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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. image.jpeg


    Sooo, she'd played that off ummmm not so well! Nope, not convincing at all. The Ponk could feel that both herself and the Cheese were a little uncomfortable now. She knew the cure for that of course! She wasn't a party pony for nothing! She'd just have the laugh it off and dive into the process of getting these jalapenos into the right place which was not her eyes! 


    "Whew! You're right about it getting in the eyes!" She grimaced slightly and helped to get the blender out from under the counter. 


    "Wow! Chili huh?" She wiped a hoof over her brow, thinking of what hot chili all over the place must feel like. No thank you! "Let's get these peppers where they need to go pronto so we don't have any more trouble with them! And you're right, chunky cupcakes are no good! Unless they're chocolate chunks, or maybe strawberry," She mused on that recipe alteration for a moment before scraping the diced peppers into the blender and sealing it tight. 


    The machine whirred away for a few moments during which time Cheese asked her the question she'd asked him earlier. After a moment she responded lightly. "I'm up for trying these cupcakes once they're done baking! Should we make one more kind too?" She was working to press her feelings to the side. It wasn't the right time to tell him about that. She also knew he wanted to ask a favor of her but she decided to leave that alone for the time being too. It would be fun just to spend a bit of time baking with Cheese and she'd just see where it went!


    Once the jalapenos had finished their turn in the blender so carefully removed them into a bowl and put some chopped up strawberries into the blender. These were pureed too and added with the peppers. Pinkie added them slowly to the batter she'd mixed and soon the soft pink goodness that was jalapeno strawberry was ready to be put into cupcake trays for baking! "All we need to do is get this into trays and into the oven. Yum! I can't wait to try them!" She thought ahead to the next cupcakes she'd like to make.


    "There's a recipe I've been wanted to try for sticky salted caramel apple cupcakes. What do you think? Sound good?" There that was better. Back to her regular old Ponky self for the time being. :D 

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    RD grinned at her beautiful mare and headed on back over to the royal couple with her flask stashed in her coat pocket. Once she was within range of them she took a moment to run a hoof through her forelocks and take a deep breath. There was a lot going on this evening and even more was in the works for her! She really needed to keep herself together and a little of the stiff cider never hurt!


    "Hey there Candace!" She moved close to the Princess. She looked a bit stressed what with all the commotion going on. Perfect timing to offer some relaxing cider! "Was wondering if you'd like a sip?" She took the flask casually from her inside coat pocket and held it close in, offering the Princess a sip. It was strong, really strong. Not your normal hard cider. This stuff had been resting somewhere cool and dark for a long while.




    Good! He was up for a little adventure and Reckless would make sure to give it to him! The pegabat trotted off through the crowd, headed towards the swinging doors that lead to the kitchens and store area.


    "Yeah, I'm sure they have the best stuff hidden back here somewhere..." She commented to herself and to Aegis. "All we gotta do is find the right door," She sucked in a breath and dodged into a side room as a kitchen worker came down the hallway. "Trick is to not get caught!" She whispered to the stallion as they waited for the pony to go on his merry way. 


    Soon they were free to wander further into the store rooms, looking for the good stuff!

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    Glitter shifted her gaze skyward as she trudged through the drifts. They had been piling up over the past few weeks but...today seemed different. it seemed that more snow was falling than should be. She couldn't quite explain it but something was off with the weather. 


    Glitter Drops knew the weather of the frozen north. She knew what to expect and packed her trekking supplies accordingly. Of course one could expect that things of nature would not always play out perfectly. No it wasn't like the unruly skies to do exactly what was expected of them.


    "Perhaps it's just an extra draft from the north?" She mused under the thick layer of knit wool that comprised her overly large scarf. The same piece of equipment that had kept her muzzle intact in the frigid conditions time and time again. She always packed extra. Extra food, extra water, extra gear. Even if one could predict one was never right every time. 


    "Koda!" She called out the elk hound's name. "Koda heel!" The large dog bounded back from his lead to walk by her side. Glitter felt better with her companion by her side. Koda had kept her from death more times than one. Warm fur for extra insulation on the coldest nights. Senses to alert her before she knew what to expect. She glanced at him, noting the prick to his ears. 


    "What's up boy?"


    Koda whined a small whine and nudged his nose forward. Glitter did her best to look through the weather to a large snow drift ahead of her. Was that...a unicorn out there? He didn't seem at all prepared for the frigid conditions and she was instantly concerned for the strange pony. Glitter struck out towards the unknown unicorn. 


    "Hey!" She called. "Hey there! Are you alright?"

