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Overarching storyline?


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okay, so watching Season 3 ep 1 and 2 got me thinking... there are a lot of plotholes and i didn't really like King Sombra... I didnt have much time to marinate in his juicy evil...

but i'm starting to think now... maybe this is what it was suppose to be like... maybe i'm left asking questions that will be answered in the future...

First of all, alot of talk about a test and 'being ready for the next step'... Then there's that book Luna's holding at the end of the episode... Not to mention the crystal empire being ruled by her brother... this is a lot of things that no self respecting writer would just leave to fall off into nothing... there has to be more...

Sombra obviously moves through the shadows, and frankly i dont think he's dead or banished, just weakened probably... and he only had two lines, if he was important enough to be leaked early, than he's got to have more screentime than the manticore.... and more lines than "Crystal, What? No! Stop!"... plus it looks like his horn was still intact after the explosion, which, earlier, when it popped off inside the barrier, he still had control over it. So i believe her COULD come back...

As for Celestias odd behavior, obviously she's preparing twi for something... not sure what... I saw a screencap of Luna looking at her with a glare at one point, but i can't seem to find it... But i would say that might hint at her being put in a position that Luna wants, but Celestia doesnt think she should have... not sure...

So yeah, long post short: Possibilty of a story arc going through all of Season 3? hence lack of number of episodes?

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Yeah, there was definitely a subplot for the two parter and it will continue in my opinion. In this Season 3 promo/commercial:

it says "One pony will discover her true destiny" with Twilight dead center performing some magic. So there is definitely something big planned to happen over the course of season 3 that may have been planned from the very beginning.

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it says "One pony will discover her true destiny" with Twilight dead center performing some magic. So there is definitely something big planned to happen over the course of season 3 that may have been planned from the very beginning.

Said it before and I'll say it again....

Implied Alicorn Twilight is best Twilight!

No way infinity symbol is coincidence.

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Actually, its funny you mention an overarching story, because when I first got into the brony community and watched the very first part 1, I have to admit, I had expected waaaay to much. I had thought Nightmare Moon would have spread the elements across Equestria, and the Mane 6 would have gone on this grand adventure to find the elements as they all came across to recognize their elements as integral parts of who they were. Then I watched part two, and I realized my imagination is too, well, imaginative. :razz:

But anyways, if they did go for the arc, I would be behind it one hundred and ten percent, if only to satisfy the first impressions I had of the show. Besides, they left so many details hanging they can't not bring some of them back.

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Implied Alicorn Twilight is best Twilight!

Personally, I'd prefer that Twilight not turn into an alicorn. Whatever is in store for her, I'd prefer that she remains a unicorn. :P

Anyway, I have no objections to an overarching arch just as long as it can be finished by the time the show ends. I'd hate to have FiM finish on a cliffhanger.

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Anyway, I have no objections to an overarching arch just as long as it can be finished by the time the show ends. I'd hate to have FiM finish on a cliffhanger.

That would be so hilariously cruel.

Yes, I got hints that this season might have more of a story arc, mostly from brief lines from Celestia and Luna. I'm quite excited to see how it will play out.

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We have seen an overarching plot in much of the story so far with Twilight. As a fan of the adorkable unicorn, let me analyze her.

Whether a person sees her as the best pony or not, there's no denying she is the protagonist to the series. Protagonists, by their nature, go through a metamorphosis, a shift from what they were to what they will become. In fantasy media, this is called The Hero's Journey, a process where one goes through to become more than they are and to complete a task or series of tasks in doing so. Examples would be Luke Skywalker is Star Wars, Frodo in The Lord of the Rings, and Dorthy in The Wizard of Oz.

Now back to Twilight. She is encouraged by Celestia to make friends, which we find is not only for her well being but because she is a very important piece in the Elements of Harmony. She is the catalyst: the glue that holds the others together. Literally we see the five friends circling around her like planets around a sun fueling the purple unicorn's magic for that extra blast. We've seen this with Nightmare Moon and Discord. This is the first red flag.

She through her interactions helps to identify the Elements and throughout Season 1 and 2 straighten them by helping them overcome their personal problems and conflicts with each other. Many times the ponies see the errors of their way on their own, but she provides a gentle nudge at times. And through them she learns about herself, a very hero like quality where allies help shape a hero. Red flag #2.

She faces evil and even though she may stumble she succeeds. Red flag #3.

When she set her hooves into Princess Celestia's School, we knew there was something special about her when she went on a magic meltdown. This is a big red flag as this is an omen of things to come. In heroic stories and media, some heroes are born powerful like Hercules while others are made like Harry Potter. Twilight is seen to have powerful raw magic that when refined becomes even more powerful. Throughout the series, I'd argue that her powers have only increased through studies, practice, and even under stress.

But that's not all. She is, of all ponies in the school, chosen to be the protege of Princess Celestia. Think about it: the most powerful ruler in Equestria (aside from Luna who most likely equals her power) has hoof picked Twilight. This fifth red flag is there to show that beyond just her magic, she is destined for something. Because while it's neat to be a student to a ruler, there's a reason for this. And not just for the Elements mind you, since again we've seen her do some pretty awesome things on her own.

(Danger: Season 3 Spoilers)

Now with the red flags present, let's look at Season 3 so far. Celestia and Luna could have easily destroyed King Sombre, recovered the Crystal Heart, and restored the Empire just like Twilight did. But they send her and her friends and explain that her alone needs to be the one to lead. Now the hero is setting out on her own quest and is given full reign to do so. We've seen this before with defeating Nightmare Moon and Discord, but this time it's more like Celestia is saying, "I'm trusting you to do this on your own. You're ready."

So there's this "next level," that was discussed. One has to wonder if Luna was worried about the Empire or also this next step. Something tells me it's both. So what could be the next step? I have my three theories:

  • The next ruler: This has been thought about but it is very likely. Maybe Twilight is next in line to rule/ co-rule. It is definitely something that is not to be taken lightly and one that Luna as seen in the episodes would be concerned about. Now this doesn't mean that Twilight is Celestia's secret daughter or that she'll become an alicorn like the Princesses, but there is still that option.
  • The next power level. For this I want to turn to Sailor Moon. In Sailor Moon, the group goes through with each new season a power upgrade. Maybe Twilight is prepared for becoming something like a Starswirl the Bearded or yes even an alicorn. This leads to the metamorphosis idea, which is physical, mental, emotional, or a combination. And with any new level, it should not be taken lightly. For every Luke Skywalker there's a Darth Vader. For every Harry Potter a Voldemort. A powerful person is just easier to become good or bad.
  • The Big Bad. Perhaps Celestia is setting Twilight up for the grand finale: the big bad villain that will be the final test, one more powerful that Discord, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, or King Sombre. We're talking planet destroyer level enemy here. Or it could be a boss rush. Twilight having to face every enemy previously in succession. This can relate to Theory 2 or 1 in preparing for this.

In time we'll know, but thankfully it seems it sill be sooner than later!

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To a lesser extend the other characters have also been developing as well. Rainbow Dash seems to have reigned in some of the brashness and fear of failure, although it isn't terribly consistent. Fluttershy is is somewhat more assertive depending on the episode, and Rarity's fashion business is growing in success. The Cutie Mark Crusaders also seem to be less obsessive over the crusading

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