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Canterlot Prep! (closed)


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Rainbow listens to some music, enjoying what she was hearing

Rainbow started a mental checklist about Nova

'He's funny, cool, athletic just like me! He plays guitar which is awesome, and he is pretty cut....wait a second, cool it Rainbow. Just cause he almost everything you want him to be, dosn't mean you should nearly throw yourself at him....Let him come to you, just play it cool Rainbow. I mean, he said YES! He is going to come with me, with means...he likes me!? ok ok ok, play it cool, don't look like a fool Rainbow.

"Umm, sweet, cool. Sounds good, i mean, like...yeah"

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[colour=#daa520]"Why thats mighty kind of you miss Black."[/colour] Applejack said taking the clothes


Puzzlebeat took the clothes and head to go get changed [colour=#008080]"thanks Miss Black."[/colour]

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After being pulled out from under the desk "that sounds nice... I need an outfit and then I'll be ready" she walked in and pulled the chain and had the ice cold water run down her "AAAAAAAAUGH!!! th-th-thats c-c-c-cold!!!" Her cries could be heard in the halls "Th... Thank you l... Lightning..." She grabbed the outfit "I... I'm ready to go now"

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Lightning nodded, "Hmm, I actually think this'll look better on you and me." She smiled warmly and walked with Flittershy, "You can keep it if you want, I haven't used it since I was a cheerleader at my old school."

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((*looks at everyone*


*looks into mirror*

At least I have me...

*le reflection leaves*))

Silver held his bag up to sheild himself from the blast. Narrowly avoiding getting chemicals and whatnot onto his person. [colour=#696968]"Well, that was....Loud and messy...Everyone's ok right?"[/colour] Silver looked around the room, noticing he was more than isolated from anyone else. [colour=#696969]"Oh I wish I was better at socializing..."[/colour] ,he said under his breath as he lowered his head slightly.

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Pinkie smelled it, well sort of, the lonelyness, the emtyness, the person in need of her attention, "NO PONY SHALL GO UNTURNED!" she said and ran over to Silver, "Hi,I'm Pinkie, not sure we met, did we meet, i don't think we met, its nice to meet you, or re meet you,"she said with a smile and held out er hand and waited.

(but gtg, sigh, wont be 0n for nother 12 hr! sigh again, sorry silver, at least you have something to start ith :P)

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~Ruby and Garnet Gleam, in Chemistry Class~

The twins sat silently in the back of the class, hardly paying any attention to the other students. Sitting next to each other, they passed back and forth a small blue ball out of boredom, only sparing the occasional glance to the front of the class. Ruby, the twin with the star-lit mirror hairpin, changed the ball's colour to purple as it arrived to her sister, Garnet's, lap. Garnet did the same as she passed it back, changing to back to blue. "...I hope something exciting happens soon." Ruby sighed boredly, Garnet nodding in agreement. "It doesn't help that we don't know anyone here...that'd make things more entertaining." Something drew their attention as they turned to see the large bubble drift into the middle of the class and blinked in surprise.

"Uh oh..." Was all they managed to say before it exploded, drenching the floor and a few other students in chemicals. Miraculously, nothing got on them. Ruby watched for a few more moments before smirking. "...well, that gives me an idea." Garnet's eyes sparkled as she leaned in. "Hehe...really? Do tell..." The twins whispered to each other excitedly, once again oblivious to the other students and teacher.

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Cloud Shimmers:

Cloud walked into the classroom, late, and saw the sight before him; goo all over the floor, students covered in it. "Sorry Im late," He walked over to Ms. Black; "Heres my note, sleep therapy session." He went over to a desk, next to a pair of twins, "Excuse me, Do you either of you know what Ive missed so far?"

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~Ruby and Garnet Gleam~

Garnet lifted her eyes and nudged Ruby a little, making her look up at her sister, then behind to Cloud as he spoke his question. "Um...nothing really important. A few introductions, late arrivals, and then a bubble that blew up half the classroom. You're safe." Garnet smirked. "Figuratively speaking, of course." Ruby giggled in spite of herself, glancing at the teacher.

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Quiet Sapphire hears the Bell Ring and sighs as he stands, uses his magic to put his backpack on and walks out of the room not saying a word, as he was too entranced with the notebook he seemed to always be scribbling in.

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Rainbow stretched her arms, legs and wings before standing up, throwing her bag on her back and looking over at Nova, blushing slightly "Hey, Nova? What's next? I'm can't be bothered checking my timetable"

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broken stood up, looked at his schedule, and flicked his horn a few times

"i hope this works" Broken said as he teleported with a loud bang and a plume of smoke.

he was in math but he miscalculated and teleported a few feet above the desks, Crash!