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    "Ahhhh..." The professor of ancient runes and archaic magics sighed as he leaned back in his office chair. Another sip from his mug of steaming tea and Sunny closed his eyes to ruminate. 


    He'd been at the School of Friendship for a couple of seasons now. Times had been good to him. Now that he had his office jammed with books, scrolls, and parchments he could come in here to relax and unwind any time he liked. Surely the Headmistress of the school had been more than kind to offer him such accommodations. Not only did he get to pour over the research he loved but he also got to distribute his findings to students who were, mostly, willing to learn and sometimes even add their own thoughts on particular subjects. This was the perfect place for Sunburst and he knew it. Sure the Crystal Empire had been nice for a time but he didn't get the satisfaction that came with teaching eager minds there as he did here. 


    He opened his eyes and took a other sip of fragrant tea before glancing at the desk in front of him. It, like the rest of his office, was covered with various books and documents. Off to one side was the magical orb he'd been working on. It certainly was a power source, and who knew how much power was inside but it was locked, with no key that he could reason. It was a puzzle and Sunny had always liked puzzles. 


    There was one ting the stallion had been puzzling on for quite some time. A deeper area of his life that he seldom delved into. He was happy and fulfilled at the school but was there not...well, a small empty space somewhere inside him? The students had helped to fill in the desire he had to deliver his findings and have them be received. The faculty had become friends and so he found no need for more friendship than he'd acquired for the time being. But there was something else, loathe as he was to admit it. He took a breath and allowed himself to think on the subject for a moment. 


    Sunny was not a young stallion anymore. There would be less of the flitting around Equestria now. He felt he had indeed settled down to his role and position at the school. He still yearned for adventure though and he yearned to share it with...somepony. Somepony that would be special to him, that he could love and have that love returned-


    ". . . Although I’ve got tears in my eyes
    And I see rain clouds in the sky...


    He was pulled back from his thinking by a voice echoing through the mostly empty halls outside his office. Strange he hadn't heard it before but this time he did. Faintly. From somewhere not too close but not all that far. It sounded nice. He raised his eyebrows. Who? He let the mug rest on the edge of the desk, releasing it from his magical levitation. Pressing back his chair he stood and quietly opened his office door. He walked down the hallway, following his ears. After a little more walking he saw the door to the Defense Against Dark Hearts classroom ajar. A bright light was issuing from within.


    I can’t deny the light inside
    Because I’m not saying goodbye"


    He knocked lightly on the door as the singing ended and poked his head around. Sunny pulled in a small breath. Professor Sunburst? Had she been...glowing? He shook his head to clear it and then noticed how awkward he must look. He'd entered without even waiting to be welcomed in.


    "P-professor!" He rubbed his front leg against the other. "I uh, I-i heard you singing," 


    Horse apples...if there was a king of awkward the crown would go to Sunburst!

    • Hearthoof 1
  5. image.png


    Spike's little heart raced as he placed the bits in front of the farm mare. She said he could use the wheel barrow. Good! Now he just had to get through...


    *smooch smooch*


    His cheeks tingled where she'd planted her kisses on him. The baby dragon opened his peepers and looked up into Applejack's green apple eyes. He blushed again but this time in triumph! He'd done it! He'd gotten the apples and he'd gotten his kiss! Well, he'd gotten two kisses! 


    "T-thanks Applejack!" Spike called to his friend as he made his way over to get the wheel barrow. "For the apples, and the kisses!" He waved as he rounded the corner of the barn, bent on getting his haul of fine apples back to the Princess' kitchen!


    *Spike out*  :kissy:

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  6. image.jpeg


    "Yeah," Twi watched the scenes play out in sparkling glass. They made her heart full. "Special together." 


    She glanced at the pegasus beside her. Did she really want to move on this? Did she really want to risk what they had? She just wasn't sure. Thought it might be too much for her to keep the secret forever. She didn't know if she was strong enough. Plus, if she didn't say anything it was almost like she was being untruthful. To herself as much as to Rainbow. She gulped. This had to be done.


    "Uh Rainbow," She kept her eyes on the glass as it moved, refracting the light of the moon to play colors into the corridor. "So I wanted to ask you something." She sounded weak. She knew it. Rainbow didn't like weak. Rainbow liked strong and fast and brave. She knew they were friends and that Rainbow did like her. She wondered if she did say this if it really would ruin what they had? Perhaps it wouldn't? Perhaps they could go on being great together as friends as they always had?


    "Have you ever thought about," She glance down to the stones below her hooves. Then her head moved up, connecting her deep purple eyes with the pegasus' magenta orbs. "The possibility of me and you..." Her heart was pounding a mile a minute. She was going to put Dash on the spot and she knew it. Oh, this was not a good idea...but it was too late now. "...being special together?"

