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Status Updates posted by leapman

  1. I'm going to make a quick song for Canterlot, tell me if you want me to mention you :P

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. RainbowDaringDash


      really? a skyrim reference? well inculde talos, the ancient Nordic warrior deseres respect

    3. leapman


      Uh Halide I dont think ill be able to make that rhyme :o

    4. RainbowDaringDash


      ha ha ha.....talos maybe can rhyme depending on what rithim you are doing


    1. CaptainMcDerp


      My suspicions are confirmed!

    2. leapman


      -Praises McDerp-

  3. I'm really considering on making my first RP application ever but I don't know where to start. : /

    1. CaptainMcDerp


      Who are your favorite characters from fiction? Gender bend one and base a character off of the result. the gender bending thing is of course optional but it would make things pretty interesting. :)

    2. stormchaser1991


      also here this could help you

    3. leapman


      Alright thanks guys.

  4. If I ruled the world, I'd free all the suns and stars. If I could rule the world, the skys would rain down black diamonds and pearls. If I could rule the world.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. leapman


      How about marshmallows and chocolate rain? :D

    3. QuickLime


      That sounds messy

    4. leapman


      <3 Quicklime *hugs*
  5. If you could redo your life all over what would you do?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SymphonicFire


      Yea, often my friend would ask to go to the bathroom and stay there for a long time. When she needed someone to talk to she has to skype me. It's always this one person that sets her off. Just recently they had a conflict and the head of year came. The Head of year asked the girl who hurt my friend 'Who do you think can fix this'. I couldn't believe her reply when she said "Sinead can" (that's my name)

    3. GhostGirl


      Oh, goodness, gracious. I hate people like that. It's not okay to hurt someone just because you know someone else can make it better.

    4. SymphonicFire


      Yea. I know that she was scared about getting into trouble so i helped both sides since both of them are having problems. So i can see why she said that, even though it was stupid

  6. Im gonna start RP'ing for the first time on this site, think I am ready...

  7. In the land of the Dragons, Demons, and Alicorns. There was THE LEAPMAN...

    1. RarityDash


      Am now kinda intrigued... Also, nice Rarity avatar! ;)

  8. Is any one going to be starting a RP in FFA? I wanna RP more now lol

    1. TheAddictedFangirl


      You could always make one you know! :P

    2. smileyface1010


      I want to start one but I have no ideas :P

    3. leapman


      I'm not ready to create one of my own!

  9. It's my world I does what I want to.

  10. It's the WEEKEND!

  11. Its plenty other fishes in the sea, how could I let this filly get to me...

  12. Just know Robi lives in all of us.

  13. laughter is the best medicine :)

  14. Let's advertise Canterlot and get more ponies in the herd!

  15. Lost IPod charger the struggle is real.

    1. Corsair



  16. Lurk on Canterlot see role players stalling, sold all these Apple pies now I'm balling. Dope clothes courtesy of Rarity, gave your filly my number now she won't stop callin'

  17. Made my first RP post ever today!

  18. MetalBronyATL like that profile pic 8-)

    1. MetalBronyATL


      I thank you, good sir. :P

    2. leapman


      Keeping it trill with you.

  19. Might make some inspirational rap for bronies who were bullied just because they loved the fandom.

    1. stormchaser1991
    2. Halide


      make it about anyone who's feeling bullied in general. Why focus on an immense yet specific community that already does plenty of hand-holding

    3. leapman


      Hmm.. Good Idea Halide will probably do that instead.

  20. My spring break vaction now begins!

    1. tacobob


      What does this word mean...Vac ation? Vacation? Is this some sort of magic word?

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