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Everything posted by Kite

  1. Kite

    pony armor

    Awesome! This is gonna be a super helpful reference! =D
  2. Kite


    I love how even her "!" is bright and colorful XD Epic kick though!
  3. Kite

    Neon Pony

    I love this design! I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how big, clunky heavy armor would work on a pony, and this helps out so much! =D
  4. Being that I am a terrible dancer, I feel as though Poison Joke would likely make it so I would not be able to stop dancing at any point in time. Just a nonstop, awkward, horrible breakdown of every terrible dance move in the book. XD
  5. Happy to be back connected to the internet!

  6. Happy to be back connected to the internet!

  7. I do have some ideas in mind myself for an Iron Pony tournament, where the contestants are given points to put into certain stats, and made to compete in 1 on 1 competitions which are judged for post quality and attributed with a luck factor as well. To make it different from the ROTL though, the stats play a role as well. to give an example... Say we have an Iron Pony application sheet, Each Pony is given 10 points to spread out in 5 different categories. Strength, Speed, Stamina, Willpower and Luck. So a simple app would look like this: Pony Contestant #1 Strength (STR) - 3 Speed (SPD) - 2 Stamina (STM)- 3 Willpower (WIL) - 2 Luck (LCK) - 1 and Pony Contestant #2 Strength (STR) - 2 Speed (SPD) - 3 Stamina (STM)- 1 Willpower (WIL) - 3 Luck (LCK) - 2 Now, each event would have certain score perks depending on points. Let's say the first event is the 100 metre dash. It would be [100 Metre Dash (SPD/STM) - Pony#1 vs Pony #2]. Post quality would be rated on 5 (by multiple judges perhaps?), the dice roll (on 6) and finally, the stats. It should be noted that no events would have a LCK Stat booster. The LCK stat allows your character to have as many dice rolls as it has points, and you keep the highest number. So let's have an example: Pony #1 Post Score: 4 Stat bonus: 2 SPD, 3 STM Dice bonus: 4 Total: 13 Points Pony #2 Post Score: 4 Stat Bonus: 3 SPD, 1 STM Dice Bonus: 6 (rolled a 3 then a 6 due to LCK bonus) Total: 14 Points So Pony #2 would move on to the next challenge! The next event would continue, perhaps [Weight Lifting (STR) - Pony #2 and Pony #3], while Pony #1 would go on to face Pony #4. Everypony that registers at the start would have a chance to compete in every round, I wouldn't want to do an elimination thing. I'm thinking each round won earns a pony 1 point to the total score of the competition, and after a few rounds, the ponies with the highest scores (if there is a tie) could battle in a final exclusive round for the title of Iron Pony! Anyhow, thats my idea and I'm sticking to it! I'd love to hear any thoughts on it, or suggestions from anypony on how to improve it! I feel like it's an event that would really shake things up here at Canterlot! =D
  8. "Ah, yes, well..." Kite faltered at the question; truth be told, ever since she'd gotten her armor, she'd found the thought of being out of it rather odd; how were people supposed to know she was a knight? What if she had to dash out and help someone in a hurry? Either way, it didn't matter; Kite wouldn't really be able to fit in a chair with such bulky armor. "...of course, one moment." CLANG! KLINK! CLANG! Heads turned in the establishment as each piece of armor hit the ground with a loud noise. Kite did her best to pile the suit up neatly and inconspicuously in the corner, leaving the helmet dangling in the rack (which sagged slightly under the weight now) next to Neon Pop's hat. Without her bulky armor, the pegasus fillie seemed quite a bit... smaller. Her pelt was a light cream color, eyes green (and looking around nervously). She was without any particular markings, though she sported as many scuffs, bruises and bandages as her armor had dings, dents and scratches. There was even a solitary bandage across the bridge of her nose, and a pair of crossed bandages over her cutie mark. "Eheheh..." She poked at the ground nervously with a hoof; it felt like everyone was staring at her now. "Well, we should... find a seat then?" She asked, as a bee whizzed past her nose.
  9. Switching ISPs, and our current ISP cut us off 5 days early, so I'm afraid I won't be around to catch the end of the running of the leaves, or the first episode of season 2 with y'all. I'm very disappointed, but either way I hope you ponies have fun and I'll see you either in small doses if I can, or back again hopefully on Tuesday!
  10. The armored Pegasus followed alongside the Queen of Pop at a slow pace, despite the increasingly violent nature of the weather around them. "What an odd pony, she really doesnt seem to mind the weather at all." She thought, not bothering to rush in the storm though; she was already soaked, what were a few more minutes? "So, are you new to Ponyville? I'm guessing, with the armor, you came from Canterlot, huh?" "Ah, yes, actually." The fillie nodded, clinking and clanking as she trotted along. "My dad is a great knight of Princess Celestia's Royal Guard in Canterlot; it's always been my dream to be the same. But the opportunities to prove oneself worthy of knighthood in Canterlot are very slim, so I've decided to travel on a knight's pilgrimage!" She decided to leave out the bit about failing the knight entrance exam 3 times in a row; it was still a bit of a sore spot with her, and that blow to her self esteem was nowhere near healed just yet. WSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ The winds picked up even further, rocking trees back and forth, scattering stray leaves and bending branches mercilessly. The sky lit up with another brilliant flash and a mighty KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK, and the rain seemed to pour even harder than before. If it wasn't for Neon Pop's fluorescent glow, Kite would have quickly lost sight of her new acquaintance. Luckily, it seemed as though the two had finally reached their destination. Neon Pop gestured towards the door of a building that the soaked Pegasus could not even make out through the downpour, and said something that she couldn't hear either over the TATATATATATATATINKTINKTATATINKTAPLINKTATATAPLINKTINKTINKTATATATATATATATATATATATA of the storm. Either way, the little knight had about all she could take of the rain at this point, and gratefully entered the building.
  11. "Lunch? Oh, but I couldn't impo-" Kite's protests were cut off by another loud grumbling sound; not the sky this time, but her stomach. It had been a long journey, after all, not to mention the wind picking up meant the storm would only be getting worse. "...I'm sorry. Thank you for the generous offer." The pegasus bowed again, though she couldn't help casting a wary glance at Alejandro. He reminded her of a dragon, and as a prospecting knight, she was a little worried about dragons in general. Still, if Neon Pop was okay with him... "Oh! Of course!" Realizing the blunder in her manners, the fillie bowed even lower, the nose of her helmet touching the mud. "My name is Kite, at your service!" The sky growled threateningly at these words; Kite really didn't want to chance an encounter with another lightning bolt just yet. She straightened up, the rain still rhythmically plinking off her armor. "Please, lead the way."
