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The Airship Crash

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Well, -with all due respect, mind you- Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor are just two ponies. I bet Equestria has at least hundreds of thousands of them, and please, correct me if i'm wrong, but I never see that Shining Armor was extremely skilled and gifted. Well, just Shining Armor, because I admit that Twi is pretty boss. Well, I know what you're thinking...

"But Temp, Shining Armor is a high-ranking Captain in the Royal Guard!"

Well, here is my case number 1. Shining Armor is only a Captain, because he got there first. Basically, he started off as a Warrant Officer, then made his way up to Captain due to experience. (Well, due to board canon. They never really touched up upon it on the show.) And on the other hand, Percival is just a Private First Class, yes, but he's new, and he will make his way up the ranks sooner or later, just like shining. So magical capability based on military rank is not necessarily true. Other than Shining being a Captain and all, I really don't see how you could say that he is "extremely skilled and talented." Again, please inform me if I'm wrong or missing something. Oh yes, I almost forgot, Shining and Candace put up a huge barrier over all of Canterlot, but we will never know how much of that magic Shining put into the spell. Who knows? They could have been a perfect couple, and each contributed to half of the spell, or on the other hand, he could just be putting in a small portion. Like those guys who put a finger on a particular object being lifted, and say he's "helping." We'd never know.

And if somehow I missed something about my first case, and it's completely irrelevant. He're is my case number 2.

I personally believe that force fields are not set in stone, and I believe that they are three factors that define the quality of a force-field. Thickness, size and encasement. Thickness is how thick and dense the barrier is, size is how large the barrier is, and encasement is how much it practically covers. For instance, perfect encasement is a full circle, perhaps in mid-air. Semi circles are for the ground, and anything lower, like a quadrant, or even an octant, is for weaker-class unicorns, or for smaller targets. What i'm basically saying, is that even thought Twi could do it, Percy could do it too, but possibly weaker. And also, they're are many, many different types of magic, from Alteration, Conjuration, Illusion, to even Restoration or Destruction. (Totally ripped of of Skyrim, lol). So basically, even if Twi is great at barriers, she might stink at restoration, which my OC is actually good at. Just like savants, IRL. There is some dude, that could barely walk, or speak. But when he went on a helicopter on a flyover of Rome. He was able to re-draw the entire city on a huge canvas. Building for building. And I ain't done yet. We all know that Twilight is pretty boss at magic, that part we agree on. But who said that force fields are so, "hard to cast" in the first place, after all, we only saw a few ponies cast them. They could be one of the most simplistic, and basic spells in the book. And even if Barriers really are hard to do, doesn't means that other ponies can't pick it up as well. For instance, Chuck Norris could do a perfect roundhouse, which is very hard to do. But a bum on the street could pick it up, and do it as well.

Case number 3!

On top of the huge case I built, I still have one more thing to say.


Yes, Panic. you have to remember, Percy was in the middle of an airship crash. And even IRL, whenever you are under extreme stress or pressure, your body will kick into overdrive, and your speed and strength increases. Like the whenever a mother's child get's stuck under a car, the mother would suddenly get super-strength and lift the car to her son/daughters' safety. I'm sure you've heard that, our similar versions of that story countless times before. what i'm trying to say is that Percival was experiencing the exact same thing, and his power was amplified due to extreme stress and danger.

Were not friends yet? BS. I'll fix that injustice.

I agree with you in some points, but it doesn't matter. Board canon makes the following fact: No unicorn is going to be as powerful as Twilight, who is the element of magic, or Shining Armor, who is the Captain of the Guard, of the same bloodline as Twilight, and has a protective spell only he can conjure up. You'd have a case if Percy was a specialist in protection spells or if being able to summon barriers of this sort was part of his application, but it isn't. If a combat medic pony can do this, then the REA shouldn't even have any wounded ponies in the first place- they would all, or should be all, able to summon protective barriers of the same type since they would be under stress.

As an RP Helper, I also have to keep an eye on making sure people don't suddenly start saying that their pony is capable of X thing which could easily be gamebreaking and canon breaking. Being able to summon a barrier of that size and capability should be the purview of specialists in that field, not combat medic pony who mentions such a spell zero times in the application. And even then, I'd be more inclined to let it slide if it was a small barrier covering perhaps a few passengers. But the size and capability of the barrier as well as the pony casting it suggests that this is in some ways a basic spell that is amplified, when the closest examples we have come from extremely important and special ponies in canon- the Element of Magic and the Captain with a hypercharged version of it.

