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Status Updates posted by Slazer

  1. Gonna be a bit inactive for a while. Starting college this week on top of writer's block.

  2. Robin Williams was my childhood. You will be sorely missed,..

    1. tacobob


      Yeah, I actually found myself to be really depressed over this..Even shed a few tears..I haven't really been following his stuff lately..But the more I think about him, the more I realized how much he was part of my childhood. His shows...his movies..I never met the guy, but I've met people who have, and it's always the same story. He was awesome. Friendly..Brilliant. The world just got a good deal sadder without him.

    2. Corsair


      Most of the time, celebrity deaths don't mean a whole lot to me. This one, though, this one hurts...

  3. There are some days where the only reason you can keep going is because of a friend or friends who helps nudge you along. Otherwise, you'd just fall to pieces.

  4. Sorry for my inactivity, folks. My internet imploded on Friday and just now came back up; if there's anywhere I need to post at, do send me a message about it!

  5. Hmm, almost 5 in the morning. Should probably go to bed... *Goes to update my profile and character logs*

  6. The night is wonderous. I find that you can get such clarity into your life under the stars.

  7. Sleepless nights are odd for me. I hate not being able to sleep, but I've always felt more comfortable during the night. Love it and hate it, I guess.

  8. A heads up to everyone I'm RPing with: there's a really good chance I won't be available for several days to a week starting tomorrow, due to circumstances beyond my control. I'm really sorry about this, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'll post with all due haste when I can.

  9. It's good to be able to roleplay after so long without my inspiration. Makes me feel alive again!

  10. Debating drafting a new character for CC. I'm having enough problems getting my current four into action, but this idea won't leave me alooooooooooone! *Raritycouch.jpg*

    1. CaptainMcDerp


      i can relate. I made quite a few characters I haven't even RPed yet. XP

  11. Home alone on the Fourth. Wheeeeeeee.

  12. Sorry I haven't been posting. I've had to jump right from graduation to moving to a new place, and am still in the process of doing so, and it's been sapping my time for the most part. If the OPs or participants of threads I'm in could remind me where I need to post, I'll get to it as soon as I can.

  13. I think I'm having RP block. This... is not a fun feeling for one who loves being creative.

    1. XanXeto


      I know that feeling all to well... both of them.

    2. XanXeto


      Music helps me get back into the groove though.

    3. tacobob


      I get that on days only ending with 'y'. D:

  14. Well, I'm now a graduated senior. Must be why I feel so old all of a sudden.

    1. leapman


      Wow Slazer congrats man that's awesome.

  15. Graduating tomorrow. Somehow, I'm more exhausted than nervous.

    1. leapman


      Congrats!Good Luck man.

    2. PyroBlaze


      You too? I'm graduating tomorrow as well.

  16. I'm currently running off of two hours sleep and a quart of coffee. Am I glimpsing into my future as a college student?

    1. Rosewind


      Hahaha, try glimpsing into your future beyond college!

    2. Uilleam


      I need to get into caffeine sometime. There is no way I'll survive adulthood without it.

  17. That feeling when you look away for a couple of days and suddenly you have multiple threads to post in.

    1. RainbowDaringDash


      That happens to me every day, i wake up, leave home for a few hours, come back with 40 or so responses :P i know how you feel

  18. Mornings suck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sailu


      my morings suck i get up at 3;30 in the morning and go to work by 4

    3. Dio


      At least it's not Monday.

    4. stormchaser1991
  19. To anyone who's interested in MMOs or Gundam: take a look at the Icarus Server thread I just made. You may find something you like!

  20. I'll post on some threads sometime tomorrow, hopefully. Too tired to think straight tonight.

    1. XanXeto


      Think... straight... explain?

  21. My home internet is finally back up!

    1. Dio


      Huzzah! How many internets do I receive?

  22. >70 users are online

    1. Slazer


      Holy macaroni and cheese.

    2. QuickLime
    3. Slazer


      I'm just awed. Most communities I frequent don't breach 40 even on weekends. Just goes to show the scope of Canterlot, I suppose.

  23. Ever had a day where you end up with an ear-to-ear headache that lasts for hours for no apparent reason?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dio


      That's university in a nutshell.

      On a more serious note, hope you feel better, man.

    3. Slazer
    4. SteelEagle


      I exist in a state of migraines.

  24. Fun days are fun, except when they aren't. And that's terrible.

  25. That feeling when your college sends you a housing contract asking for a $150 deposit within four days when you're flat broke.

    1. Dio


      That feel when colleges ask you for money post graduation because they assume all alums are multimillionaires or old money.

    2. Dio


      Actually that feel when colleges ask you for money period.

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