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  7. 20200120_093406_50.png


    "T-Tempest." The unicorn whispered the name. It dropped from her muzzle full of emotion as if it had been locked away for half her life...which it had.


    She didn't speak any more. She couldn't. The rush of feelings was way too much. The whole reason for being here in this forsaken cabin, in the middle of the ice and snow, locked in with small animals on which to place her welling heart, was dashed in an instant. The one thing, the one pony she'd tried so desperately to divide her life from had somehow ended up walking straight through her door. Without her even noticing! 


    The unicorn's eyes wells and she vanished from the room, back into the safe confines of her make shift zoo. She was brave, and strong, and resilient. But against this? She didn't think she could bare it! Her fault. It was her fault and she knew it. She'd ruined the unicorn's life. She hadn't meant to. The time frame for the whole incident was seconds. Seconds that translated to two lives locked out of their true potential. A shattered horn and a shattered heart...or possibly two. She didn't know. She'd long ago come to grips with her own feelings for an instant. She'd pushed those thoughts and feelings away though. Under snow and ice. Under the fluff and fur of animals who needed her. Through week long treks that could have easily claimed her life. 


    And now here it all stood. On towering legs in her kitchen. All of her locked away secrets, longings and regrets. All of the pieces of her heart. All of what could have been. Was standing just out there...asking her if assistance was needed? How in all of Equestria had this happened? Where had she come from? She hadn't had any transactions with the Empire...had she? Glitter glanced to the table in the kitchen, poking her head around the corner for a brief moment. 


    "Oh!" She squeaked, remembering the pink envelope that had come last week.


    Cadence had sent a letter. She'd tossed it on the pile, ignoring it like so much else in her life. This was the outcome of her flippant nature. Of the scattered way she'd started to live her life. But Tempest? Why? This was the same mare that had nearly been the downfall of all of Equestria! Sure she'd reconciled herself through Twilight, even ponies that lived under rocks had heard that news. But still...the Princess of Love she must know! She must know about their past. Glitter was going to be the subject of the Princess trying to reconcile old relationships. She felt anger at this, deep in her gut. Cadence was using her knowing meddle in what she should not.


    She had to go back out there right? Maybe if she just stayed here Fizzy would leave? No, she wouldn't. Glitter sighed and reached up to removed the bird from her poll. Time to face the music. Fizzy coming here was an invasion of her fortress...but she had opened the door. Her heart wavered. She wanted this, and she didn't. It felt well, it felt awful.


    She took one step and then another back into the kitchen, as she went she steeled herself. She hardened the same way she did before fighting an ursa. Clearing her mind, focusing, deepening into her center. 


    "Yes, a monster." The words came out flat. Cold. Deadened. "Prints like a timber wolf's but bigger...much bigger. I've never seen anything like them in my time here." As she spoke she began to pack for their venture. Saddle bags with general supplies, first aid, food. Rope. Ice ax, crampons. Woolen scarf to cover the face during snow flurries. Each was placed as it always was, securely on her back. "The nearby residents have started to complain of missing live stock. Taken from sheltered pens near dwellings."


    After a quick time of supplying her pets for a time without her, she stepped to the door and opened it. "Ready?" Her mind was on fire. She wanted to cry. She wanted to tell Fizzy how sorry she was. She wanted to hug her old friend and remember the good times before the...accident. But the words didn't come. 


    "Koda!" As she stepped out she called for her elk hound. He was an excellent tracker and often accompanied her on treks. Glitter affixed travel bags to the big dog. A few extra supplies never hurt during this time of year when the weather was anything but stable. The dog bounded up, standing by her side and looking directly at Tempest. 


    "It's ok Koda, this is uh," She placed a front paw on the dog's head as she stood in the snow outside. "This is Tempest, she's a..." Her breath came in puffs in the northern air. "friend."

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  8. edit: requests are closed!


    If anypony is interested I'm opening up requests of pony arts! For examples just take a look at the gallery feed :)


    Respond with character description and anything I should know if you'd like some art.


    Requests are always open! No telling which order art will be produced in... ;) 


    Temy art all day! (always work in progress) 

    Glitter with eye patch, after wound

    Ashton (one out of two completed)

    Quicklime's Cashmere

    Zap Apple expression sheet

    Twi in a tux

    TacoBob's Cat (coming soon...)