So while i like your case, it sadly is irrelevant since we are talking the RP here on the forum and not a fan fiction or some other setting. This isn't a warning and I'm not asking you to edit it out; I'm just asking that for future reference, try to remember who your character is- a young medic, not an elite spellcaster. It takes away from your character when he becomes Elite Spellcasting Unicorn #30449.

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I agree with you in some points, but it doesn't matter. Board canon makes the following fact: No unicorn is going to be as powerful as Twilight, who is the element of magic, or Shining Armor, who is the Captain of the Guard, of the same bloodline as Twilight, and has a protective spell only he can conjure up. You'd have a case if Percy was a specialist in protection spells or if being able to summon barriers of this sort was part of his application, but it isn't. If a combat medic pony can do this, then the REA shouldn't even have any wounded ponies in the first place- they would all, or should be all, able to summon protective barriers of the same type since they would be under stress.

As an RP Helper, I also have to keep an eye on making sure people don't suddenly start saying that their pony is capable of X thing which could easily be gamebreaking and canon breaking. Being able to summon a barrier of that size and capability should be the purview of specialists in that field, not combat medic pony who mentions such a spell zero times in the application. And even then, I'd be more inclined to let it slide if it was a small barrier covering perhaps a few passengers. But the size and capability of the barrier as well as the pony casting it suggests that this is in some ways a basic spell that is amplified, when the closest examples we have come from extremely important and special ponies in canon- the Element of Magic and the Captain with a hypercharged version of it.

So while i like your case, it sadly is irrelevant since we are talking the RP here on the forum and not a fan fiction or some other setting. This isn't a warning and I'm not asking you to edit it out; I'm just asking that for future reference, try to remember who your character is- a young medic, not an elite spellcaster. It takes away from your character when he becomes Elite Spellcasting Unicorn #30449.

Well, about what you said about the "Elite Spell-casting Unicorn #30449" (Great use of numbers by the way, very original). I would have never played my OC like that. I would factor in things like how long he could keep up the barrier, or how much stress he could take before he loses control of it. Trust me, I am no power-gamer. But I guess your right about the "barrier spell" being a sacred spell and all. And I may have underestimated Twilight Sparkle, and well, her family just a bit.

But for the record...


I give up, you win.

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Regardless of what your characters would do in an emergency, you can't break the rules of the RP- and directly controlling the movements and actions of other characters *is* godmodding. You have to understand that while in this scenario it may seem benign, if I let you force ponies into duck and cover-esque positions, then I also have to allow it if another unicorn says he can make ponies do things in other RPs as well. You can have your characters react how you think they would and have your characters try to prepare the others, but you can't force them through magic to do anything unless you have the pre-authorized consent of the players.

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I'm sorry about not posting in the past two days, I was otherwise occupied. I shall work on a post immediately, friends!

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I'm sorry about not posting in the past two days, I was otherwise occupied. I shall work on a post immediately, friends!

Hey Chap, did you know that the R101 airship crash was the deadliest civilian, and air-to-ground airship crash ever recorded? Second only to the USS Akron, (73 dead, sea accident) this crash was reported 48 dead, and 6 survivors. Just a relevant IRL fact.


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Regardless of what your characters would do in an emergency, you can't break the rules of the RP- and directly controlling the movements and actions of other characters *is* godmodding. You have to understand that while in this scenario it may seem benign, if I let you force ponies into duck and cover-esque positions, then I also have to allow it if another unicorn says he can make ponies do things in other RPs as well. You can have your characters react how you think they would and have your characters try to prepare the others, but you can't force them through magic to do anything unless you have the pre-authorized consent of the players.

I apologise for the whole incident I didn't set out with the intention of goddmodding but yes I definately did there, i blame my own inexperience; so sorry.

Hey Chap, did you know that the R101 airship crash was the deadliest civilian, and air-to-ground airship crash ever recorded? Second only to the USS Akron, (73 dead, sea accident) this crash was reported 48 dead, and 6 survivors. Just a relevant IRL fact.

