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So that's about it for me. I am super excited to start RPing on here and I'm also excited to meet many of you! :)

Edited by JLBelle12
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Hi, nice to meet ya :) Call me Cat.

I like cats (obviously) and music (obviously, but I only listen to rock and metal etc)

Do you have a favourite scary movie? and a favourite comedy?

I'm also not much of an RP person as well :razz:

I also really (x Infinite) love to watch the anime called One Piece, and I like to watch Doctor Who.

P.S. Don't worry, I won't slap you, but that sure is a lot of typing you did there.

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Oh why hello there Cat and it is nice to meet you as well.

My favorite scary movie will have to be the Exorcist (1973 movie). It is one of the only scary movies that will scare me to death, I do not care how old it is it does scare me. So that is why it is my favorite since it scares me.

My favorite comedy...Geeze that one is hard. I love many comedies so I will list a few that I watch over and over. Jack and Jill, Grown Ups, The Proposal, and I went to see Pitch perfect about 2 weeks ago and I was crying it was so funny.

Yes, yes I did type a lot surprisingly I usually can never type that much when I talk about myself. Wow... I as well like to watch Doctor Who so we have something in common I suppose.

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Excellent choice picking Twilight as one of your Favorites -w-)/) Welcome to Canterlot! Greatest city in Equestria!

There is certainly a lot to learn about you and I'm happy to have you with us, the names Lovin' Moonlight or LM for short. I can't believe people are talking about us in real life :-o Would they happen to be apart of the site as well?

Not really digging onDeamand anymore since I have to pay to watch many cool shows, including MLP and Pound Puppies. But, meh, there's always the Funimation Channel.

I'd love to see some of your art work! We have many a great artist here that your can check out and talk to. I hope you enjoy yourself around here. :smug:

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I am not sure if they do have accounts on here, so I might have to ask them about that. They aren't too big on RP and they just found that site I guess by browsing the internet and they told me about it. So I thank them for letting me know about this site.

I picked Twily as a favorite since I can say I am like her in a few ways and such. /)

I thank you all for the welcomes and I will be sure to show some of my better works on here soon.

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Oh why hello there Cat and it is nice to meet you as well.

My favorite scary movie will have to be the Exorcist (1973 movie). It is one of the only scary movies that will scare me to death, I do not care how old it is it does scare me. So that is why it is my favorite since it scares me.

My favorite comedy...Geeze that one is hard. I love many comedies so I will list a few that I watch over and over. Jack and Jill, Grown Ups, The Proposal, and I went to see Pitch perfect about 2 weeks ago and I was crying it was so funny.

Yes, yes I did type a lot surprisingly I usually can never type that much when I talk about myself. Wow... I as well like to watch Doctor Who so we have something in common I suppose.

This is hilarious, watch it! :D

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There's... something off with that pony we encounter here.

Page! Fetch me a parchment and a feather at once!

I hereby decree,

the following citizen is to be put under an observation, by any means necessary. I shall not allow myself to remain uninformed of hers actions, as these could put my plans into jeopardy. I demand ears guarding her day and night, at every moment. My intuition's telling me that this particular unit will have a deep impact on this society. I ought not to leave her issue unattended.

It is of greatest importance not to forget about a proper greeting. I prefer creating myself powerful allies rather than foes, even though what's a man without any foes? Undertake the necessary steps immediately.


Sir Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport and Warden of The West.

Here. Bring that to my most trusted lords and order them to greet this newcomer at once. Now, proceed, enough delays coming from your side. The Canterlot awaits.

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My favorite episode???? Easy. It would have to be The Best Night Ever (Gala Episode) I watch that one over and over again. Oh and thank you all for the welcomes!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent choice picking Twilight as one of your Favorites -w-)/) Welcome to Canterlot! Greatest city in Equestria!

There is certainly a lot to learn about you and I'm happy to have you with us, the names Lovin' Moonlight or LM for short. I can't believe people are talking about us in real life :-o Would they happen to be apart of the site as well?

Not really digging onDeamand anymore since I have to pay to watch many cool shows, including MLP and Pound Puppies. But, meh, there's always the Funimation Channel.

I'd love to see some of your art work! We have many a great artist here that your can check out and talk to. I hope you enjoy yourself around here. :smug:

[colour=#ffa07a]Don't seduce the new fillies [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]Lovy[/colour][colour=#ffa07a]. [/colour][colour=#FFA07A]


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[colour=#ffa07a]Hello, hello! ^ - ^ Nice to uhm, meet you... [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]Jema[/colour][colour=#ffa07a]! I'm sorry, I'm shy but once you get to know me I'll be alot more comfortable around you![/colour]

[colour=#FFA07A] [/colour][colour=#ffa07a]Just call me [/colour][colour=#d3d3d3]Feather [/colour][colour=#ffa07a]if you'd like.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So that's about it for me. I am super excited to start RPing on here and I'm also excited to meet many of you! :)


......Sorry about that :blush:

Anyways, Hello there! My name IS Midnight, but you may call me Eric. I'm a writer myself, and a huge punk rock fan.

As for RP, I'm looking foreward to seeing your RP skills. I love RPing too!

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