    Skycoaster's Blizzard take 2

    IceStorm's Frostbite dragon

    pyro's Dox changling

    Angel bunny swearing in sign

    Twilight in grassy field reading a blue book

    Alivda's Raven in family armor

    IceStorm's Wind Dancer in flight suit

    Bellosh's beautiful Empress in work clothes



    Temy art Firelight Feels

    SirAizen's Candy Cane

    Remington and Moonlight Glitter in Friendship School uniforms

    Remington and Moonlight walking together

    Blueblood's Feng in royal protectorate armor

    Icestorm in armor

    Luster Dawn and Sunset Shimmer

    Alivda's Raven Shadowfire

    Temy and Glitter snuggles

    Icestorm's Wind Dancer pegasus

    Temy being saved from ursa by Glitter

    Bellosh (campaign poster)

    Reckless and Neb at the club!

    Dubstep's Limelight/ and a Limelight head shot :) 

    Pyro's Blank Canvas

    Ciraxis ninja mare

    emotions pic from Hearts of Ice 

    Szalhi blind mare

    Pyroblaze zebra hybrid

    Skycoaster batty pone

    Skycoaster  frozen pone

    QuickLime (maritini and the princess :D aw! ) Also, Martini on the Beach 

    AJ tackle kisses RD proposal pic

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  9. Howdy! Welcome to Canterlot! 


    As for how to use our site:


    If you'd like to RP right away then go to the Free for All section. You can start a thread there and/or ask others to join a thread by posting in the OOC.


    Our World of Equestria sections are for those who have character approved for use in WoE. To get your character approved for WoE use post an application in the Character Applications section. Myself or another staff member will respond to your application and walk you through any changes that need to be made for approval. Please read Rarity's Application Form carefully and follow the format presented in that post. Also check out Fluttershy's Creature Compendium to make sure your character falls within the WoE accepted for pay species. If not, remember you can always play any character you'd like (within site rules) in FFA!


    You can apply for and play both OC and cast characters here. :)


    You can also chat and get to know us on the Discord server if you're interested in that. ;) 


    Feel free to PM myself or any other staff for further assistance! I hope you enjoy getting to know Canterlot.com!

  10. image.jpeg


    The the professor spoke ti became clear to Yona that this was indeed a class about fighting! She stomped her hooves a little when it was talked about, rattling the students nearest to her and causing some irritated stares in her direction. 


    "Yona want to learn defense! Yona want to learn to fight like yak warriors from homeland!" 


    Then Sunset began to talk about research and...book writing! "Oh no!" Yona whispered in yak whisper which was no whisper at all. "How can yak fight when yak in library covered with books?" She sighed, giving up a bit of hope. She wasn't sure she had the smarts it would take to be in this class. 

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    Spike let out a breath, trying to calm himself. AJ was talking about apples now. How many he wanted being the main thing. 


    "I uh think she said a bushel of each. She's working on some well, I guess you could call it baking?" The young dragon chuckled. Twilight's baking was a sight to behold... on the counters, walls, floors, and ceilings. "I was wondering if I could borrow your small wheel barrow?" He kicked the ground in front of him still pondering what kissing the farm mare would be like. 


    The dragon looked back to Smolder and seeing her bolstered him at least a little. He looked up into Applejack's big green eyes. "So here's the bits," He placed the coins he'd been clutching in his claw down in front of AJ. Here...it....comes...

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    AJ let a deep sigh escape her muzzle. Sure being all high faluten' and fancy shmancy wasn't her thing but it was Rarity's thing and she absolutely adored her beautiful unicorn. Anything Rarity loved she'd already felt her hart taking differently than it used to. Fancy dress, well Rarity would get a kick outta it so why not? Soiree with rich and famous ponies in the sky? Rarity was all abut somethin' like that so AJ felt herself giving way to such events. Pretty much everything the unicorn liked AJ was learning to have an affinity for. It wasn't because she loved the events or the dresses or the formality, she loved the mare that loved them. And that was enough.


    The sauna stay was over just at the right time and AJ walked out of the steam feeling clean and refreshed, if not in need of a short nap. She was so relaxed!


    "That was durn near perfect. A pony could git real used tah this life," She winked at her mare. "As long as a certain unicorn is with me."


    They made their way to the locker area and AJ opened the door to the locker. 


    "Hmm, that's odd?" She cocked her head as the door swung open easily on it's hinges, obviously unlocked. She sucked in a breath, her heart suddenly jumping from it's previously relaxed state.


    "Oh no!" She rummaged through the contents of the locker, suddenly frantic. "It's not here!" 


    Tears formed in the farm mare's eyes even though she tried to dash them away. Her broach was gone. "Stolen," Her lower lip trembled. That broach had meant more to her than she'd even known. It was a token of love, one of the first of such, that Rares had given her. 


    Normally AJ was a practical mare to the core but this was a heavy blow.

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