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Season three disappointment...


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So, i'm starting to wonder if Season 3 will be a big disappointment... Everyone is hyping it up (including the makers of the show) And i can't help recalling how hype has disappointed me in the past... The Wii, the 3DS, Conduit, Sinister, plenty of other games and movies... I'm just worried that all the hype will only make us all disappointed in this... Perhaps they need to calm down a bit so we dont set our expectation on the moon?

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No. It will be amazing. We've seen plenty of teaser content that shows us what to expect, and that's just from the first two episodes alone. We'll see plenty of new characters, the promised return of a certain villain...it's going to be mind-blowingly fantastic. I have faith in the show's production team that we will not be disappointed. They are an inspired bunch, and I feel each season will only get better and better as the pony phenomenon grows.

You know they won't close off such a short season without an equally fantastic finale. We'll look back on S3 when S4 rolls around with fond memories and plenty of "omigoshomigoshomigosh!"

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Is tantamount to neighsaying about the Season before it comes out. Now, if it does come out terrible then we should feel free to rage and hate life and such. But until then, let's just assume it'll blow our minds and make us throw even more money at Hasbro.

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I doubt S3 will be disappointing either. It's about this point in time in a show's life cycle when it'll fully mature out of its growing pains without yet fully exhausting all probable episode/character ideas. There'll come a time when it becomes obvious that MLP has run its course, but it doesn't look like that'll happen for at least another two years or so. :)

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I kind of have my doubts too, to be honest. I mean the two songs that they showed us seemed incredibly forced and pointless and were relatively unremarkable when compared with other songs we've seen from the show in the past. Not to mention that the plot for the first two episodes seems like a much more blatant marketing stunt than anything they've done before. I mean, a wedding is one thing, but "the Crystal Ponies?" Seriously? For some reason this reminds me of Hasbro's stunt in the 80's Transformers where they killed off half of the main cast so that they could introduce new toys to market.

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The Wii, the 3DS, Conduit, Sinister, plenty of other games and movies...

Well first of all those I kinda pegged three things as pretty bad ideas from the get go.

As for season 3 hype and disappointment... Have you watched A Canterlot Wedding?

DHX and Studio B do not disapoint

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We're all human...the fandom will understand if the Season isn't 100%, absolutely perfect... :)

I hope so, because once again we are only human and who knows how the fandom will react to a bad and short 3rd season.

WHAT GILDA DIDNT COME BACK!!! ECLIPSE SMASH!!! * precedes to flip tables*

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Pffft, everything that has a beginning has an end. It's true even for MLP:FiM (sad as it may be).


But yeah, that thought makes me sad... :(

BUT, this is about Season 3 hype, and as such, my post will be on topic. Although a whole bunch of people above have said what I am going to say, I'm going to say it anyway.


There's no point in arguing about it, DHX and Studio B, as Kryptchild said earlier, have proved again and again that they know how to make a good show. I have no doubts that S3 will be amazing.

And if you even want to point this in a mathematical direction, the gap between S1 and S2 was about 4 months. The gap between S2 and S3 is 7 months, and they are chopping the episode count in half. That means the episodes in S3 should be 3.5 times better. If I did my calculations right. :razz:

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But yeah, that thought makes me sad... :(

BUT, this is about Season 3 hype, and as such, my post will be on topic. Although a whole bunch of people above have said what I am going to say, I'm going to say it anyway.


There's no point in arguing about it, DHX and Studio B, as Kryptchild said earlier, have proved again and again that they know how to make a good show. I have no doubts that S3 will be amazing.

And if you even want to point this in a mathematical direction, the gap between S1 and S2 was about 4 months. The gap between S2 and S3 is 7 months, and they are chopping the episode count in half. That means the episodes in S3 should be 3.5 times better. If I did my calculations right. :razz:

Math? ill try this...

carry the two....


*Brain explodes*

But yeah i kinda figured that considering if something has time its gotta be epic(exept for duke nukem forever that was a catastrophy)

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I kind of have my doubts too, to be honest. I mean the two songs that they showed us seemed incredibly forced and pointless and were relatively unremarkable when compared with other songs we've seen from the show in the past. Not to mention that the plot for the first two episodes seems like a much more blatant marketing stunt than anything they've done before. I mean, a wedding is one thing, but "the Crystal Ponies?" Seriously? For some reason this reminds me of Hasbro's stunt in the 80's Transformers where they killed off half of the main cast so that they could introduce new toys to market.

I remember a rumor was that there was going to be a song in each episode which seems forced to me since so many episodes of the past would not be improved with a song.

The preview songs I will reserve judgement for until we can see the context. They may be going for a musical thing with the premiere much like how the wedding episode had so many songs

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The only thing I think I'm going to be disappointed by is how short the season will be. Compared to the 26 episodes the last two seasons each had, 13 just seams a bit light. What's more according to an article on Equestria Daily, the decision to make season 3 only 13 episodes long was made for the sake of profits and cutting production costs. It seems that the executives at Hasbro are convinced that younger viewers will be just as content to watch reruns and won't mind having less new episodes.

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What's more according to an article on Equestria Daily, the decision to make season 3 only 13 episodes long was made for the sake of profits and cutting production costs.

And you thought Hasbro's top priority was something other than obtaining maximum profits? :P

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Will Season 3 live up to the Hype? I'm pretty sure it wont... People have been waiting since the end of Season 2 doing absolutely nothing else with their time than watching the previous episodes in Season 1 and 2........ Its not like I have been doing that or anything..... >.> <.<

Will Season 3 be good? It most definitely will be. Anything with Friendship is Magic is automatically 20% cooler than anything else..... I just hope it doesn't completely flop on the hype... :(

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Will Season 3 live up to the Hype? I'm pretty sure it wont... People have been waiting since the end of Season 2 doing absolutely nothing else with their time than watching the previous episodes in Season 1 and 2........ Its not like I have been doing that or anything..... >.> <.<

Will Season 3 be good? It most definitely will be. Anything with Friendship is Magic is automatically 20% cooler than anything else..... I just hope it doesn't completely flop on the hype... :(

Blasphemy! It shall be awesome. Just keep in mind, It IS (As much as we all love to say it isn't) still a kid's show, so don't plan for any, idk shipping or anything

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People have been waiting since the end of Season 2 doing absolutely nothing else with their time than watching the previous episodes in Season 1 and 2........

Not me; I've been spending my time RPing here and looking at other MLP fanworks instead. :D

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ok so reading some of the season 3 episode spoilers has made me decide...


i mean really, Pinkie cloning, more trixie?

thats amazing, and its the first few episodes too, so theres no doubt theres some epicness in store for the bronies this year and next year.

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