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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open: OOC Discussion)

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Right, Nova...

Scythe, magic is powerful but so is raw determination and heart. As for Chrysalis, sounds like she may become a threat to Striker's goals... I got my eye on you. lol ^^

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Did Red Fox ever recieve or hear Striker's message to her over the secure GEF military comms when he raided the depot at Baltimare? Just wondering. I kinda did the message so I can interact in someway. Please tell me if I missed something.

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Erm...I think the Freelancers are getting a bit out of hand :/ to be honest, no other faction is supposed to be as strong or stronger than the GEF...for a good reason. I thought the Freelancers would be an interesting addition to the RP, but just...the threat of nuclear annihilation just doesn't fit, and what is the point of having the GEF as the main antagonist faction if there are factions stronger than it? If you could just tug a little less on the reins there, Nova...I'd really appreciate it.

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Name: Knowledge

*Age: "Well, lets put it this way. I'm knowledge. Knowledge is power. Power is a form of energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. So I've been around since the beggining of what you ponies call time."

Gender: "Meh, it depends on if you are viewing the latin or germanic roots. Oh I'm sorry you don't have those languages do you? Well then might as well be male."

Race: Extradimensional

**Faction: "So you have how many factions in this war? This might turn out to be interesting on my part. Oh the knowlegde I'll acquire! Oh, and I'm just here for the, what is that word you ponies use again... bucks. Yes. I'm here because I have nothing better to do and quite frankly the other dimensions got boring."

Occupation: Keeper of information and data, appointed by Universe himself

***Goal/Motivation: "I just want to know what the... err... "buck" is going on right now. Sure I'm technically just a void empty of matter and energy, but keeping track of things gets boring. Universe said I could have a two year break, and I think this is worth putting in my archives."

Background Story: "You want to hear about how it all began? TOO BAD! NOT MY JOB! But serriously, being immortal isn't all it is cracked up to be. You can't physically interact with anything around you, and you can only make vibrations in the air that sounds somewhat like a voice to communicate with anybo- anypony else. That does come in handy when running from a crazed maniac, but not too fun when you found a good read and can't flip the page."

Basically a character that would just be there to be annoying. He wouldn't share any information that he learned, but he would talk to the Freelancer leader and Twilight just to see how much information he could glean off them before pretending to copy their memories into his and appearing somewhere else.

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well............ Free is wanting the war solved peacefully at least, that at least gets him some good guy points right? Plus it's extremely hard to control your army while you are locked away in prison for 5 years. At least Free's trying :P

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well............ Free is wanting the war solved peacefully at least, that at least gets him some good guy points right? Plus it's extremely hard to control your army while you are locked away in prison for 5 years. At least Free's trying :razz:

...and he should be proud of himself :) few ponies can put up with what he's gone through (although, it seems like every OC in this RP has gone through similar events...).

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