  12. Tatatatatinktatatatatinktinktinktatatatatatatataplinktataplinktink.... The constant rainfall bouncing off of Kite's armor was quite a disorienting sound indeed! She felt herself being brought up to her hooves... what had just happened? "That was quite a fall, are you ok? Anything broken?" The wannabe knight looked up to see the unicorn offering a friendly smile; the rumours of the kindness of the Ponyville ponies were clearly not exaggerated. "I... I'm fine! Thank you!" The armored pegasus bowed on one knee respectfully. The truth was, the branch had unfortunately landed on her exposed wing, which now throbbed painfully. Kite was made of tough stuff, however, and wouldn't admit this; it was the priority of a knight to ensure the safety of a citizen first and foremost! Making them worry simply wouldn't do, especially when there was an alligator on the loose. "The alligator!" Kite suddenly remembered, shooting up from her bow and looking around frantically for the monster. Out of reflex, she spread her wings once more, wincing at the painful result. Still, with her helmet visor obscuring her vision, and the rain pouring in buckets, she could not see the creature. "I'm sorry citizen, but uh..." She really wasn't good at the whole Knight-speak thing. "...we have to vacate the premises! There's a dangerous creature around here...!"
  13. Kite certainly wasn't expecting anypony to be walking down the roads in this weather; hoping, but not expecting. It was very much to her surprise when she caught a glimpse of bright, neon lights in the distance, growing closer and closer. It was even more of a shock when the lights came so close that the wannabe knight was able to recognize them as being on a pony; that is, a unicorn to be exact. Perhaps the unicorn was in trouble? "This could be my big chance!" She thought excitedly. Straightening up, the fillie's armor clinked slightly. She looked over to the glowing pony, ready to offer a friendly greeting. Then she spotted the alligator behind her! A fiend! A predator! Ponyville was reputed as a safe haven for all! How was it then, that a dangerous alligator was here, about to gobble up this glowing neon unicorn!? Springing to action, Kite jumped into the air, flapping with her wings; despite wearing such heavy armor, she could still maintain limited flight, and she planned to use her patented "Kite Cannonball" technique to defeat the dreaded alligator! Trying to hide her nervousness and self doubt (something ALWAYS went wrong when she tried to be a heroic knight!), the flying fillie shouted in her knightliest possible voice "Do not be alarmed citizen! I will sa-" As it turns out, wearing a full suit of metal under a tall tree in a thunderstorm is a rotten idea. At that moment, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky with a mighty KRAKABOOOOOOM, narrowly missing the armored Kite, but instead ripping into the tree branch just above her. The charred branch instead fell from the tree, knocking the poor fillie out of the sky and back into the mud in the process.
  14. CRASH! KABOOM! The weather team had really outdone themselves this time; it was still early evening, but the sky was already darker than Nightmare Moon's dreams, save for the ocassional flash of lightning ripping across the skies, illuminating the billowy black clouds and silhouetting everything on the ground. The rain poured down in buckets, creating small streams in the dirt, smacking the leaves in the trees and creating an awful racket. Tatatatatatatatatatata... Most of the inhabitants of the peaceful Ponyville had long since made their way indoors to avoid the torrential downpour; after all, a storm of this magnitude could hardly be stopped at this point, it would be much too dangerous to fly into a lightning storm! Still, a lone carriage made it's way into the storm-besieged town, drawn by one pony, and strangely enough being pushed by a second pony. The pony at the back was a strange sight in the peaceful town; a pegasus fillie garbed in a set of bulky, clunky iron armor, chipped and dinged, rusted in places (certainly the rainstorm did little to help this) and now caked in mud. The wheel of the carriage appeared to be cracked, and so the fillie had taken it upon herself to help the travellers safely reach the town. "We can take it from here, ma'am!" The pony drawing the carriage shouted over the downpour. "Thank you so much for your help! If there's something we can do to repay you..." "It's no problem at all, just doing my duty!" The fillie replied. "Safe travels!" With a nod, the driver took the carriage on down the road, leaving the armored stranger standing in the rain. Her name was Kite, and as she watched the carriage proceed down the road and get lost in the haze of the downpour, she wondered nervously if she'd done well; after all, it was the duty of a knight to help others, and her dream to be a knight! Standing in the rain, she certainly felt good for helping, but she didn't feel anymore knightly than before; if anything, she was just soaked. A REAL knight would have gotten them to town before the brunt of the storm had hit, after all. Looking around, the wannabe knight sought someone else to help out, though it seemed that the storm had scared the population indoors. "I wonder if maybe I could stop the storm... certainly the townsfolk would appreciate that..." She looked up at the sky, which seemed to grumble ominously in response. "Eh... maybe not..." Kite shook the idea from her mind; what she had in desire to become a knight, she certainly lacked in confidence and self esteem. The pegasus instead averted her eyes from the sky, looking for shelter; standing in the rain was helping nobody, and she was tired and sore from her journey from Canterlot. The fillie could barely see her own hoofs in the downpour though, and instead opted to grab shelter under a nearby tree, hoping to wait out the storm. From the looks of things though, it was going to be a long, stormy night!
  15. Hi there foalks! I was wondering if any budding designers out there would be able to assist me in designing a suit of armor for my wannabe knight pony, Kite. I'm afraid I lack artistic talent, so I was only able to create her current design (as seen via the link in my sig) through a pony generator, which unfortunately does not provide big iron helmets with comically sliding down visors, and big clunky rusty armor. If anypony could help me out, it'd be greatly appreciated, and you'd have the gratitude of a future Royal Knight on your side as well! XP
  16. I like the concept of Trollestia and Discord locked in an epic battle to troll all of Equestria, with the hapless ponies all caught in the fray, actually. I'm sure the internet will take that concept and run with it.
  17. Kite was accepted! Now, where to start...?

