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Revolution: A Hoof in the Dark (Open: OOC Discussion)

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Is that brother of Discord thing really going to happen? If so I have an equal but opposite reaction planned... I have been planning to make him a FFA OC anyway... *sly grin*

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Is that brother of Discord thing really going to happen? If so I have an equal but opposite reaction planned... I have been planning to make him a FFA OC anyway... *sly grin*

Well, they aren't really "brothers" in that sense of the word...but both were Gods that were worshiped before the advent of the Principality. I'm kinda hesitant on allowing a Old God OC (and don't be like "but you have an Old God OC" because I don't. He's a side-character, only there for the background story). If you want to make an App for it, send it to me via PM, and I'll see what I can do. Just don't be surprised if I decline it...Gods have so much power :|

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A poem I wrote and didn't want to wait to post until this was all done.

What War Thinks

You want it to end

By ending others

You cry for your dead

And detest theirs

You know your right

Just have to prove it

Through a violent plight

Which you view through a slit

A wondrous explosion

That none can admire

Causes the finish

No one desired

A war is gone

It’s done for now

The winners are justified

With empty words

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A poem I wrote and didn't want to wait to post until this was all done.

What War Thinks

You want it to end

By ending others

You cry for your dead

And detest theirs

You know your right

Just have to prove it

Through a violent plight

Which you view through a slit

A wondrous explosion

That none can admire

Causes the finish

No one desired

A war is gone

It’s done for now

The winners are justified

With empty words

That's...rather deep.

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A poem I wrote and didn't want to wait to post until this was all done.

What War Thinks

You want it to end

By ending others

You cry for your dead

And detest theirs

You know your right

Just have to prove it

Through a violent plight

Which you view through a slit

A wondrous explosion

That none can admire

Causes the finish

No one desired

A war is gone

It’s done for now

The winners are justified

With empty words

I like this very muchly! It really made me think about war.. and I love the view that you show through the poem. You really don't prove who's right, and you're still going to be opposed even if you win, but even if you're "wrong," you're the only one who's left, so you have a hollow victory. It's like, "Cool, you win. I don't agree, but have your way, bro."

...Anyway... I don't know if it's just because I came in midway or whatever.. But I'm finding this very difficult to follow thisss.. o//o Admittedly, I never was able to get a very good handle on it even when while signing up.. but yeah.. x#3

Also, that was indeed a great post, Draco! I enjoyed it thoroughly. C: And I'm surprised that nobody else is human here!! Sometimes I think that I might be a changeling who just got stuck looking like a person, because I know that I wouldn't survive without love ^^

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I just wanted to point out (after reading the last three pages Oo) that I feel like ... NOTHING with an entire race under my command. >_< Just... saying - give changelings a bit more credit. Each of them is stronger (due to wings/magic) than the normal citizen or soldier plus they are all natural experts at fooling everyone. Atm it is more like the GEF is almighty, Freelancers are a small group that are more important than the RLF, the RLF is sitting back and for me its like I'm having a handful of soldiers that aren't any threat to anyone at all.

I'm waiting btw on Gladius/Free to arrive at the bottom of the falls - since you made no post anymore after my last one.

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