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You are/What do?

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Anyways, club 'em.

You are a magiccarp. What do?


I would splash, and splash.. and SPLASH some more!! X3

You are in high school, and get pulled into the office because you get a dreaded pink slip, requesting your immediate presence in the principal's office. You go, and the principal stares you down with that type of share that just seems to shrink a confident being into a small miserable puddle of quivering fear. Your heart drops as she says that they've found 5 pounds of crack cocaine in your locker, which you know isn't true at all. What do?

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1) Make wood plank blocks

2) Combine 4 to create a crafting table

3) Create a furnace

4) Create coal

5) Find some iron ore

6) Using the crafting table, craft an iron pickaxe


99) Make a portal to the Nether

100) Die

101) ????

102) Profit.

You meet an Enderdragon. What do?

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I black out and get sent to the hospital. When I recover, I go out to sea and find the fish. Then fry it up and eat it in front of its fish family, which I have also caught.

Then I use an Epipen and call an ambulance, due to me having a severe seafood allergy.


You're given the option to go to either Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or to go to Equestria....What do?

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I tell Rarity how unfashionable the Changelings are and let her go on from there. While I sit back and sip tea as I watch Rarity destroy said changelings.

You are alone for the rest of your life and as you sit on your death bed, someone confesses their love to you. The thing is, you hated this person all your life. What do?

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Tell the pilot to turn around

You have been chosen to be in the hunger games along with your Bro/sis (if you dont have one or the other your cousin [if you dont have a cousin of the opposite gender then its the Peeta in your life.]) What do?

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