  18. No timeouts on my end either (using Chrome), but I can confirm the same minor spikes in load times.
  19. Ah, that's alot clearer now; thanks, the both of you! Sounds like an organized system straight out of Twilight's mind! n_n
  20. Kite


    Added a little explanation under the Cutie Mark tab; it's essentially because of her usually jumping in the line of fire to protect others. Under the armor, she tends to be pretty dinged up- the bandages being there are not to conceal the cutie mark purposefully, but are moreso there just by chance. It's mostly to play with the gag that many consider her talent to be a crash test dummy. XP
  21. The lack of hockey love in this thread astounds and disgusts this pony. Seriously, it's full contact, high speed, fighting enabled epicness; what's not to love?
  22. I don't see much point in creating a separate topic, as I have a similar question but regarding the amount of time it takes for an App to be reviewed. As always, I know that the service is provided for free and staff have their own lives off the forums (I've done the forum moderator thing before, I feel for you guys) but I was just curious as to the general turnover time. Is it only admins that review and accept character apps, or are moderators and RP Helpstaff part of the process as well? I know I'm fairly new, but perhaps in the future I could help out as well; if Winter Wrap up teaches us anything, it's that things get done fast and efficiently when everypony chips in, right? :grin:
  23. I don't flaunt it, but on the other hand, I don't flaunt every videogame I play or every TV show I watch, so I suppose that's standard. XP I still feel a little silly about it though, if truth be told, but whatever, I'm sure I'll get over it. XP
  24. Alternatively, one can place an angry Fluttershy at the starting line, and watch as a stream of Canterlot's woodland creatures proceed to win the running of the leaves.
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