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(Oooh, this is Miss Sunshine's queue! Hehehe...)

~Ruby and Garnet Gleam~

The twins got up slowly when the bell rang, picking up their bags and walking away together towards the door. They spared no glances toward anyone, completely content to keep to themselves, and exited the classroom, heading on to what appeared to be Math class next.


~Miss Autumn Sunshine, Math Classroom~

She leaned back in her specialized leather chair casually, smiling to herself as she heard the bell ring. The first class of the year...wonderful. Plenty of new minds to mold, manipulate, toy with...oh, sorry. Can't get old habits out of her own head! She tipped her fedora downward so that it covered her amber-coloured eyes, her gray and white suit and skirt neatly pressed, and her shoes a glossy black. Setting her legs on her desk, she waited patiently for the new students to arrive. "...this is going to be fun." Miss Sunshine muttered to herself, smiling all the more. Papa Alfredo would be proud.

Her thoughts were halted when suddenly a loud crash was sounded, causing her to raise her fedora slightly to look at her classroom to see what it was...a student who appeared to be horrible with magic, it seems. Ugh...parents really should teach their kids how to use their gifts before sending them to school...it wasn't the teacher's job to fix them! "Ahem...I hope you'll be cleaning up the mess you made, kiddo." Her Manehatten accent was thick, and dripping with a subtle warning.

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Puzzlebeat was running back to the classroom to get his backpack [colour=#008080]"crude I should have grabbed it on my way out."[/colour] he said to himself he turned a corner and ran into Pinkie both of which fell to the ground.


[colour=#daa520]"Well that was fun," [/colour]Applejack said to her friends when Puzzlebeat came running around the corner and hitting Pinkie Pie. [colour=#daa520]"What the-? are you two ok?"[/colour]

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Cloud followed along behind the twins, "Hey Im Cloud by the way, what are you two's names?" He walked in front of them backwards.

Lightning Chaser:

Lightning got up, "come on, Shade, Invite Colette to lunch with us!" She pinched Shade's butt and sent off towards the other girl, looking back at Ms. Black, "So, where should I got for tutoring? I'd hate to miss out on such.. interesting projects."

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Rainbow stretched her arms, legs and wings before standing up, throwing her bag on her back and looking over at Nova, blushing slightly "Hey, Nova? You wanna hang out, or something...?"

Nova got up energetically and launched his backpack on his back picking up all his equipment and placing them in the backpack before turning to Rainbow Dash and smirking, "sure Dash got anything in mind?" he asked while closing his desk and ready to go to the next class.

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"Well Nova, i thought with your claim at being a future Wonderbolt, you'll put your bits where your mouth are. I want a race, since i'm obivusly going to join the Wonderbolts when i leave here, i think it's time you get a speed test, whatcha think?"

Rainbow smiles slightly, her confidence (and ego) increasing

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((Pinkie Pie? My friend? I'd rather be a cupcake...Wait no!! Friendship is cool too...))

Silver was just about ready to leave the class entirely when he was confronted by a pink blur. The cheery and excited girl introduced herself as Pinkie and went off into seemingly random speech. Silver didn't understand much of it, but was able to understand it was a greeting. [colour=#696969]"Oh, umm....You can just call me Silver. It's nice to meet you, Pinkie"[/colour] He proceeded to extended his arm as well. Grasping Pinkie's hand with his own and shaking it lightly as the bell rung in the backround. [colour=#696969]"Well, I, uh...Got to go. So, um, I guess I'll see you later? Bye Pinkie."[/colour] Silver released his grip and smiled shyly at her before he excited the classroom. Turning around only to see the boy with the Rubiks cube addiction run straight into Pinkie. He simply disregarded this, the situation not really concerning him anymore.

He made his way quickly over to math. Only to find Broken in a bit of a jam. [colour=#696969]Broken!? What did you do!?"[/colour] , he turned to face the teacher who remained still at her desk. [colour=#696969]"Sorry about my friend, it won't happen again. Right, Broken?"[/colour] Silver looked at his friend, unamused.

((didn't refresh the page for twenty minutes as I wrote my post...Got ninja'd..... :roll:

Now I may do some editing.....Curse you Puzzlebeat :/

Ok, I've edited it, but only slightly ))

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[colour=#008080]"yeah, I'm good. Sorry bout that I'm Puzzlebeat."[/colour] Puzzlebeat said taking the hand getting up[colour=#008080] "whats your names?"[/colour]


[colour=#daa520]"I'm Applejack." [/colour]Applejack replied to the pegasus. [colour=#daa520]"this is Pinkie Pie. Why were you in such a rush?"[/colour]

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