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Status Replies posted by XanXeto

  1. I'll post on some threads sometime tomorrow, hopefully. Too tired to think straight tonight.

  2. Hmmm ran out of random things to put up now again. o_o

  3. *sleep deprivation intensifies*

  4. I am thoroughly confused. . .

  5. "Once did a pony who gleamed like the moon, look out on her kingdom and sigh. Dejected she cried "Surely there is no pony who loves, or finds any love in my night" ~Luna

  6. I immensely dislike this so-called "holiday"; everyone tries to be "funny" at other's exspense.

  7. gawd after spending nearly half the day trying to beat paint it black in guitar hero its now stuck in mah head.......it sound so good but sounds so annoying at the same time aaaaauuuuugggghhhh

  8. When it comes to video games, sometimes a girl just gotta school the big boys.

  9. From hot and humid summer days to torrential pouring rainfall. Autumn sun showers bring out Rainbow Dash's finest across the township with a double rainbow: http://twitpic.com/dzshk9

  10. DerpyHoovesFan: Canterlot.com is still blue. Me: Did someone post that? DHF: No. ME: Then why did you... OMG the picture changed, I didn't even notice that. >.<

  11. With Elder Scrolls Online releasing March 30, I will be spending less time in pony RP for the next couple weeks. Please excuse my sudden vacation to Tamriel.

  12. Awww I love the new Canterlot header. <3

  13. *Waits patiently for character application to be approved* ....grrrrrr....

  14. I've lost all hope in humanity. Not that I had much.

  15. New character, no name, two chapters to his background story already... sad how my mind works. >.<

  16. Everyone gets a filly version of their favorite character to cuddle for an hour.

  17. Material wings are so last season.

  18. You feel a tap at your leg and when you look down, one of the CMC lifts her hooves up for a hug....

  19. *crawls out of a shadowy corner* I HAVE RETURNED AT LAST.

  20. Tonight I do not sleep. Instead I pony.

  21. Wish I could post some art!

  22. Praise the Sun!

  23. A theory is not a scientific theory. Learn the difference.

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