I may not be chap but I knew that; I didn't realise that people who aren't me bother to learn about that obscure stuff too.
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It's fine. Instead of having you edit it out, which is always a pain, I decided to correct it in a funny manner. It worked out for the best!

Good news Steel, I changed the, "professionally casting a huge barrier" deal to a "I panicked and forced out all of my magic, and a shield miraculously appeared" sort of deal. Just to make it more canon friendly.

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Hey guys, I hate to ruin any fun or anything, but can we please tone down the blood and gore a notch or three on the RP? Please remember that this is the Mane RP - and therefore, G-rated. Some blood is fine but, it is getting a bit too excessive.

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Hey guys, I hate to ruin any fun or anything, but can we please tone down the blood and gore a notch or three on the RP? Please remember that this is the Mane RP - and therefore, G-rated. Some blood is fine but, it is getting a bit too excessive.

I was thinking exactly the same thing, this RP is getting particularly gory. I was speaking to Phil a while back about what injuries we could RP about, and we settled on anything, as long as it didn't include any blood. And I'm starting to see alot of raspberry sauce from some of our RPer's, not naming any names.


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The key is how it is used and how dramatic an injury is played. My OC Pathfinder has been hit in the wing with an arrow, bucked until one of her legs is little more than jelly, has been beaten viciously by griffons and nearly impaled on a wall of spears. Oh, and she is currently being injected by a chemical that could permanently disable her wings. However, when I write for her, I don't go into detail on how gruesome the injuries are. I say she has them and how she deals with them becomes the focus of the post.

The fact your character is wounded or hurt doesn't matter and shouldn't be the focus of your posts,which it has been for a few in the RP. And overall, remember that while healthy drama is a good for the RP, don't make the RP too overdramatic or tense.

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Brilliant advice Steel and I thank you for it. I will definitely excercise these tips in my future posts. I don't see much in the way of foreseeable future for now. So dealing with the injuries is now my focus. I apologize for any problems I might have caused :)

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Ah yes, that also leads to my other thing to say. My OC Percival is pretty much the only trained medic on the entire airship, and no doubt that he'd be patching up alot of all you're other OCs. And when I do, I might say things like "He yelled in pain" or "Percy forced his hooves down" , stuff like that, and I could easily see how that could come off as god-modding to other players.

All I ask is to trust me, especially if I make your OC yell, or even cry a bit while Percy is working on them. In fact, I have seen grown, burly men cry like a baby, at a dislocated shoulder.

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I'll be posting later today. Who is still in the crash, what is your situation, and how do you want Valen to help you?

Just so all the info is clear, I'll start.

Serendipity is outside of the crash. She had a completely broken right wing and a number of other less serious injuries that keep her out of commission. She is however, out of danger and does not really need any further help.

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Timbre Swing's out. He's got a few minor injuries, and is currently passed out on the ground in front of the airship. Being that he was one of the unicorns straining to keep it up, I figure it'll start shifting soon and basically be everypony's cue to start making for the exit doors (located at the front and back of the aircraft. See the brochure in your seat pockets for details).

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  • 4 weeks later...

just curious, will there be a rescue effort mounted? I might want to have one of my characters participate and it seems too late to be a crash victim

Yes, there will. I'm sure anypony could participate in the rescue, although Military/Emergency Medical Services would be appreciated.

May I have a link please?

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I actually don't think Chap had a rescue planned any time soon. The focus of the thread is supposed to be on the aftermath of the crash. Maybe there will be a rescue effort of some variety toward the end, but I don't think that's what we're going for here for the most part.

On another subject, I was just working on a post when something caught my eye:

"At first, the wing just looked like it was badly sprained, or twisted. But as he surveyed the wing even more, he discovered that the mare's phalanges were slightly fractured. It was broken, but barely."

I've kind of been rather extensively focusing on Serendipity's broken wing, the damage to it and the pain from it in like the last three or four of my posts. My intention was to have it be badly broken, and that's what I've been saying in the text of my posts for a while now. I have planned for this to be an important plot point for her for when the thread really gets going (since it prohibits her from just flying off on her own like she normally would).

So I'm really not sure I like this idea of the damage to her wing being downplayed when I've been building it up for a while now

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