry if I alarmed anybody with the really cryptic status last night. I appreciate those who left kind words for me. For now, I wish to keep my problems to myself, but I'm touched that people reached out to me, and perhaps I'll reveal some things soon. I'm almost done with school so I'll be more active with RPing soon. I love you guys.

    1. RainbowDaringDash


      Sorry to hear your having a tough time, i hope it all turns out well for you

  10. I literally don't want to exist anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CanvasMayHogany


      No no no no no nine! Tell me address so I can give you a hug! You exist for a reason! My reason is for hugs and yours is to receive hugs! Don't talk like that

    3. starswirlthebearded
    4. QuickLime


      Do you wanna talk about it MB?

  11. I've seriously dropped the ball with RPing, among a lot of other things lately. Life keeps finding a new way to screw me lately. I'm too a point where I can't wake up without dreading the day anymore. I'm sorry guys, I don't mean to complain, I'm just really in a hole right now.

  12. Rainbow Rocks is 10/10 for the simple fact that Octavia speaks.

  13. Just watched Rainbow Rocks......and I was wrong. Well done, Hasbro.

    1. tacobob


      Yeah. I saw it. It wasn't bad..Make sure to watch after the credits. It answered a question I had after watching the first movie.

    2. CaptainMcDerp


      I quite enjoyed it myself. Especially the background characters and Sunset Shimmer. And yeah, the scene after the credits is pretty neat. I hope it's foreshadowing for the next movie.

  14. To say that I'm devestated right now is an understatement. Things just seriously took a nosedive.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MetalBronyATL
    3. QuickLime
    4. Sailu


      someone played all of Creeds albums and forced you by being tied down to listen didn't they~..(just trying to lighten the mood)

  15. To be honest, whenever I post a status saying that Applejack is best pony, 90% of the time it's because I have nothing better to say. Applejack is best pony though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Frogmyre


      I stand resolute by Pony is best Pony.

    3. Halide


      Zonker Harris 4 prez 2017

    4. RedCedar


      Really, though, what more needs to be said?

  16. *clears throat* Applejack.....is best pony. *drops mic and walks off*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. QuickLime


      -catches mic- "RAINBOW DASH IS BEST PONY!

    3. stormchaser1991


      *takes mic from QuickLime and pushes her off stage* "PINKIE PIE IS BEST PONY!"

    4. QuickLime




  17. Roses are red, violets are blue, Avenged Sevenfold sucks, and Slipknot does too.

  18. Whenever I hear a Creed song, my day is immediately ruined.

    1. stormchaser1991
    2. Sailu



    3. Halide


      Could be worse. Could be Lordi.

  19. Blow your trumpets, Gabriel, as I beheld the bewilderment of Eden.

  20. Auburn lost and the Falcons continue to suck. *sadness intensifies*

  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmy61wRBbLY This is seriously one of the greatest songs ever.
  22. I can't stop listening to this song. So much win.
  23. Whooooooooooooooooa gotta whole lotta love! Gotta whole lotta love!

  24. Hey guys, I know I pull this excuse all the time, but I really, really am going to post in my threads soon. I'm having a hard time right now and I'm not home much, and only get around to posting in FFA because it's easy to do on mobile. Again, I'm sorry, but life is just not my friend right now.

  25. *cries profusely because the Falcons lost*

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